In Chapter�7, we'll discuss the advantages of breaking complicated applications up into cooperating processes speaking an application-specific command set or protocol with each other. All the good reasons for data file formats to be textual apply to these application-specific protocols as well.
When your application protocol is textual and easily parsed by eyeball, many good things become easier. Transaction dumps become much easier to interpret. Test loads become easier to write.
Server processes are often invoked by harness programs such as inetd(8) in such a way that the server sees commands on standard input and ships responses to standard output. We describe this “CLI server” pattern in more detail in Chapter�11.
A CLI server with a command set that is designed for simplicity has the valuable property that a human tester will be able to type commands direct to the server process to probe the software's behavior.
Another issue to bear in mind is the end-to-end design principle. Every protocol designer should read the classic End-to-End Arguments in System Design [Saltzer]. There are often serious questions about which level of the protocol stack should handle features like security and authentication; this paper provides some good conceptual tools for thinking about them. Yet a third issue is designing application protocols for good performance. We'll cover that issue in more detail in Chapter�12.
The traditions of Internet application protocol design evolved separately from Unix before 1980.[54] But since the 1980s these traditions have become thoroughly naturalized into Unix practice.
We'll illustrate the Internet style by looking at three application protocols that are both among the most heavily used, and are widely regarded among Internet hackers as paradigmatic: SMTP, POP3, and IMAP. All three address different aspects of mail transport (one of the net's two most important applications, along with the World Wide Web), but the problems they address (passing messages, setting remote state, indicating error conditions) are generic to non-email application protocols as well and are normally addressed using similar techniques.
Example�5.7 is an example transaction in SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), which is described by RFC 2821. In the example, C: lines are sent by a mail transport agent (MTA) sending mail, and S: lines are returned by the MTA receiving it. Text emphasized like this is comments, not part of the actual transaction.
Example�5.8 is an example POP3 session. In the example, C: lines are sent by the client, and S: lines by the mail server. Observe the many similarities with SMTP. This protocol is also textual and line-oriented, sends payload message sections terminated by a line consisting of a single dot followed by line terminator, and even uses the same exit command, QUIT. Like SMTP, each client operation is acknowledged by a reply line that begins with a status code and includes an informational message meant for human eyes.
To complete our triptych of Internet application protocol examples, we'll look at IMAP, another post office protocol designed in a slightly different style. See Example�5.9; as before, C: lines are sent by the client, and S: lines by the mail server. Text emphasized like this is comments, not part of the actual transaction.