
          package ru.petrsu.nest.ldap;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.LazyReference;
          import java.lang.*;
          import java.util.*;
           * Refernce to element in cache.
           * @author Nuikin Alexander
      13  abstract class CacheReference<K,   U> implements LazyReference<U> {
           /** ID of referenced cache element */
           private K ID;
           private Class<U> type;
           private StorageCache<K,   ? super U> cache;
           /**Creates reference to the specified cache element.
           * Storage cache must be gived to constructor for realize possibility of
           * parrallel using several storage systems.
           * @param c storage cache.
           * @param id element ID in cache (  storage system ).
           protected CacheReference
           (  StorageCache<K,   ? super U> c,   K id,   Class<U> t  ) {
           cache = c;
           ID = id;
           type = t;
           /**Get referenced cache element.
           * @return referenced cache element.
           public U get(   ) {
           U el = null;
           System.out.println(  "CacheReference: get ["+ID+"]" );
           try {
           if(  cache.isLoadedByID(  ID ) ) {
           el = type.cast(  cache.get(  ID ) );
           }catch(  UnknownIDException e ) {
           System.out.println(  e );
           return el;
           /**Implements LazyReference.getLoaded(   ).
           * @see LazyReference#getLoaded(   )
           public U getLoaded(   ) {
           U el = null;
           System.out.println(  "CacheReference: getLoaded ["+ID+"]" );
           try {
           if(  cache.isLoadedByID(  ID ) )
           el = type.cast(  cache.get(  ID ) );
           }catch(  UnknownIDException e ) {
           System.out.println(  e );
           return el;
           /**Two references are equal if referenced elements has equal ID in cache.
           public boolean equals(  Object o ) {
           if (  o instanceof CacheReference ) {
           return (  (  CacheReference<?,   ?> ) o ).ID == ID;
           if (  o instanceof LazyReference ) {
           return (  (  LazyReference<?> ) o ).getLoaded(   ) == getLoaded(   );
           return false;
           /**Returns cache ID of referenced object.
           K getID(   ) {
           return ID;


       1  package ru.petrsu.nest.ldap;
          /**Driver for testing some system class.
           * @author Alexander Nuikin*/
       5  abstract class DriverClass {
           private boolean stopOnBad;
           /**Standard label for begining subtest of class.*/
       8   protected String label = "===> ";
           /**Standard label for successfull finishing subtest of class.*/
      10   protected String goodLabel = "OK";
           /**Standard label for unsuccessfull finishing subtest of class.*/
      12   protected String badLabel = "BAD";
           /**Stop testing after first bad finished test if stopOnBad is true.
           * Returns true if test finished successfully (  no bugs found ).
           * */
      17   abstract boolean test(  boolean stopOnBad );
           /**Set label for output.*/
      20   public void setLabel(  String l ) {
           label = l;
          /**Driver for testing some system interface.*/
          abstract class InterfaceDriver <T> extends ClassDriver {
           T instance = null;
           <U extends T> InterfaceDriver(   ) {
           instance = new U(   );


          package ru.petrsu.nest.ldap;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.*;
          import java.lang.*;
          import java.util.*;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.ldap.*;
      10  class DriverLdapSanStorage extends DriverClass {
           MasterHoleyCache <SanElement> cache;
           File xmlF = new File(  "san001.xml" );
           XmlSanManager xSAN;
           SAN san;
           Collection<SanElement> sEl;
           public DriverLdapSanStorage(   ){
           try {
           xSAN = new XmlSanManager(  xmlF );
           } catch (  IOException ex ){}
           san = xSAN.getSAN(   );
           sEl = xSAN.getElements(  SanElement.class );
           System.err.println(  xSAN.getElements(  SanElement.class ) );
           boolean test(  boolean StopOnBad ){
           LdapSanStorage ldapSStorage = null;
           try {
           ldapSStorage = new LdapSanStorage(  cache,  "",  "",  "",  "" );
           cache = new MasterHoleyCache<SanElement>(  ldapSStorage );
           } catch (  StorageBadConnectionException ex ){}
           Device rootDev = san.getRootDevice(   );
           CompositeOU rootOU = san.getRootOU(   );
           // Добавляем новые элементы в кэш и хранилище
           Iterator<SanElement> i = sEl.iterator(   );
           while(  i.hasNext(   ) ){
           SanElement s =   );
           cache.add(  s );
           //ldapSStorage.add(  cache.IDOf(  s ),  s );
           // Устанавливает rootID
           try {
           ldapSStorage.setRootDeviceID(  cache.IDOf(  rootDev ) );
           } catch (   UnknownIDException ex ){}
           // Теперь попробуем извлечь все,   что добавили
           System.err.println(  ldapSStorage.getElements(  SanElement.class ) );
           // Проверяем правильность возращения ID главного устройства(  rootDevice )
           if (  ldapSStorage.getRootDeviceID(   )== cache.IDOf(  rootDev ) )
           System.err.println(  "OK rootDeviceID" );
           else System.err.println(  "BAD rootDeviceID" );
           // Проверяем правильность возращения ID главного административного юника(  rootOU )
           if (  ldapSStorage.getRootOUID(   ) == cache.IDOf(  rootOU ) )
           System.err.println(  "OK rootOUID" );
           else System.err.println(  "BAD rootOUID" );
           return true;
           public static void main(  String args[] ){
           DriverLdapSanStorage dlss = new DriverLdapSanStorage(   );
           System.err.println(  dlss.xSAN.getElements(  SanElement.class ) );
           dlss.test(  false );


          package ru.petrsu.nest.ldap;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.*;
          import java.lang.*;
          import java.util.*;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.ldap.*;
      10  class DriverLdapSanStorageManager extends DriverClass {
           MasterHoleyCache <SanElement> cache;
           File xmlF;
           XmlSanManager xSAN;
           SAN san;
           Collection<SanElement> sEl;
           Device rootDev;
           CompositeOU rootOU;
           LdapSanStorageManager sManager;
           public DriverLdapSanStorageManager(   ){
           File xmlF = new File(  "san001.xml" );
           try {
           xSAN = new XmlSanManager(  xmlF );
           } catch (  IOException ex ){}
           san = xSAN.getSAN(   );
           sEl = xSAN.getElements(  SanElement.class );
           rootDev = san.getRootDevice(   );
           rootOU = san.getRootOU(   );
           boolean test(  boolean StopOnBad ){
           int countElement = 0;
           try {
           sManager = new LdapSanStorageManager(  "cn=Nest-Manager,  dc=cs,  dc=karelia,  dc=ru",  "test",  "ldap://",  "ou=nest,  dc=cs,  dc=karelia,  dc=ru" );
           } catch (  StorageBadConnectionException ex ){}
           System.out.println(  sManager.getElements(  SanElement.class ) );
           SAN san = sManager.getSAN(   );
           return true;
           public static void main(  String args[] ){
           DriverLdapSanStorageManager dsllm = new DriverLdapSanStorageManager(   );
           dsllm.test(  false );
           // Добавляет элементы в кэш в правильно порядке
           private void loadInLdap(   ){
           // Добавляем элементы в дерево ldap
           Iterator<SanElement> i = xSAN.getElements(  SanElement.class ).iterator(   );
           Collection<SanElement> clonesEl = xSAN.getElements(  SanElement.class );
           System.err.println(  "--->> Добаляем элементы в LDAP" );
           // Записываем сначало главные элементы (  rootOU,  rootDev ) и здания
           while(  i.hasNext(   ) ){
           SanElement s =   );
           if (  rootOU.equals(  s ) ){
           System.err.println(  "Add in ldap " + s+ " " + cache.IDOf(  s ) );
           ldapSStorage.add(  cache.IDOf(  s ),  s );
           clonesEl.remove(  s );
           if (  rootDev.equals(  s ) ){
           System.err.println(  "Add in ldap " + s+ " " + cache.IDOf(  s ) );
           ldapSStorage.add(  cache.IDOf(  s ),  s );
           clonesEl.remove(  s );
           if (  s instanceof Building ){
           System.err.println(  "Add in ldap " + s+ " " + cache.IDOf(  s ) );
           ldapSStorage.add(  cache.IDOf(  s ),  s );
           clonesEl.remove(  s );
           sEl.clear(   );
           sEl.addAll(  clonesEl );
           i = sEl.iterator(   );
