Март, 14


(c) Larry Ewing, Simon Budig, Garrett LeSage
с 1994 г.

Кафедра Информатики и Математического Обеспечения

ПетрГУ | ИМиИТ | О кафедре | Проекты | Лаборатория ИТС | Семинары НФИ/AMICT
Сотрудники | Учебный процесс | Табель-календарь | Курсовые и выпускные работы
Вычислительные ресурсы | Публикации | Архив новостей | Контактная информация (English)

Annual International Workshop on Advances in Methods of Information and Communication Technology (AMICT'2013)

Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia, Russia

Participation rules
Program in PDF

Program of the Workshop

October 15, The Main Building of PetrSU

Registartion. 9:00-9:50 (room 215)

Opening. 10:00-10:25

Session 1 (Room 221)

Chair Dr. Olga I. Boogiavlenskaia,
1. 10:25-10:45
20 years of cooperation howit started.
Authors: Dr. T. Alanko, Dr. h.c. of Petrozavodsk State University, Russia.
2. 10:45-11:10
History of cooperation: FDPW-AMICT. An Overview.
Authors: Head of the Department of Computer Science, Dr. I. Bogoiavlenskii (Petrozavodsk State University, Russia).
3. 11:10-11:25
History of cooperation: Joensuu and Kuopio.
Authors: Prof. M. Penttonen.

Coffee break.

4. 11:50-12:20
Learning materials for Karelian language minimalist approach.
Authors: Prof.M. Penttonen.
5. 12:20-13:10
Measuring LargeScale Distributed Systems
Authors: Prof. J. Kangasharju (University of Helsinki, Finland).


Session 1 continues (Room 221)

Chair PhLic. Tiina Niklander
6. 14:30-15:20
Measuring the internet traffic
Authors: Dr. A. Karila (University of Helsinki, Finland).

7. 15:20-15:50
Identification of the authors of short messages portals on the Internet using the methods ofmathematical linguistics.
Authors: M. Sukhoparov, Doctor of Engineering Sciences I. S. Lebedev (National Research University ITMO, Russia).
Coffee break.

8. 16:20-16:50
Means of face identification based on immunocomputing.
Authors: A. Solomatin, Doctor of Engineering Sciences I. A. Zikratov (National Research University ITMO, Russia).
9. 16:50-17:20
Method of object movement tracking in video surveillance systems based on time series analysis.
Authors: A. Lyubert, Doctor of Engineering Sciences I. A. Zikratov (National Research University ITMO, Russia).


October 16, The Main Building of PetrSU.

Session 2 (Room 221)

Chair Prof. Jussi Kangasharju.
1. 10:00-10:20
Networking project of CS bachelor students.
Author: PhLic. T. Niklander (University of Helsinki, Finland).
2. 10:20-10:50
Data Mining as a Service for Sensing Applications.
Author: E. Peltonen (University of Helsinki, Finland).
3. 10:50-11:20
Evaluation of variance for TCP throughput.
Author: Dr. O. Bogoiavlenskaia (Petrozavodsk State University, Russia).

Coffee break.

4. 11:50-12:20
Stability analysys of retrial queing system with non Poisson input and constant retrial rate.
Author: Dr. R. Nekrasova (IAMR KarSC RAS, Petrozavodsk, Russia).
5. 12:20-12:50
Verification of communication node effective bandwidth estimator.
Author: Dr. A. Borodina (IAMR KarSC RAS, Petrozavodsk, Russia).

6. 14:00-14:30
Network Path Performance Analysis at Transport Layer.
Author: A. Sannikov (Petrozavodsk State University, Russia).
7. 14:30-15:00
Online Services and Content Management: Design Solutions for the PetrSU Smart Room.
Author: I. Galov, Dr. D. Korzun (Petrozavodsk State University, Russia).

Closing of the workshop.

October 17, The Main Building of PetrSU.

Excursion to Karelian museums