Best Practices for Working with Open-Source Developers

Much of what constitutes best practice in the open-source community is a natural adaptation to distributed development; you'll read a lot in the rest of this chapter about behaviors that maintain good communication with other developers. Where Unix conventions are arbitrary (such as the standard names of files that convey metainformation about a source distribution) they often trace back either to Usenet in the early 1980s, or to the conventions and standards of the GNU project.

Most people become involved in open-source software by writing patches for other people's software before releasing projects of their own. Suppose you've written a set of source-code changes for someone else's baseline code. Now put yourself in that person's shoes. How is he to judge whether to include the patch?

It is very difficult to judge the quality of code, so developers tend to evaluate patches by the quality of the submission. They look for clues in the submitter's style and communications behavior instead — indications that the person has been in their shoes and understands what it's like to have to evaluate and merge an incoming patch.

This is actually a rather reliable proxy for code quality. In many years of dealing with patches from many hundreds of strangers, I have only seldom seen a patch that was thoughtfully presented and respectful of my time but technically bogus. On the other hand, experience teaches that patches which look careless or are packaged in a lazy and inconsiderate way are very likely to actually be bogus.

Here are some tips on how to get your patch accepted:

Your patch should include cover notes explaining why you think the patch is necessary or useful. This is explanation directed not to the users of the software but to the maintainer to whom you are sending the patch.

The note can be short — in fact, some of the most effective cover notes I've ever seen just said “See the documentation updates in this patch”. But it should show the right attitude.

The right attitude is helpful, respectful of the maintainer's time, quietly confident but unassuming. It's good to display understanding of the code you're patching. It's good to show that you can identify with the maintainer's problems. It's also good to be up front about any risks you perceive in applying the patch. Here are some examples of the sorts of explanatory comments that experienced developers send:

“I've seen two problems with this code, X and Y. I fixed problem X, but I didn't try addressing problem Y because I don't think I understand the part of the code that I believe is involved”.

“Fixed a core dump that can happen when one of the foo inputs is too long. While I was at it, I went looking for similar overflows elsewhere. I found a possible one in blarg.c, near line 666. Are you sure the sender can't generate more than 80 characters per transmission?”

“Have you considered using the Foonly algorithm for this problem? There is a good implementation at <>”.

“This patch solves the immediate problem, but I realize it complicates the memory allocation in an unpleasant way. Works for me, but you should probably test it under heavy load before shipping”.

“This may be featuritis, but I'm sending it anyway. Maybe you'll know a cleaner way to implement the feature”.

As the load on maintainers of archives like ibiblio, SourceForge, and CPAN increases, there is an increasing trend for submissions to be processed partly or wholly by programs (rather than entirely by a human).

This makes it more important for project and archive-file names to fit regular patterns that computer programs can parse and understand.

It's helpful to everybody if your archive files all have GNU-like names — all-lower-case alphanumeric stem prefix, followed by a hyphen, followed by a version number, extension, and other suffixes.

A good general form of name has these parts in order:

Name stems in this style can contain hyphen or underscores to separate syllables; dashes are actually preferred. It is good practice to group related projects by giving the stems a common hyphen-terminated prefix.

Let's suppose you have a project you call ‘foobar’ at major version 1, minor version or release 2, patchlevel 3. If it's got just one archive part (presumably the sources), here's what its names should look like like:

Please don't use names like these:

If you have to differentiate between source and binary archives, or between different kinds of binary, or express some kind of build option in the file name, please treat that as a file extension to go after the version number. That is, please do this:

Please don't use names like ‘foobar-i386-1.2.3.tar.gz’, because programs have a hard time telling type infixes (like ‘-i386’) from the stem.

The convention for distinguishing major from minor release is simple: you increment the patch level for fixes or minor features, the minor version number for compatible new features, and the major version number when you make incompatible changes.

Here are some of the behaviors that can make the difference between a successful project with lots of contributors and one that stalls out after attracting no interest:

Configuration choices should be made at compile time. A significant advantage of open-source distributions is that they allow the package to adapt at compile-time to the environment it finds. This is critical because it allows the package to run on platforms its developers have never seen, and it allows the software's community of users to do their own ports. Only the largest of development teams can afford to buy all the hardware and hire enough employees to support even a limited number of platforms.

Therefore: Use the GNU autotools to handle portability issues, do system-configuration probes, and tailor your makefiles. People building from sources today expect to be able to type configure; make; make install and get a clean build — and rightly so. There is a good tutorial on these tools.

autoconf and autoheader are mature. automake, as we've previously noted, is still buggy and brittle as of mid-2003; you may have to maintain your own Fortunately it's the least important of the autotools.

Regardless of your approach to configuration, do not ask the user for system information at compile-time. The user installing the package does not know the answers to your questions, and this approach is doomed from the start. The software must be able to determine for itself any information that it may need at compile- or install-time.

But autoconf should not be regarded as a license for knob-ridden designs. If at all possible, program to standards like POSIX and refrain also from asking the system for configuration information. Keep ifdefs to a minimum — or, better yet, have none at all.

If you are writing C, feel free to use the full ANSI features. Specifically, do use function prototypes, which will help you spot cross-module inconsistencies. The old-style K&R compilers are ancient history.

Do not assume compiler-specific features such as the GCC -pipe option or nested functions are available. These will come around and bite you the second somebody ports to a non-Linux, non-GCC system.

Code required for portability should be isolated to a single area and a single set of source files (for example, an os subdirectory). Compiler, library and operating system interfaces with portability issues should be abstracted to files in this directory.