           // Теперь запишем этажи
           while(  i.hasNext(   ) ){
           SanElement s =   );
           if (  s instanceof Floor ){
           System.err.println(  "Add in ldap " + s+ " " + cache.IDOf(  s ) );
           ldapSStorage.add(  cache.IDOf(  s ),  s );
           clonesEl.remove(  s );
           sEl.clear(   );
           sEl.addAll(  clonesEl );
           i = sEl.iterator(   );
           // Записываем все остальное
           while(  i.hasNext(   ) ){
           SanElement s =   );
           System.err.println(  "Add in ldap " + s+ " " + cache.IDOf(  s ) );
           ldapSStorage.add(  cache.IDOf(  s ),  s );
           // Удаляет элеметны из кэша в правильном порядке
           public void rmByID(   ){
           Iterator<SanElement> i = xSAN.getElements(  SanElement.class ).iterator(   );
           System.err.println(  "-->>> Удаляем все элементы по ID" );
           // Удалим структуру N,   структуру A и здания
           while(  i.hasNext(   ) ){
           SanElement s =   );
           if (  cache.isLoaded(  s ) && !(  s instanceof Floor ) && !(  s instanceof Building ) ){
           System.err.println(  "Delete " + s );
           try {
           cache.removeByID(  cache.IDOf(  s ) );
           }catch (  UnknownIDException ex ){}
           // Удалим все этажи
           i = xSAN.getElements(  SanElement.class ).iterator(   );
           while(  i.hasNext(   ) ){
           SanElement s =   );
           if (  cache.isLoaded(  s ) && s instanceof Floor ){
           System.err.println(  "Delete " + s );
           try {
           cache.removeByID(  cache.IDOf(  s ) );
           }catch (  UnknownIDException ex ){}
           // Удалим все остальное (  осталось только здания )
           i = xSAN.getElements(  SanElement.class ).iterator(   );
           while(  i.hasNext(   ) ){
           SanElement s =   );
           if (  cache.isLoaded(  s ) ){
           System.err.println(  "Delete " + s );
           try {
           cache.removeByID(  cache.IDOf(  s ) );
           }catch (  UnknownIDException ex ){}


          package ru.petrsu.nest.ldap;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.*;
          import java.lang.*;
          import java.util.*;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.ldap.*;
      10  class DriverMasterHoleyCache extends DriverClass {
           MasterHoleyCache <SanElement> cache;
           File xmlF;
           XmlSanManager xSAN;
           SAN san;
           Collection<SanElement> sEl;
           LdapSanStorage ldapSStorage;
           Device rootDev;
           CompositeOU rootOU;
           MasterHoleyCache <SanElement> cc;
           public static void main(  String args[] ){
           DriverMasterHoleyCache dmhc = new DriverMasterHoleyCache(   );
           dmhc.test(  false );
           public DriverMasterHoleyCache(   ){
           File xmlF = new File(  "san001.xml" );
           try {
           xSAN = new XmlSanManager(  xmlF );
           } catch (  IOException ex ){}
           san = xSAN.getSAN(   );
           sEl = xSAN.getElements(  SanElement.class );
           ldapSStorage = null;
           rootDev = san.getRootDevice(   );
           rootOU = san.getRootOU(   );
           boolean test(  boolean StopOnBad ){
           int countElement = 0;
           try {
           cache = new MasterHoleyCache<SanElement>(   );
           ldapSStorage = new LdapSanStorage(  cache,  "cn=Nest-Manager,  dc=cs,  dc=karelia,  dc=ru",  "test",  "ldap://",  "ou=nest,  dc=cs,  dc=karelia,  dc=ru" );
           cache.checkOut(   );
           } catch (  StorageBadConnectionException ex ){}
           Iterator<SanElement> i = sEl.iterator(   );
           // Добавляем новые элементы в кэш
           loadInCache(   );
           // Добавляем элементы в дерево Ldap
           loadInLdap(   xSAN.getElements(  SanElement.class )  );
           countElement = xSAN.getElements(  SanElement.class ).size(   );
           System.out.println(  "--->> Проверка подсчета количества элементов" );
           // Проверяем количество ID в cache
           if (  countElement == cache.countOfID(   ) )
           System.out.println(  "countOfID : OK" );
           System.out.println(  "countOfID : BAD" );
           // Проверяем количество элементов в дереве
           if (  countElement == cache.countOfLoaded(   ) )
           System.out.println(  "countOfLoaded : OK" );
           System.out.println(  "countOfLoaded : BAD" );
           // Проверяем работы функции проверки на загруженность элемента в кэш
           checkLoad(   );
          /* // Удаляем rootOU
           i = xSAN.getElements(  SanElement.class ).iterator(   );
           while (  i.hasNext(   ) ){
           SanElement s =   );
           if (  rootOU.equals(  s ) ){
           System.out.println(  "Delete " + s );
           cache.remove(  s );
           // теперь попробуем удалить каждый второй элемент структуры
          /* i = xSAN.getElements(  SanElement.class ).iterator(   );
           System.out.println(  "-->>> Удаляем каждый второй элемент" );
           while(  true ){
           // if (  i.hasNext(   ) )   );
           // else break;
           if (  i.hasNext(   ) ){
           SanElement s =   );
           System.out.println(  "Delete " + s );
           cache.remove(  s );
           }else break;
           // Удалим теперь все,   что осталось по ID
          /* i = xSAN.getElements(  SanElement.class ).iterator(   );
           System.out.println(  "-->>> Удаляем все оставшиеся элементы по ID" );
           while(  i.hasNext(   ) ){
           SanElement s =   );
           if (  cache.isLoaded(  s ) ){
           System.out.println(  "Delete " + s );
           try {
           cache.removeByID(  cache.IDOf(  s ) );
           }catch (  UnknownIDException ex ){}
           // Удаляем элементы в правильно порядке функцией кэша removeByID
           rmByID(   );
           // Проверяем работы функции проверки на загруженность элемента в кэш
           checkLoad(   );
           System.out.println(  "-->>>" );
           // Проверяем количество ID в cache
           if (  cache.countOfID(   ) == 0 )
           System.out.println(  "countOfID = 0 : OK" );
           System.out.println(  "countOfID <> 0: BAD" );
           // Проверяем количество элементов в дереве
           if (  cache.countOfLoaded(   ) == 0 )
           System.out.println(  "countOfLoaded = 0: OK" );
           System.out.println(  "countOfLoaded <> 0: BAD" );
           // Добавляем новые элементы в кэш
           loadInCache(   );
           // Добавляем элементы в дерево Ldap
           loadInLdap(   xSAN.getElements(  SanElement.class )  );
           // Удаляем элементы из cache remove
           rm(   );
           // Проверяем работы функции проверки на загруженность элемента в кэш
           checkLoad(   );
           System.out.println(  "-->>>" );
           // Проверяем количество ID в cache
           if (  cache.countOfID(   ) == 0 )
           System.out.println(  "countOfID = 0 : OK" );
           System.out.println(  "countOfID <> 0: BAD" );
           // Проверяем количество элементов в дереве
           if (  cache.countOfLoaded(   ) == 0 )
           System.out.println(  "countOfLoaded = 0: OK" );
           System.out.println(  "countOfLoaded <> 0: BAD" );
           // Добавляем новые элементы в кэш
           loadInCache(   );
           // Добавляем элементы в дерево Ldap
           loadInLdap(   xSAN.getElements(  SanElement.class )  );
           System.out.println(  "--->> Созданием новый кэш и LdapSanStorage и заполняем их из кэша" );
           LdapSanStorage lss;
           try {
           cc = new MasterHoleyCache<SanElement>(   );
           lss = new LdapSanStorage(  cc,  "cn=Nest-Manager,  dc=cs,  dc=karelia,  dc=ru",  "test",  "ldap://",  "ou=nest,  dc=cs,  dc=karelia,  dc=ru" );
           cc.checkOut(   );
           } catch (  StorageBadConnectionException ex ){
           System.out.println(  "StorageBadConnectException" );
           // Посмотрим,   что у нас теперь в кэше находится
           sEl = cc.getElements(  SanElement.class );
           System.out.println(  "Size of cache " + sEl.size(   ) );
           i = sEl.iterator(   );
           while (  i.hasNext(   ) ){
           SanElement s =   );
           System.out.println(  "Exist in new cache " + s +" ID=" + cc.IDOf(  s ) );
           System.out.println(  "--->> Берем ID нового кэша и смотрим есть ли такой в старом" );
           i = sEl.iterator(   );
           while (  i.hasNext(   ) ){
           SanElement s =   );
           try {
           if (   cache.isLoadedByID(  cc.IDOf(  s ) ) )
           System.out.println(  s +" содержится в старом кэше " + cc.IDOf(  s ) );
           else System.out.println(  s +" не содержится в старом кэше " + cc.IDOf(  s ) );
