(c) Larry Ewing, Simon Budig, Garrett LeSage
Ó 1994 Ç.

Department of Computer Science

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Measuring LargeScale Distributed Systems

Prof. J. Kangasharju (University of Helsinki, Finland)

Peer-to-peer networks have been quite thoroughly measured over the past years, however it is interesting to note that the BitTorrent Mainline DHT has received very little attention even though it is by far the largest of currently active overlay systems, as our results show. As Mainline DHT differs from other systems, existing measurement methodologies are not appropriate for studying it. In this paper we present an efficient methodology for estimating the number of active users in the network. We have identified an omission in previous methodologies used to measure the size of the network and our methodology corrects this. Our method is based on modeling crawling inaccuracies as a Bernoulli process. It guarantees a very accurate estimation and is able to provide the estimate in about 5 seconds. Through experiments in controlled situations, we demonstrate the accuracy of our method and show the causes of the inaccuracies in previous work, by reproducing the incorrect results. Besides accurate network size estimates, our methodology can be used to detect network anomalies, in particular Sybil attacks in the network. We also report on the results from our measurements which have been going on for almost 2.5 years and are the first long-term study of Mainline DHT.