A portability layer is a library (or perhaps just a set of macros in header files) that abstracts away just the parts of an operating system's API your program is interested in. Portability layers make it easier to do new software ports. Often, no member of the development team knows the porting platform (for example, there are literally hundreds of different embedded operating systems, and nobody knows any significant fraction of them). By creating a separate portability layer, it becomes possible for a specialist who knows a platform to port your software without having to understand anything outside the portability layer.

Portability layers also simplify applications. Software rarely needs the full functionality of more complex system calls such as mmap(2) or stat(2), and programmers commonly configure such complex interfaces incorrectly. A portability layer with abstracted interfaces (say, something named __file_exists instead of a call to stat(2)) allows you to import only the limited, necessary functionality from the system, simplifying the code in your application.

Always write your portability layer to select based on a feature, never based on a platform. Trying to create a separate portability layer for each supported platform results in a multiple update problem maintenance nightmare. A “platform” is always selected on at least two axes: the compiler and the library/operating system release. In some cases there are three axes, as when Linux vendors select a C library independently of the operating system release. With M vendors, N compilers, and O operating system releases, the number of platforms quickly scales out of reach of any but the largest development teams. On the other hand, by using language and systems standards such as ANSI and POSIX 1003.1, the set of features is relatively constrained.

Portability choices can be made along either lines of code or compiled files. It doesn't make a difference if you select alternate lines of code on a platform, or one of a few different files. A rule of thumb is to move portability code for different platforms into separate files when the implementations diverge significantly (shared memory mapping on Unix vs. Windows), and leave portability code in a single file when the differences are minimal (for example, whether you're using gettimeofday, clock_gettime, ftime or time to find out the current time-of-day).

For anywhere outside a portability layer, heed this advice:

#ifdef and #if are last resorts, usually a sign of failure of imagination, excessive product differentiation, gratuitous “optimization” or accumulated trash. In the middle of code they are anathema. /usr/include/stdio.h from GNU is an archetypical horror.

-- Doug McIlroy

Use of #ifdef and #if is permissible (if well controlled) within a portability layer. Outside it, try hard to confine these to conditionalizing #includes based on feature symbols.

Never intrude on the namespace of any other part of the system, including filenames, error return values and function names. Where the namespace is shared, document the portion of the namespace that you use.

Choose a coding standard. The debate over the choice of standard can go on forever — regardless, it is too difficult and expensive to maintain software built using multiple coding standards, and so some common style must be chosen. Enforce your coding standard ruthlessly, as consistency and cleanliness of the code are of the highest priority; the details of the coding standard itself are a distant second.

These guidelines describe how your distribution should look when someone downloads, retrieves and unpacks it.

Before even looking at the README, your intrepid explorer will have scanned the filenames in the top-level directory of your unpacked distribution. Those names can themselves convey information. By adhering to certain standard naming practices, you can give the explorer valuable clues about where to look next.

Here are some standard top-level file names and what they mean. Not every distribution needs all of these.

Note the overall convention that filenames with all-caps names are human-readable metainformation about the package, rather than build components. This elaboration of the README was developed early on at the Free Software Foundation.

Having a FAQ file can save you a lot of grief. When a question about the project comes up often, put it in the FAQ; then direct users to read the FAQ before sending questions or bug reports. A well-nurtured FAQ can decrease the support burden on the project maintainers by an order of magnitude or more.

Having a HISTORY or NEWS file with timestamps in it for each release is valuable. Among other things, it may help establish prior art if you are ever hit with a patent-infringement lawsuit (this hasn't happened to anyone yet, but best to be prepared).

Your software and documentation won't do the world much good if nobody but you knows they exist. Also, developing a visible presence for the project on the Internet will assist you in recruiting users and co-developers. Here are the standard ways to do that.

Announce to Freshmeat. Besides being widely read itself, this group is a major feeder for Web-based technical news channels.

Never assume the audience has been reading your release announcements since the beginning of time. Always include at least a one-line description of what the software does. Bad example: “Announcing the latest release of FooEditor, now with themes and ten times faster”. Good example: “Announcing the latest release of FooEditor, the scriptable editor for touch-typists, now with themes and ten times faster”.

If you intend trying to build any substantial user or developer community around your project, it should have a website. Standard things to have on the website include:

Refer to the website examples in Chapter�16 for examples of what a well-educated project website looks like.

An easy way to have a website is to put your project on one of the sites that specializes in providing free hosting. In 2003 the two most important of these are SourceForge (which is a demonstration and test site for proprietary collaboration tools) or Savannah (which hosts open-source projects as an ideological statement).

It's standard practice to have a private development list through which project collaborators can communicate and exchange patches. You may also want to have an announcements list for people who want to be kept informed of the project's progress.

If you are running a project named ‘foo’, your developer list might be <foo-dev> or <foo-friends>; your announcement list might be <foo-announce>.

An important decision is just how private the “private” development list is. Wider participation in design discussions is often a good thing, but if the list is relatively open, sooner or later you will get people asking new-user questions on it. Opinions vary on how best to solve this problem. Just having the documentation tell the new users not to ask elementary questions on the development list is not a solution; such a request must be enforced somehow.

An announcements list needs to be tightly controlled. Traffic should be at most a few messages a month; the whole purpose of such a list is to accommodate people who want to know when something important happens, but don't want to hear about day-to-day details. Most such people will quickly unsubscribe if the list starts generating significant clutter in their mailboxes.

See the section Where Should I Look? in Chapter�16 for specifics on the major open-source archive sites. You should release your package to these.

Other important locations include:

  • The Python Software Activity site (for software written in Python).

  • The CPAN, the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (for software written in Perl).