           }catch (  UnknownIDException e ){}
           System.out.println(  "--->> Проверяем метод get. Берем ID из нового кэша и get его из старого" );
           i = sEl.iterator(   );
           while (  i.hasNext(   ) ){
           SanElement s =   );
           try {
           cache.get(  cc.IDOf(  s ) );
           System.out.println(  s +" get from old cache " );
           }catch (  UnknownIDException e ){
           System.out.println(  "UnknownIDException " );
           System.out.println(  "--->> Проверяем метод get. Теперь берем ID из старого кэша и get его из нового" );
           i = xSAN.getElements(  SanElement.class ).iterator(   );
           while (  i.hasNext(   ) ){
           SanElement s =   );
           try {
           cc.get(  cache.IDOf(  s ) );
           System.out.println(  s +" get from new cache " );
           }catch (  UnknownIDException e ){
           System.out.println(  "UnknownIDException " );
           //Теперь получим все элементы из кэша
           System.out.println(  "--->> Грузим все имеющиеся элементы в кэше getLoadedElements и выводим на экран" );
           i = cache.getLoadedElements(   ).iterator(   );
           while (  i.hasNext(   ) ){
           SanElement s =   );
           System.out.println(  s );
           // Удаляем все,   чтобы не удалять вручную
           rmByID(   );
           return true;
           // Добавляем в кэш элементы
           private void loadInCache(   ){
           Iterator<SanElement> i = xSAN.getElements(  SanElement.class ).iterator(   );
           System.out.println(  "--->> Добавляем элементы в кэш" );
           while(  i.hasNext(   ) ){
           SanElement s =   );
           System.out.println(  "Add in cache " + s + " " + cache.add(  s ) );
           // Добавляет элементы в кэш в правильно порядке
           private void loadInLdap(   Collection<SanElement> els  ){
           // Добавляем элементы в дерево ldap
           Iterator<SanElement> i = els.iterator(   );
           Collection<SanElement> clonesEl = xSAN.getElements(  SanElement.class );
           System.out.println(  "--->> Добаляем элементы в LDAP" );
           // Записываем сначало главные элементы (  rootOU,  rootDev ) и здания
           while(  i.hasNext(   ) ){
           SanElement s =   );
           if (  rootOU.equals(  s ) ){
           System.out.println(  "Add in ldap " + s+ " " + cache.IDOf(  s ) );
           ldapSStorage.add(  cache.IDOf(  s ),  s );
           clonesEl.remove(  s );
           if (  rootDev.equals(  s ) ){
           System.out.println(  "Add in ldap " + s+ " " + cache.IDOf(  s ) );
           ldapSStorage.add(  cache.IDOf(  s ),  s );
           clonesEl.remove(  s );
           if (  s instanceof Building ){
           System.out.println(  "Add in ldap " + s+ " " + cache.IDOf(  s ) );
           ldapSStorage.add(  cache.IDOf(  s ),  s );
           clonesEl.remove(  s );
           els.clear(   );
           els.addAll(  clonesEl );
           i = els.iterator(   );
           // Теперь запишем этажи
           while(  i.hasNext(   ) ){
           SanElement s =   );
           if (  s instanceof Floor ){
           System.out.println(  "Add in ldap " + s+ " " + cache.IDOf(  s ) );
           ldapSStorage.add(  cache.IDOf(  s ),  s );
           clonesEl.remove(  s );
           els.clear(   );
           els.addAll(  clonesEl );
           i = els.iterator(   );
           // Записываем все остальное
           while(  i.hasNext(   ) ){
           SanElement s =   );
           System.out.println(  "Add in ldap " + s+ " " + cache.IDOf(  s ) );
           ldapSStorage.add(  cache.IDOf(  s ),  s );
           // Удаляет элеметны из кэша в правильном порядке
           private void rmByID(   ){
           Iterator<SanElement> i = xSAN.getElements(  SanElement.class ).iterator(   );
           System.out.println(  "-->>> Удаляем все элементы по ID" );
           // Удалим структуру N,   структуру A и здания
           while(  i.hasNext(   ) ){
           SanElement s =   );
           if (  cache.isLoaded(  s ) && !(  s instanceof Floor ) && !(  s instanceof Building ) ){
           System.out.println(  "Delete " + s );
           try {
           cache.removeByID(  cache.IDOf(  s ) );
           }catch (  UnknownIDException ex ){}
           // Удалим все этажи
           i = xSAN.getElements(  SanElement.class ).iterator(   );
           while(  i.hasNext(   ) ){
           SanElement s =   );
           if (  cache.isLoaded(  s ) && s instanceof Floor ){
           System.out.println(  "Delete " + s );
           try {
           cache.removeByID(  cache.IDOf(  s ) );
           }catch (  UnknownIDException ex ){}
           // Удалим все остальное (  осталось только здания )
           i = xSAN.getElements(  SanElement.class ).iterator(   );
           while(  i.hasNext(   ) ){
           SanElement s =   );
           if (  cache.isLoaded(  s ) ){
           System.out.println(  "Delete " + s );
           try {
           cache.removeByID(  cache.IDOf(  s ) );
           }catch (  UnknownIDException ex ){}
           private void checkLoad(   ){
           System.out.println(  "--->> Проверяем загруженность элементов" );
           Iterator<SanElement> i = xSAN.getElements(  SanElement.class ).iterator(   );
           while(  i.hasNext(   ) ){
           SanElement s =   );
           if (  cache.isLoaded(  s ) )
           System.out.println(  "isLoaded " + s + ": OK" );
           else System.out.println(  "isLoaded "+ s + ": BAD" );
           if (  cache.IDOf(  s ) != -1 )
           System.out.println(  "IDOF "+ s + ": OK" );
           else System.out.println(  "IDOF "+ s + ": BAD" );
           try {
           int id = cache.IDOf(  s );
           if (  cache.isLoadedByID(  id ) )
           System.out.println(  "isLoadedByID "+s+ ": OK; ID = " + id );
           else System.out.println(  "idLoadedByID "+s+ ": BAD;" + " ID = " + id );
           }catch (  UnknownIDException ex ){
           System.out.println(  "idLoadedByID "+s+ ": BAD" );
           private void rm(   ){
           // Удалим элементы из cache
           System.out.println(  "-->>> Удаляем элементы,   передавая сам элемент" );
           Iterator<SanElement> i = xSAN.getElements(  SanElement.class ).iterator(   );
           // Удалим структуру N,   структуру A и здания
           while(  i.hasNext(   ) ){
           SanElement s =   );
           if (  cache.isLoaded(  s ) && !(  s instanceof Floor ) && !(  s instanceof Building ) ){
           System.out.println(  "Delete " + s );
           cache.remove(  s );
           // Удалим все этажи
           i = xSAN.getElements(  SanElement.class ).iterator(   );
           while(  i.hasNext(   ) ){
           SanElement s =   );
           if (  cache.isLoaded(  s ) && s instanceof Floor ){
           System.out.println(  "Delete " + s );
           cache.remove(  s );
           // Удалим все остальное (  осталось только здания )
           i = xSAN.getElements(  SanElement.class ).iterator(   );
           while(  i.hasNext(   ) ){
           SanElement s =   );
           if (  cache.isLoaded(  s ) ){
           System.out.println(  "Delete " + s );
           cache.remove(  s );


       1  package ru.petrsu.nest.ldap;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.SanElement;
          import java.util.*;
          import java.lang.*;
          import javax.naming.*;
      10  class Driver_Ldap {
      12   public static void main(  String[] args ) {
           Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<Integer>(   );
           List list = new ArrayList<String>(   );
           SanElement sanElement; // = new SanElement(   );
          // Ldap.setContextParams(  "cn=Nest-Manager,  dc=cs,  dc=karelia,  dc=ru",  
          // "test",   "ldap://",  
          // "ou=nest,  dc=cs,  dc=karelia,  dc=ru" );
           Ldap.setContextParams(  "cn=Nest-Manager,  dc=cs,  dc=karelia,  dc=ru",  
           "LaiphiS8",   "ldap://",  
           "ou=nest,  dc=cs,  dc=karelia,  dc=ru" );
           Ldap.initContext(   );
          // if (  Ldap.doesRecordExist(  10041 ) )
          // System.out.println(  "YES" );
          // else
          // System.out.println(  "DOESN'T EXIST" );
          // System.out.println(  "\n\n\t\t"+Ldap.getRootDeviceID(   )+"\n\n" );
          // writeLdap.writeHeadDNs(   );
           List<Integer> freeID = new ArrayList<Integer>(   );
          // for (  int i=100; i<122; i++ )
          // freeID.add(  i );
          // LdapCacheParams.setCacheParams(  freeID,   567 );
           LdapCacheParams.setCacheParams(  freeID,   250 );
          // freeID = LdapCacheParams.getFreeIDs(   );
          // if (  freeID.size(   )==0 )
          // System.out.println(  "freeID pustoi" );
          // for (  int i=0; i<freeID.size(   ); i++ )
