Программа семинара AMICT-2006
23 августа, главный корпус ПетрГУ (ауд. 220)
8:00-9:50 РегистрацияОткрытие. 10:00-10:25
Rector of Petrozavodsk State University, Professor
Anatoly V. Voronin;
Professor Timo Alanko, Dr. hc, Department of Computer Science,
University of Helsinki;
Head of the Department of Computer Science,
Dr. Yury A. Bogoyavlenskiy, Petrozavodsk State
Сессия 1.
Chair Professor Timo Alanko, Dr.hc,
Secretary Alexandr V. Borodin.
- 10:25-10:55
Current Challenges in Operating Systems.
Professor Kimmo Raatikainen, Professor Timo Alanko (University of Helsinki, Finland) - 11:00-11:35
Self-healing systems
Dr. Tiina Niklander (University of Helsinki, Finland)
- 12:10-12:25
Automated Discovery of the Network Structural Representation
Alexander S. Kolosov, Dr. Yury A. Bogoyavlenskiy (Petrozavodsk State University, Russia) - 12:25-12:55
Context-aware, component-based systems.
Michael Przybilski (University of Helsinki, Finland) - 13:00-13:15
Application of GIS-technologies for research of a climate region.
Professor Ilya R. Shegelman, Dr. Ludmila V. Schegoleva, Victor M. Lukashevich (Petrozavodsk State University, Russia)
Стендовые доклады
Chair Dr. Tiina Niklander.
14:30-14:55 Hanging out the posters.15:00-15:55 Short (5-10 minutes) talks for presenters who interested in oral presentation and/or demo.
16:00-16:30 Continuation of the poster session: discussions with authors.
On Optimization of Client-Server Systems Operation.
Dr. Irina V. Peshkova, Dr. Artem V. Zhukov (Petrozavodsk State University, Russia). -
Regenerative rare event estimation based on permutations.
Alexandra V. Borodina (Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science, Russia). -
Visualization of Computer Networks Using Graph
Rewriting Systems.
Mikhail A. Kryshen (Petrozavodsk State University, Russia) -
UMTS Networks.
Shyam B. Mahato (Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland). -
Unlicensed Mobile Access.
Nabin Nepal (Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland).
18:00 Банкет (кафе Центрум).
24 августа, главный корпус ПетрГУ (ауд. 220)
Сессия 2.
Chair Dr. Yury A. Bogoyavlenskiy,
Secretary Kirill A. Kulakov.
- 10:00-10:25
Infrastructure Support for Host Identity Protocol.
Andrei Gurtov (Helsinki Institute for Information Technology, Finland). - 10:30-11:10
Vocabulary-Independent methods for XML Information retrieval.
Miro Lehtonen (University of Helsinki, Finland).
- 11:50-12:20
Developing the System for Teaching and Learning Quality - case study: web based student feedback system.
Markku Pylkkö, Pasi Karppinen and Petri Pulli (University of Oulu, Finland). - 11:50-12:20
Verification of the LRD Property in the Tandem Networks.
Dmitry Bodyonov (Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science, Russia). - 12:50-13:10
Analysis of Ethernet-like protocols.
Andrey Lukyanenko, Professor Martti Penttonen (University of Kuopio, Finland), and Professor Evsey V. Morozov (Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science, Russia).
Круглый стол. 14:30-15:25 The Pilot on Information and
Communication Technology at the Finnish-Russian Cross Border
Professor Timo Alanko,
Dr. Yury A. Bogoyavlenskiy.
15:40 Кофе.