Pipes and sockets will pass binary data as well as text. But there are good reasons the examples we'll see in Chapter�7 are textual: reasons that hark back to Doug McIlroy's advice quoted in Chapter�1. Text streams are a valuable universal format because they're easy for human beings to read, write, and edit without specialized tools. These formats are (or can be designed to be) transparent.
Also, the very limitations of text streams help enforce encapsulation. By discouraging elaborate representations with rich, densely encoded structure, text streams also discourage programs from being promiscuous with each other about their internal states and help enforce encapsulation. We'll return to this point at the end of Chapter�7 when we discuss RPC.
When you feel the urge to design a complex binary file format, or a complex binary application protocol, it is generally wise to lie down until the feeling passes. If performance is what you're worried about, implementing compression on the text protocol stream either at some level below or above the application protocol will give you a cleaner and perhaps better-performing design than a binary protocol (text compresses well, and quickly).
Designing a textual protocol tends to future-proof your system. One specific reason is that ranges on numeric fields aren't implied by the format itself. Binary formats usually specify the number of bits allocated to a given value, and extending them is difficult. For example, IPv4 only allows 32 bits for an address. To extend address size to 128 bits (as done by IPv6) requires a major revamping.[51] In contrast, if you need a larger value in a text format, just write it. It may be that a given program can't receive values in that range, but it's usually easier to modify the program than to modify all the data stored in that format.
The only good justification for a binary protocol is if you're going to be manipulating large enough data sets that you're genuinely worried about getting the most bit-density out of your media, or if you're very concerned about the time or instruction budget required to interpret the data into an in-core structure. Formats for large images and multimedia are sometimes an example of the former, and network protocols with hard latency requirements sometimes an example of the latter.
� | The reciprocal problem with SMTP or HTTP-like text protocols is that they tend to be expensive in bandwidth and slow to parse. The smallest X request is 4 bytes: the smallest HTTP request is about 100 bytes. X requests, including amortized overhead of transport, can be executed in the order of 100 instructions; at one point, an Apache [web server] developer proudly indicated they were down to 7000 instructions. For graphics, bandwidth becomes everything on output; hardware is designed such that these days the graphics-card bus is the bottleneck for small operations, so any protocol had better be very tight if it is not to be a worse bottleneck. This is the extreme case. | � |
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These concerns are valid in other extreme cases as well as in X — for example, in the design of graphics file formats intended to hold very large images. But they are usually just another case of premature-optimization fever. Textual formats don't necessarily have much lower bit density than binary ones; they do after all use seven out of eight bits per byte. And what you gain by not having to parse text, you generally lose the first time you need to generate a test load, or to eyeball a program-generated example of your format and figure out what's in there.
When you think you have an extreme case that justifies a binary file format or protocol, you need to think very carefully about extensibility and leaving room in the design for growth.
Example�5.1 consists of some randomly-chosen example lines:
Economy is not a major issue with password files to begin with, as they're normally read seldom[52] and infrequently modified. Interoperability is not an issue, since various data in the file (notably user and group numbers) are not portable off the originating machine. For password files, it's therefore quite clear that going where the transparency criterion leads was the right thing.
Usenet news is a worldwide distributed bulletin-board system that anticipated today's P2P networking by two decades. It uses a message format very similar to that of RFC�822 electronic-mail messages, except that instead of being directed to personal recipients messages are sent to topic groups. Articles posted at any participating site are broadcast to each site that it has registered as a neighbor, and eventually flood-fill to all news sites.
Almost all Usenet news readers understand the .newsrc file, which records which Usenet messages have been seen by the calling user. Though it is named like a run-control file, it is not only read at startup but typically updated at the end of the newsreader run. The .newsrc format has been fixed since the first newsreaders around 1980. Example�5.2 is a representative section from a .newsrc file.
The designers of the original newsreader chose transparency and interoperability over economy. The case for going in the other direction was not completely ridiculous; .newsrc files can get very large, and one modern reader (GNOME's Pan) uses a speed-optimized private format to avoid startup lag. But to other implementers, textual representation looked like a good tradeoff in 1980, and has looked better as machines increased in speed and storage dropped in price.
PNG (Portable Network Graphics) is a file format for bitmap graphics. It is like GIF, and unlike JPEG, in that it uses lossless compression and is optimized for applications such as line art and icons rather than photographic images. Documentation and open-source reference libraries of high quality are available at the Portable Network Graphics website.
PNG is an excellent example of a thoughtfully designed binary format. A binary format is appropriate since graphics files may contain very large amounts of data, such that storage size and Internet download time would go up significantly if the pixel data were stored textually. Transaction economy was the prime consideration, with transparency sacrificed.[53] The designers were, however, careful about interoperability; PNG specifies byte orders, integer word lengths, endianness, and (lack of) padding between fields.
A PNG file consists of a sequence of chunks, each in a self-describing format beginning with the chunk type name and the chunk length. Because of this organization, PNG does not need a release number. New chunk types can be added at any time; the case of the first letter in the chunk type name informs PNG-using software whether or not each chunk can be safely ignored.
The PNG file header also repays study. It has been cleverly designed to make various common kinds of file corruption (e.g., by 7-bit transmission links, or mangling of CR and LF characters) easy to detect.
The PNG standard is precise, comprehensive, and well written. It could serve as a model for how to write file format standards.
[51] There is a legend that some early airline reservation systems allocated exactly one byte for a plane's passenger count. Supposedly they became very confused by the arrival of the Boeing 747, the first plane that could carry more than 255 passengers.
[52] Password files are normally read once per user session at login time, and after that occasionally by file-system utilities like ls(1) that must map from numeric user and group IDs to names.
[53] Confusingly, PNG supports a different kind of transparency — transparent pixels in the PNG image.