          // System.out.println(  (  i+1 )+" ) freeID="+freeID.get(  i ) );
          // System.out.println(  "cacheSize="+LdapCacheParams.getSize(   ) );
          // String DN = "cn=Devices,  cn=NetUnit,  ou=nest,  dc=cs,  dc=karelia,  dc=ru";
          // String DN2= "cn=122,  cn=111,  cn=SpaceUnit,  ou=nest,  dc=cs,  dc=karelia,  dc=ru";
          // LE.EraseLdapRecord(  28 );
          // set = Ldap.ScopeSearch(  "ou=nest,  dc=cs,  dc=karelia,  dc=ru",  "(  cn=* )",  (  -1 ) );
          // set = ldap.ScopeSearch(  191,  "(  cn=* )",  (  -1 ) );
          // Iterator<Integer> iter = set.iterator(   );
          // for (  int i=0; i<set.size(   ); i++ )
          // System.out.print(  (  i+1 )+"="   )+" ; " );
          // System.out.println(  "" );
           //sanElement = ldap.getElement(  193 );
           }catch(  Exception e ){
           e.printStackTrace(   );


       1  package ru.petrsu.nest.ldap;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.*;
          import java.util.*;
          import java.lang.*;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.ldap.Cache;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.ldap.*;
          import javax.naming.NamingException;
      12  class Driver_writeLdap {
      14   public static void main(  String[] args ) {
          // Ldap.setContextParams(  "cn=Nest-Manager,  dc=cs,  dc=karelia,  dc=ru",  
          // "test",   "ldap://",  
          // "ou=nest,  dc=cs,  dc=karelia,  dc=ru" );
           Ldap.setContextParams(  "cn=Nest-Manager,  dc=cs,  dc=karelia,  dc=ru",  
           "LaiphiS8",   "ldap://",  
           "ou=nest,  dc=cs,  dc=karelia,  dc=ru" );
           try {
           Ldap.initContext(   );
           } catch (  NamingException e ){}
           writeLdap write = new writeLdap(   );
           SAN testSan = generateSAN(   );
           List<Integer> aIn = new ArrayList<Integer>(   );
           try {
           Cache.create(  1000,   aIn );
           Device rootDev = testSan.getRootDevice(   );
           int id_rootDev = Cache.add(  rootDev );
           int[] id_bs = new int[1];
           Building[] bs = testSan.getBuildings(   );
           id_bs[0] = Cache.add(  bs[0] );
           int[] id_fl = new int[1];
           Floor[] fl = bs[0].getFloors(   );
           id_fl[0] = Cache.add(  fl[0] );
           int[] id_rs = new int[1];
           Room[] rs = fl[0].getRooms(   );
           id_rs[0] = Cache.add(  rs[0] );
           CompositeOU rootOU = testSan.getRootOU(   );
           int id_rootOU = Cache.add(  rootOU );
           //AbstractOU[] simOUs = rootOU.getOUs(   );
           //SimpleOU[] simOUs = (  SimpleOU[] )rootOU.getOUs(   );
           //int[] id_simOU = new int[1];
           //id_simOU[0] = Cache.add(  simOUs[0] );
           LinkInterface[] LIns = rootDev.getLinkInterfaces(   );
           int[] id_li = new int[2];
           id_li[0] = Cache.add(  LIns[0] );
           id_li[1] = Cache.add(  LIns[1] );
           NetworkInterface[] NIns = LIns[0].getNetworkInterfaces(   );
           int[] id_ni = new int[1];
           id_ni[0] = Cache.add(  NIns[0] );
           IPNetwork net = (  IPNetwork )NIns[0].getNetwork(   );
           int id_net = Cache.add(  net );
           SimpleOU ou2 = new SimpleOU(   );
           ou2.setName(  "SUName" );
           ou2.setDescription(  "SUDesc" );
           //ou2.addDevice(  rootDev );
           ou2.addRoom(  rs[0] );
           int id_simOU = Cache.add(  ou2 );
           rootOU.addOU(  ou2 );
           rs[0].addOU(  ou2 );
           rootDev.setOU(  ou2 );
           IPNetwork net = new IPNetwork(  new byte[] {
           (  byte )0x00,   (  byte )0x80,   (  byte )0xAD,  
           (  byte )0x7C,   (  byte )0x00,   (  byte )0x32},  
           new byte[] {
           (  byte )0x00,   (  byte )0x80,   (  byte )0xAD,  
           (  byte )0x7C,   (  byte )0x00,   (  byte )0x32} );
           int id_net = Cache.add(  net );
           write.writeHeadDNs(   );
           //write.writeElement(  id_net );
           write.writeElement(  id_bs[0] ); // write Building
           write.writeElement(  id_fl[0] ); // write Floor
           write.writeElement(  id_rs[0] ); //write room
           write.writeElement(  id_rootOU ); //write CompositeOU
           write.writeElement(  id_simOU ); //write SimpleOU
           write.writeElement(  id_rootDev ); // write Device
           write.writeElement(  id_li[0] );
           write.writeElement(  id_net ); // write Network
           write.writeElement(  id_ni[0] ); // write networkInterface
           //write.writeElement(  id_li[1] );
           //write.writeIPNetwork(  net,  id_net );
           //write.writeBuilding(  bs[0],  id_bs[0] );
           //write.writeFloor(  fl[0],  id_fl[0] );
           //write.writeRoom(  rs[0],  id_rs[0] );
           //write.writeCompositeOU(  rootOU,  id_rootOU );
           //write.writeSimpleOU(  sOU,  id_sOU );
           //write.writeDevice(  rootDev,  id_rootDev );
           //write.writeLinkInterface(  LIns[0],  id_li[0] );
           //write.writeLinkInterface(  LIns[1],  id_li[1] );
           } catch(  Exception e ) {
           e.printStackTrace(   );
     120   private static SAN generateSAN(   ) {
           SAN san = new SAN(   );
           Device d1 = new Device(   );
           d1.setDescription(  "Test device 1" );
           d1.setName(  "DevName1" );
           EthernetInterface i11 = new EthernetInterface(  d1 );
           EthernetInterface i12 = new EthernetInterface(  d1 );
           i11.setMACAddress(  new byte[] {
           (  byte )0x00,   (  byte )0x00,   (  byte )0x7C,  
           (  byte )0x7C,   (  byte )0x00,   (  byte )0x32} );
           i11.setState(  LinkInterface.State.DOWN );
           i11.setDevice(  d1 );
           i11.setMode(  LinkInterface.Mode.DUPLEX );
           NetworkInterface ni = new NetworkInterface(   );
           ni.setName(  "niName" );
           ni.setDescription(  "niDesc" );
           ni.setLinkInterface(  i11 );
           ni.setInetAddress(  new byte[] {
           (  byte )0x00,   (  byte )0x80,   (  byte )0xAD,  
           (  byte )0x7C} );
           IPv4Interface ni = new IPv4Interface(   );
           ni.setName(  "niName" );
           ni.setDescription(  "niDesc" );
           ni.setLinkInterface(  i11 );
           ni.setInetAddress(  new byte[] {
           (  byte )0x00,   (  byte )0x80,   (  byte )0xAD,  
           (  byte )0x7C} );
           IPNetwork net = new IPNetwork(   );
           net.setName(  "netName" );
           net.setDescription(  "netDesc" );
           net.addNetworkInterface(  ni );
           net.setAddress(  new byte[] {
           (  byte )0x00,   (  byte )0x00,   (  byte )0x7C,  
           (  byte )0x7C} );
           net.setMask(  new byte[] {
           (  byte )0x00,   (  byte )0x00,   (  byte )0x7C,  
           (  byte )0x7C} );
           ni.setNetwork(  net );
           Building b1 = new Building(   );
           b1.setDescription(  "Miniluv" );
           b1.setName(  "BName" );
           b1.setAddress(  "Lenina" );
           Floor f1 = new Floor(   );
           f1.setNumber(  1 );
           b1.addFloor(  f1 );
           Room r1 = new Room(   );
           r1.setNumber(  "217" );
           r1.setDescription(  "Rooommm" );
           //r1.setName(  "RooommmNaaaammme" );
           r1.addDevice(  d1 );
           f1.addRoom(  r1 );
           d1.setRoom(  r1 );
           CompositeOU ou1 = new CompositeOU(   );
           ou1.setName(  "OUName" );
           ou1.setDescription(  "OUDesc" );
           SimpleOU ou2 = new SimpleOU(   );
           ou2.setName(  "SUName" );
           ou2.setDescription(  "SUDesc" );
           ou2.addDevice(  d1 );
           ou2.addRoom(  r1 );
           ou1.addOU(  ou2 );
           r1.addOU(  ou2 );
           d1.setOU(  ou2 );
           san.setRootDevice(  d1 );
           san.addBuilding(  b1 );
           san.setRootOU(  ou1 );
           return san;


          package ru.petrsu.nest.ldap;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.PropertyValueAddEvent;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.PropertyValueRemoveEvent;
          import java.lang.*;
          import java.util.*;
          import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
          import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
          import java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextChild;
      13  class ElementListener<K,   T>
           //implements PropertyChangeListener
           private K ID;
           private StorageCache<K,   T> cache;
           private Class<T> rootType;
           ElementListener(  StorageCache<K,   T> c,   K id,   Class<T> t ) {
           cache = c;
           ID = id;
           rootType = t;
           /**Reaction for adding item to indexative property.
           * Uses if property is other system element (  should have self listener ). */
           final private void
           addReferencedProperty(  PropertyValueAddEvent event )
           //BeanContextChild value = (  BeanContextChild ) event.getAddedValue(   );
           Object value = event.getAddedValue(   );
           K id = cache.add(   rootType.cast(  value )  );
           new ElementListener<K,   T>(  cache,   id,   rootType ) );
           /**Reaction for removing property from indexative property.
           * Uses if property is other system element. */
           final private void
           removeReferencedProperty(  PropertyValueRemoveEvent event )
           cache.remove(  rootType.cast(  event.getRemovedValue(   ) ) );
           /**Reaction for changing property which id not reference to other
           * system element. */
           final private void modifySimpleProperty(  PropertyChangeEvent event )
           // storage modify
           /**Reaction for changing property. */
           public void propertyChange(  PropertyChangeEvent event )
           String name;
           // add new property
           if(  event instanceof PropertyValueAddEvent ) {
           name = event.getPropertyName(   );
           if(  name == "linkInterfaces" ) {
           LinkInterface value = (  LinkInterface )
           (  (  PropertyValueAddEvent )event ).getAddedValue(   );
           K id = cache.add(  value );
           new LinkInterfaceListener<K>(  cache,   id ) );
           else throw new UnknownPropertyException(  name );
           } else
           // remove property
           if(  event instanceof PropertyValueRemoveEvent ) {
           name = event.getPropertyName(   );
           if(  name == "linkInterfaces" ) {
           LinkInterface value = (  LinkInterface )
           (  (  PropertyValueRemoveEvent )event ).getRemovedValue(   );
           //value.removePropertyChangeListener(  name,   null );
           cache.remove(  value );
           else throw new UnknownPropertyException(  name );
           } else
           // change property
           if(  event instanceof PropertyChangeEvent ) {
           name = event.getPropertyName(   );
           //SanElement newValue = SanElement.class.cast(  event.getNewValue(   ) );
           //SanElement oldValue = SanElement.class.cast(  event.getOldValue(   ) );
           if(  name == "room" ) {
           // modify storage
           System.out.println(  "Device: modifing property: "+name );
           if(  name == "OU" ) {
           // modify storage
           System.out.println(  "Device: modifing property: "+name );


          package ru.petrsu.nest.ldap;
          import java.util.Set;
          import java.util.List;
          import java.util.HashSet;
          import java.util.ArrayList;
          import java.util.Hashtable;
          import java.lang.String ;
          import java.lang.Integer ;
          import javax.naming.Context;
          import javax.naming.NamingException;
          import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration;
          import javax.naming.NameNotFoundException;
          import javax.naming.NameAlreadyBoundException;
          //import javax.naming.ldap.InitialLdapContext;
           * Class Ldap - class for communication with LDAP server.
           * @author Artemev Dmitry;
      38  class Ldap {
      40   private DirContext context; // context of the server
      42   private String rootPw; // password for root access
      43   private String ldapUrl; // url of ldap server
      44   private String rootDN; // DN for root access
      46   String mainHeadDN; // DN of top for all element
      47   String headDeviceDN; // list of top DN elements
      48   String headNetworkDN;
      49   String headLIDN;
      50   String headNIDN;
      51   String headAbstractOUDN;
      52   String headNetUnitDN;
      53   String headSpaceUnitDN;
      54   String headPersonDN;
      55   String headHistoryDN;
           *sets rootPw,   rootDN,   ldapUrl,   mainHeadDN.
      60   Ldap(  String rootUser,  String pass,  String url,   String suffix ) {
           rootDN = rootUser;
           rootPw = pass;
           ldapUrl = url;
           mainHeadDN = suffix;
           setDNs(   );
           *set's top DN elements from mainHeadDN.
      74   private void setDNs(   ) {
           headNetUnitDN = "cn=NetUnit,  " + mainHeadDN;
           headDeviceDN = "cn=Devices,  cn=NetUnit,  " + mainHeadDN;
           headNetworkDN = "cn=Networks,  cn=NetUnit,  " + mainHeadDN;
           headLIDN = "cn=Link Interfaces,  cn=NetUnit,  " + mainHeadDN;
           headNIDN = "cn=Network Interfaces,  cn=NetUnit,  " + mainHeadDN;
           headAbstractOUDN = "cn=AbstractOU,  " + mainHeadDN;
           headPersonDN = "cn=People,  cn=AbstractOU,  " + mainHeadDN;
           headSpaceUnitDN = "cn=SpaceUnit,  " + mainHeadDN;
           headHistoryDN = "cn=History,  " + mainHeadDN;
           *connect's to LDAP & return's servers context.
      92   void initContext(   )
           throws StorageBadConnectionException {
           try {
           Hashtable<String,   String> env = new Hashtable<String,   String>(   );
           env.put(  Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL,   rootDN );
           env.put(  Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS,   rootPw );
           env.put(  Context.PROVIDER_URL,   ldapUrl );
           // env.put(  Context.SECURITY_PROTOCOL,   "ssl" );
           DirContext initial = new InitialDirContext(  env );
           // InitialLdapContext initial = new InitialLdapContext (  env,   null );
           context =(  DirContext ) initial.lookup(  ldapUrl );
           }catch (  NamingException e ){
           e.printStackTrace(   );
           throw new StorageBadConnectionException(  "can't connect to server "+ldapUrl );
           Hashtable<String,   String> env =
           new Hashtable<String,   String> (   );
           env.put (  Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL,   suffix );
           env.put (  Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS,   password );
           env.put(  Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY,  
           "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory" );
           env.put(  Context.PROVIDER_URL,   ldapUrl );
          // env.put(  Context.SECURITY_PROTOCOL,   "ssl" );
           LdapContext initial = new InitialLdapContext(  env,   null );
           StartTlsResponse tls =
           (  StartTlsResponse )initial.extendedOperation
           (  new StartTlsRequest(   ) );
           tls.negotiate(   );
           LdapContext context =
           (  LdapContext ) initial.lookup (  ldapUrl );
          // return context;
           * Call's the same function with default head point.
     139   boolean isRecord(  int ID ) {
           return isRecord(  ID,   mainHeadDN );
           * Return's true if LDAP contains the record with ID.
     146   boolean isRecord(  int ID,   String someHeadDN ) {
           boolean bool = false;
           String[] attrNames = {""}; // function will search
           SearchControls ctls = new SearchControls(   ); // only if record
           ctls.setReturningAttributes(  attrNames ); // of element
           ctls.setSearchScope(  SearchControls.SUBTREE_SCOPE );
           NamingEnumeration element =
   someHeadDN,  (  "cn="+ID ),  ctls );
           if (  element.hasMore(   ) )
           bool = true;
           }catch (  NamingException e ){}
           return bool;
     164   boolean isRecord(  String DN ) {
           boolean bool=false;
           try {
           context.lookup(  DN );
           bool = true;
           }catch(  NamingException e ) {
           return bool;
           * Call's standart function to create LDAp record.
     178   void createLdapRecord(  String name,   Attributes attrs )
           throws NameAlreadyBoundException {
           try {
           if (  context==null ) initContext(   );
           context.createSubcontext(  name,   attrs );
           }catch (  NameAlreadyBoundException e ) {
           throw new NameAlreadyBoundException(   );
           catch (  Exception e ) {
           System.out.println(  "createLdapRecord ERROR" );
           System.out.println(  "context="+context );
           e.printStackTrace(   );
           * Call's standart function that destroy's LDAP record.
     198   void destroyLdapRecord(  String name ) {
           try {
           context.destroySubcontext(  name );
           }catch (  NameNotFoundException e ) {
           catch (  NamingException e ) {
           System.out.println(  "can't destroy record:"+name );
           * Closes connection to server.
     213   void closeContext(   )
           throws StorageBadDisconnectionException {
           context.close(   );
           }catch (  NamingException e ) {
           throw new StorageBadDisconnectionException(  "can't close context." );
           *get's DN from ID and call's another ScopeSearch that works with DN.
           *return's Set of Id's,   with suitable filter,   in some scope.
           Set<Integer> scopeSearch(  int ID,   String filter,   int scope )
           throws UnknownIDException {
           return scopeSearch(  IDtoDN(  ID,   mainHeadDN ),   filter,   scope );
           *return's Set of Id'd,   gets them by DN,   filter & scope
           Set<Integer> scopeSearch(  String DN,   String filter,   int scope ) {
           int cnValue; // value of cn attribute,   actialy - ID for cache
           Set<Integer> SetOfID = new HashSet<Integer>(   );
           try {
           String[] attrNames = null; // setting any attribute
           SearchControls ctls = new SearchControls(   );
           ctls.setReturningAttributes(  attrNames ); //return all attrs
           if (  scope == (  -1 ) )
           ctls.setSearchScope(  SearchControls.SUBTREE_SCOPE );
           ctls.setSearchScope(  scope ); // seting search scope
           try { // testing if the context haven't been got.
           if (  context == null ) initContext (   );
           }catch (  Exception e ) {
           System.out.println(  " function scopeSearch: " );
           System.out.println(  "\t\t couldn't get context" );
           // geting all suitable notes.
           NamingEnumeration answer =  DN,   filter,   ctls );
           while (  answer.hasMore(   ) ) {
           SearchResult searchRes = (  SearchResult )   );
           Attributes allAttrs = searchRes.getAttributes(   );
           Attribute attrCn = allAttrs.get(  "cn" );
           if (  attrCn != null ) {
           NamingEnumeration cn = attrCn.getAll(   );
           try {
           cnValue = Integer.parseInt(  (   ) ).toString(   ) );
           SetOfID.add(  cnValue );
           }catch(  NumberFormatException e ) { }
           }catch (  NamingException e ) {
           System.out.println(  " function scopeSearch: wrong ID" );
           return SetOfID;
           * Return's the list of DN's that are on one level lower.
           List<String> OneLevelSearch(  String DN ) {
           List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(   );
           SearchControls ctls = new SearchControls(   );
           ctls.setReturningAttributes(  null );
           ctls.setSearchScope(  SearchControls.ONELEVEL_SCOPE );
           try {
           NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> answer =
   DN,   "cn=*",   ctls );
           while (  answer.hasMore(   ) )
           list.add(   ).getName(   )+",  "+DN );
           }catch(  NamingException e ) {
           return list;
           *get's element by knowing it's ID.Return's SanElement.
           Attributes getAttributes(  int ID )
           throws UnknownIDException {
           String DN = IDtoDN(  ID,   mainHeadDN );
           return getAttributes(  DN );
           Attributes getAttributes(  String DN ) {
           Attributes attrs=null;
           try {
           attrs = context.getAttributes(  DN );
           }catch(  NamingException e ) {
           System.out.println(  "Class Ldap: Can't get attributes." );
           return attrs;
           * Return's values of specific attributes.
           Attributes getAttributes(  String DN,   String[] attrNames ) {
           Attributes attrs = null;
           try {
           attrs = context.getAttributes(  DN,   attrNames );
           }catch(  NamingException e ) {
           return attrs;
           * modify's sertan attributes of sertan element.
           void modifyAttributes(  String DN,   int modType,   Attributes attrs ) {
           try {
           context.modifyAttributes(  DN,  modType,  attrs );
           }catch (  NoSuchAttributeException e ) {
           catch(  NamingException e ) {
           *get's DN from ID. For better search could change starting element.
           String IDtoDN(  int ID )
           throws UnknownIDException {
           return IDtoDN(  ID,   mainHeadDN );
           private String IDtoDN(  int ID,   String someHeadDN )
           throws UnknownIDException {
           String filter = "(  cn="+ ID +" )"; // unique filter
           String dn = null;
           try {
           if (  context == null ) initContext (   );
           }catch (  Exception e ) {
           (  " function IDtoDN: problem in getting context" );
           try {
           String[] attrNames = {"cn"}; // function will return
           SearchControls ctls = new SearchControls(   ); // only cn record
           ctls.setReturningAttributes(  attrNames ); // of element
           ctls.setSearchScope(  SearchControls.SUBTREE_SCOPE );
           NamingEnumeration element =
   someHeadDN,  filter,  ctls );
           if (  element.hasMore(   ) ) {
           SearchResult sr = (  SearchResult )   );
           dn = sr.getName(   ) + ",  " + someHeadDN;
           }catch (  NamingException e ) {
           System.out.println(  "function IDtoDN: problem in getting dn" );
           if (  dn==null ) throw new UnknownIDException(  ""+ID );
           return dn;
           *return's ID by it's DN.
           int DNtoID(  String DN ) {
           int ID = -1;
           try {
           NamingEnumeration NEID =
           (  (   (  context.getAttributes(  DN ) )  ).get(  "cn" ) ).getAll(   );
           ID = Integer.parseInt(   (   ) ).toString(   )  );
           }catch (  NamingException e ) {
           System.out.println(  " function DNtoID" );
           return ID;
           * Write's root device ID in headDeviceDN.
           void setRootDeviceID(  int ID ) {
           Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes(   );
           attrs.put(  "rootDevice",  ""+ID );
          // try {
           modifyAttributes(  headDeviceDN,   DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE,   attrs );
          // }catch (  NamingException e ){
          // throw new LdapException (  e );
          // }
           * Returns ID of the root device or -1 if it is not set.
           int getRootDeviceID(   ) {
           int ID = -1;
           try {
           String[] str = {"rootDevice"};
           String IDstr = null;
           Attributes attrs = getAttributes(  headDeviceDN,   str );
           IDstr = attrs.get(  "rootDevice" ).getAll(   ).next(   ).toString(   );
           ID = Integer.parseInt(  IDstr );
           }catch (  NullPointerException e ) {}
           catch (  NamingException e ) {
           return ID;


          package ru.petrsu.nest.ldap;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.ldap.Cache;
          import java.util.List;
          import java.util.ArrayList;
          import java.lang.String;
          import java.lang.Integer;
          import javax.naming.Context;
          import javax.naming.NamingException;
          import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration;
           * Class LdapModifyer - class for editing LDAP elements server.
           * @author Artemev Dmitry;
      31  class LdapCacheParams {
      33   static final String CacheParams = "cn=CacheParams,  "+Ldap.headHistoryDN;
      36   static int getSize(   ) {
           String[] lastID = {"lastID"};
           int answer = 0;
           try {;
           Attributes attrs = Ldap.getAttributes(  CacheParams,   lastID );
           NamingEnumeration NE = attrs.get(  "lastID" ).getAll(   );
           answer = Integer.parseInt(   ).toString(   ) );
           } catch (  Exception e ) {}
           return answer;
           static List<Integer> getFreeIDs(   ) {
           List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>(   );
           String[] freeID = {"freeID"};
           try {
           Attributes attrs = Ldap.getAttributes(  CacheParams,   freeID );
           NamingEnumeration NE = attrs.get(  "freeID" ).getAll(   );
           while (  NE.hasMore(   ) )
           list.add(  Integer.parseInt(   ).toString(   ) ) );
           }catch (  Exception e ){}
           return list;
           static void setCacheParams(  List<Integer> freeID,   int lastID ) {
           try {
           Ldap.destroyLdapRecord(  CacheParams );
           }catch(  LdapException e ){}
           Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes(   );
           try {
           attrs.put(  "cn",  "CacheParams" );
           if (  freeID.size(   )!=0 ){
           Attribute free = new BasicAttribute(  "freeID" );
           for (  int i=0; i<freeID.size(   ); i++ )
           free.add(  ""+freeID.get(  i ) );
           attrs.put(  free );
           attrs.put(  "lastID",   ""+lastID );
           attrs.put(  "objectClass",   "nestHistory" );
           Ldap.createLdapRecord(  CacheParams,   attrs );
           }catch (  Exception e ) {}


       1  package ru.petrsu.nest.ldap;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.SanElement;
          import java.util.List;
          import java.util.ArrayList;
          import java.lang.String;
          import java.lang.Integer;
          import javax.naming.Context;
          import javax.naming.NamingException;
          import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration;
          import javax.naming.NameNotFoundException;
           * Class LdapEraser - class for removing elements from LDAP server.
           * @author Artemev Dmitry;
      31  class LdapEraser {
      34   final String[] DNattrs = {"deviceDN",  "nifDN",  "roomDN",  "ouDN",  "lifDN",  
           "networkDN",   "personDN",   "link"};
      38   Ldap ldap;
      40   LdapEraser(  Ldap l ) {
           ldap = l;
           * Erases element in LDAP by it's ID
      46   void eraseLdapRecord(  int ID )
           throws UnknownIDException {
           String DN = ldap.IDtoDN(  ID );
           eraseLdapRecord(  DN );
           * Erases element in LDAP by it's DN
      56   void eraseLdapRecord(  String DN ) {
           try {
           List<String> list = ldap.OneLevelSearch(  DN );
           if (  list.size(   )==0 ) {
           Attributes attrs= ldap.getAttributes(  DN,   DNattrs );
           if (  attrs!=null ) {
           NamingEnumeration<? extends Attribute> NE = attrs.getAll(   );
           NamingEnumeration NEattr;
           List<NamingEnumeration> NEList = new ArrayList<NamingEnumeration>(   );
           String DNLink = DNLinkOfElement(  DN );
           Attributes basic = new BasicAttributes(  DNLink,   DN );
           while (  NE.hasMore(   ) ) {
    ).getAll(   );
           while (  NEattr.hasMore(   ) )
           ldap.modifyAttributes(   ).toString(   ),  
           basic );
           if (  DNLink.equals(  "lifDN" ) ) {
           Attribute attr = (  attrs.get(  "link" ) );
           if (  attr!=null ){
           NEattr=attr.getAll(   );
           basic = new BasicAttributes(  "link",  DN );
           ldap.modifyAttributes(   ).toString(   ),  
           basic );
           }else {
           for(  int i=0; i<list.size(   ); i++ )
           eraseLdapRecord(  list.get(  i ) );
           ldap.destroyLdapRecord(  DN );
           }catch (  Exception e ) {
           System.err.println(  "problem erasing element: "+DN );
           * Return's link erase attributes in other elements,   that contain
           * path to the element that is been erased.
     105   private String DNLinkOfElement(  String DN ) {
           String[] objClass = {"objectClass"};
           String DNlink = null;
           try {
           Attributes attrs = ldap.getAttributes(  DN,   objClass );
           NamingEnumeration NE = attrs.get(  "objectClass" ).getAll(   );
           while (  NE.hasMore(   ) ) {
           DNlink =   ).toString(   );
           if (  DNlink.equals(  "nestLinkInterface" )|
           (  DNlink.equals(  "nestEthernetInterface" ) ) )
           else if (  (  DNlink.equals(  "nestIPv4Interface" ) )|
           (  DNlink.equals(  "nestNetworkInterface" ) ) )
           else if (  DNlink.equals(  "nestRoom" ) )
           else if (  DNlink.equals(  "nestSimpleOU" ) )
           else if (  DNlink.equals(  "nestDevice" ) )
           else if (  DNlink.equals(  "nestNetwork" ) )
           else if (  DNlink.equals(  "nestPerson" ) )
           }catch (  NamingException e ) {
           System.err.println(  "Erase: can't identify element"+DN );
           return DNlink;


          package ru.petrsu.nest.ldap;
          //import ru.petrsu.nest.san.LazyReference;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.SanElement;
          import java.lang.*;
          import java.util.*;
           * @author Nuikin Alexander
      13  class LdapSanReference<U>
           extends CacheReference<Integer,   U> {
           public LdapSanReference
           (  StorageCache<Integer,   ? super U> c,   Integer id,   Class<U> t  ) {
           super(  c,   id,   t );


          package ru.petrsu.nest.ldap;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.NetworkInterface;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.LinkInterface;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.Building;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.Room;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.Floor;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.SimpleOU;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.CompositeOU;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.Device;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.Network;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.IPNetwork;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.SanElement;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.EthernetInterface;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.IPv4Interface;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.References;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.AbstractOU;
          import java.lang.String;
          import java.lang.Integer;
          import java.util.Set;
          import java.util.HashSet;
          import java.util.ArrayList;
          import java.util.List;
          import java.util.Iterator;
          /**LDAP storage of SAN-elements.
           * Не контроллирует уникальность ИД.
           * @author Alexander Nuikin
           * @author Dmitry Artemev*/
      32  class LdapSanStorage
      33   extends SlaveStorage<Integer,   SanElement> implements SanStorage<Integer> {
           Ldap ldap;
          // LdapEraser eraser;
           LdapWriter writer;
           SanElementCreator creator;
           MasterCache<Integer,   SanElement> cache;
           /*---------------------- LDAP specific methods ----------------------*/
           LdapSanStorage(  MasterCache<Integer,   SanElement> c,  
           String rootUser,   String passwd,   String url,   String suffix )
           throws StorageBadConnectionException {
           super(  c );
           ldap = new Ldap(  rootUser,   passwd,   url,   suffix );
           // eraser = new LdapEraser(  ldap );
           writer = new LdapWriter(  ldap,   c );
           creator= new SanElementCreator(  ldap,   c );
           cache =c;
           ldap.initContext(   );
           if (  !ldap.isRecord(  ldap.headHistoryDN ) )
           writer.writeHeadDNs(   );
           /**LDAP scope search.*/
           Set<Integer> scopeSearch(  Integer rootID,   String filter,   int scope )
           throws UnknownIDException {
           return ldap.scopeSearch(  rootID,   filter,   scope );
           /*------------- Implementation of SanStorage interface --------------*/
           /**Set ID of root device in N-structure.*/
           public void setRootDeviceID(  Integer ID )
           throws UnknownIDException {
           if (  !ldap.isRecord(  ID,   ldap.headDeviceDN ) )
           throw new UnknownIDException(  ""+ID );
           ldap.setRootDeviceID(  ID );
           /**Returns ID of root device in N-structure or -1 if its not sets.*/
           public Integer getRootDeviceID(   ) {
           return ldap.getRootDeviceID(   );
           /**Returns ID of root organisation unit in A-structure
           * or -1 if its not sets.*/
           public Integer getRootOUID(   ) {
           int answer = -1;
           Set<Integer> set = ldap.scopeSearch(  ldap.headAbstractOUDN,  
           "objectClass=nestCompositeOU",   1 );
           if (  set.size(   )>0 ) {
           Iterator<Integer> iter = set.iterator(   );
           answer =   );
           return answer;
           /*--------------- Implementation of Storage interface ---------------*/
           /**Returns true if in storage exist element with given ID.*/
           boolean isID(  Integer ID ) {
           return ldap.isRecord(  ID );
           /**Returns all elements from storage.*/
           <U extends SanElement> Set<Integer> getElements(  Class<U> type ){
           //Set<Integer> getElements(  SanElement SE ){
           Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<Integer>(   );
           if (  type == LinkInterface.class )
           set = ldap.scopeSearch(  ldap.headLIDN,   "cn=*",   1 );
           else if (  type == NetworkInterface.class )
           set = ldap.scopeSearch(  ldap.headNIDN,   "cn=*",   1 );
           else if (  type == Device.class )
           set = ldap.scopeSearch(  ldap.headDeviceDN,   "cn=*",   1 );
           else if (  type == Network.class )
           set = ldap.scopeSearch(  ldap.headNetworkDN,   "cn=*",   1 );
           else if (  type == Floor.class )
           set = ldap.scopeSearch(  ldap.headSpaceUnitDN,  
           "objectClass=nestFloor",   2 );
           else if (  type == Room.class )
           set = ldap.scopeSearch(  ldap.headSpaceUnitDN,  
           "objectClass=nestRoom",   -1 );
           else if (  type == SimpleOU.class )
           set = ldap.scopeSearch(  ldap.headAbstractOUDN,  
           "objectClass=nestSimpleOU",   1 );
           else if (  type == CompositeOU.class )
           set = ldap.scopeSearch(  ldap.headAbstractOUDN,  
           "objectClass=nestCompositeOU",   1 );
           else if (  type == Building.class )
           set = ldap.scopeSearch(  ldap.headSpaceUnitDN,   "cn=*",   1 );
           else if (  type == SanElement.class )
           set = ldap.scopeSearch(  ldap.mainHeadDN,   "cn=*",   -1 );
           return set;
           Set<Integer> getAllID(   ) {
           return ldap.scopeSearch(  ldap.mainHeadDN,   "cn=*",   -1 );
           /**Returns element from storage by its ID.
           * Cache references to other elements will not be set.*/
           SanElement getNotReferenced(  Integer ID )
           throws UnknownIDException {
           return creator.getEmptyElement(  ID );
           /**Set references to other elements for given element.*/
           void setReferences(  Integer ID,   SanElement el )
           throws UnknownIDException,   NullPointerException,  
           IDNotRespectiveTypeException {
           creator.getElement(  ID,   el );
           // throw new IDNotRespectiveTypeException
           // (  el.getClass(   ),   Device.class );
           /**Add new element to storage with given ID.*/
           void add(  Integer ID,   SanElement el )
           throws NullPointerException {
           writer.writeElement(  ID,   el );
           /**Removes element from storage by given ID.*/
           void remove(  Integer ID )
           throws UnknownIDException {
           String DN = ldap.IDtoDN(  ID );
           ldap.destroyLdapRecord(  DN );
           //eraser.eraseLdapRecord(  ID );
           /**Rewrites element by given ID*/
           void modify(  Integer ID )
           throws UnknownIDException {
           String DN = ldap.IDtoDN(  ID );
           ldap.destroyLdapRecord(  DN );
           writer.writeElement(  ID,   cache.get(  ID ) );
           /**Close connection with LDAP server.*/
           void disconnect(   )
           throws StorageBadDisconnectionException {
           ldap.closeContext(   );


          package ru.petrsu.nest.ldap;
          import java.util.*;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.SanManager;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.SAN;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.SanElement;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.Device;
          /**Manages SAN-elements storage system.
           * @author Alexander Nuikin*/
      11  public class LdapSanStorageManager extends SanStorageManager<Integer> {
           /*------------ Specific LdapSanStorageManger interface -----------*/
           LdapSanStorage lss;
           public LdapSanStorageManager
           (  String url,   String rootUser,   String passwd,   String suffix )
           throws StorageBadConnectionException {
           cache = new MasterHoleyCache<SanElement>(   );
           lss = new LdapSanStorage(  (  MasterCache<Integer,   SanElement> )cache,  
           url,   rootUser,   passwd,   suffix );
           storage = lss;
           cache.checkOut(   );
           cache.rootDeviceID = lss.getRootDeviceID(   );
           System.out.println(  "Set cache root device: ["+cache.rootDeviceID+"]" );
           // проверка на cache.rootDeviceID == -1 и выбор любого возм-го Device
           // ...
           try {
           san.setRootDevice(  Device.class.cast(  cache.get(  cache.rootDeviceID ) ) );
           }catch(  UnknownIDException e ){
           throw new DebugException(   );
           /**LDAP scope search.*/
           final public Collection<SanElement>
           scopeSearch(  Integer rootID,   String filter,   int scope )
           throws UnknownIDException {
           Collection<SanElement> setOfElements = new ArrayList<SanElement>(   );
           for(  Integer id : lss.scopeSearch(  rootID,   filter,   scope ) )
           try {
           setOfElements.add(  cache.get(  id ) );
           }catch(  UnknownIDException e ) {
           System.out.println(  e );
           return setOfElements;
           /**Retrieve the root element of the SAN structure.*/
           final public SAN getSAN(   ) {
           Integer id = cache.add(  san );
           cache.rootID = id;
           san.addPropertyChangeListener(  new SANListener<Integer>(  cache,  lss,  id ) );
           return san;
           final public void finalize(   )
           throws StorageBadDisconnectionException {
           System.out.println(  "Set storage root device: ["+cache.rootDeviceID+"]" );
           try {
           lss.setRootDeviceID(  cache.rootDeviceID );
           System.out.println(  ": OK" );
           }catch(  UnknownIDException e ){
           System.out.print(  ": BAD: " );
           System.out.println(  e.toString(   ) );
           super.finalize(   );


          package ru.petrsu.nest.ldap;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.NetworkInterface;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.LinkInterface;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.Building;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.Room;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.Floor;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.SimpleOU;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.CompositeOU;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.Device;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.Network;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.IPNetwork;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.SanElement;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.EthernetInterface;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.IPv4Interface;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.References;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.AbstractOU;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.ldap.CacheReference;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.ldap.Cache;
          import java.util.Set;
          import java.util.HashSet;
          import java.util.Hashtable;
          import java.lang.String;
          import java.lang.Object;
          import java.lang.Integer;
          import java.lang.Exception;
          import java.lang.StringBuffer;
          import javax.naming.Context;
          import javax.naming.NamingException;
          import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration;
          import javax.naming.NameAlreadyBoundException;
           * Class LdapWriter - class for writing to LDAP server.
           * @author Artemev Dmitry;
      59  class LdapWriter {
      61   Ldap ldap;
           MasterCache<Integer,   SanElement> cache;
           LdapWriter(  Ldap l,   MasterCache<Integer,   SanElement> c ) {
           ldap = l;
           cache =c;
           void writeElement(  int ID,   SanElement SE )
           throws NullPointerException {
           if (  SE==null )
           throw new NullPointerException(  "Can't write to LDAP. ID="+ID );
           else if (  SE instanceof LinkInterface )
           writeLinkInterface(  (  LinkInterface )SE,   ID );
           else if (  SE instanceof NetworkInterface )
           writeNetworkInterface(  (  NetworkInterface )SE,   ID );
           else if (  SE instanceof Device )
           writeDevice(  (  Device )SE,   ID );
           else if (  SE instanceof Room )
           writeRoom(  (  Room )SE,   ID );
           else if (  SE instanceof Floor )
           writeFloor(  (  Floor )SE,   ID );
           else if (  SE instanceof SimpleOU )
           writeSimpleOU(  (  SimpleOU )SE,   ID );
           else if (  SE instanceof IPNetwork )
           writeIPNetwork(  (  IPNetwork )SE,   ID );
           else if (  SE instanceof Building )
           writeBuilding(  (  Building )SE,   ID );
           else if (  SE instanceof CompositeOU )
           writeCompositeOU(  (  CompositeOU )SE,   ID );
           *creates LI record in LDAP.
           void writeLinkInterface(  LinkInterface LI,   int ID )
           throws ElementExistException {
           try {
           String name = LI.getName(   );
           String descr = LI.getDescription(   );
           String State = null;
           String Mode = null;
           StringBuilder DN = new StringBuilder(   );
           Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes(   );
           attrs.put(  "cn",  ""+ID );
           if (  name!=null && !name.trim(   ).isEmpty(   ) )
           attrs.put(  "name",   name );
           if (  descr!=null && !descr.trim(   ).isEmpty(   ) )
           attrs.put(  "description",  descr );
           Device device = LI.getDevice(   );
           if (  device!=null ) {
           DN.append(  "cn=" );
           DN.append(  cache.IDOf(  device ) );
           DN.append(  ",  " );
           DN.append(  ldap.headDeviceDN );
           attrs.put(  "deviceDN",   DN.toString(   ) );
           LinkInterface link = LI.getLink(   );
           if (  link!=null ) {
           DN.setLength(  0 );
           DN.append(  "cn=" );
           DN.append(  cache.IDOf(  link ) );
           DN.append(  ",  " );
           DN.append(  ldap.headLIDN );
           attrs.put(  "link",   DN.toString(   ) );
           NetworkInterface[] NI = LI.getNetworkInterfaces(   );
           if (  NI.length!=0 ) {
           Attribute nifDN = new BasicAttribute(  "nifDN" );
           for (  int i=0; i<NI.length; i++ ) {
           DN.setLength(  0 );;
           DN.append(  "cn=" );
           DN.append(  cache.IDOf(  NI[i] ) );
           DN.append(  ",  " );
           DN.append(  ldap.headNIDN );
           nifDN.add(  DN.toString(   ) );
           if (  nifDN.size(   )!=0 )
           attrs.put(  nifDN );
           State = LI.getState(   ).name(   );
           Mode = LI.getMode(   ).name(   );
           if (  State!=null )
           attrs.put(  "state",   State );
           if (  Mode !=null )
           attrs.put(  "mode",  Mode );
           DN.setLength(  0 );
           DN.append(  "cn=" );
           DN.append(  ID );
           DN.append(  ",  " );
           DN.append(  ldap.headLIDN );
           if (  LI instanceof EthernetInterface ) {
           StringBuilder MacString = new StringBuilder(  18 );
           byte[] mac = (  (  EthernetInterface )LI ).getMACAddress(   );
           if (  mac!=null ) {
           for (  int i=0; i<mac.length; i++ ) {
           if (  i >0 )
           MacString.append(  ":" );
           MacString.append(  String.format(  "%02X",  mac[i] ) );
           attrs.put(  "macAddress",   MacString.toString(   ) );
           attrs.put(  "objectClass",   "nestEthernetInterface" );
           else attrs.put(  "objectClass",   "nestLinkInterface" );
           ldap.createLdapRecord(  DN.toString(   ),   attrs );
           }catch (  NameAlreadyBoundException e ){
           System.err.println(  "element with ID= "+ID+" already exist." );
           throw new ElementExistException(   );
           catch(  NamingException e ) {
           System.err.println(  "writeEthernetInterface: ERROR." );
           e.printStackTrace(   );
           *creates NI record in LDAP.
           void writeNetworkInterface(  NetworkInterface NI,   int ID )
           throws ElementExistException {
           try {
           String name = NI.getName(   );
           String descr = NI.getDescription(   );
           StringBuilder TCPIP = new StringBuilder(   );
           StringBuilder DN = new StringBuilder(   );
           int length;
           Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes(   );
           attrs.put(  "cn",   ""+ID );
           if (  name!=null && !name.trim(   ).isEmpty(   ) )
           attrs.put(  "name",   name );
           if (  descr!=null && !descr.trim(   ).isEmpty(   ) )
           attrs.put(  "description",   descr );
           byte[] address = NI.getInetAddress(   );
           InetAddress ia =null;
           try {
           ia = InetAddress.getByAddress(  address );
           TCPIP.append(  ia.getHostAddress(   ) );
           attrs.put(  "ipHostNumber",   TCPIP.toString(   ) );
           }catch (  UnknownHostException e ){}
          // if (  length!=0 ) {
          // for (  int i=0; i<length-1; i++ ) {
          // TCPIP.append(  address[i] );
          // TCPIP.append(  "." );
          // }
          // TCPIP.append(  address[length-1] );
           // length = TCPIP.length(   );
           // TCPIP = TCPIP.substring(  0,  length-1 );
          // }
           Network network = NI.getNetwork(   );
           if (  network!=null ) {
           DN.append(  "cn=" );
           DN.append(  cache.IDOf(  network ) );
           DN.append(  ",  " );
           DN.append(  ldap.headNetworkDN );
           attrs.put(  "networkDN",   DN.toString(   ) );
           DN.setLength(  0 );
           LinkInterface LI = NI.getLinkInterface(   );
           if (  LI!=null ) {
           DN.append(  "cn=" );
           DN.append(  cache.IDOf(  LI ) );
           DN.append(  ",  " );
           DN.append(  ldap.headLIDN );
           attrs.put(  "lifDN",   DN.toString(   ) );
           if (  NI instanceof IPv4Interface )
           attrs.put(  "objectClass",   "nestIPv4Interface" );
           else attrs.put(  "objectClass",   "nestNetworkInterface" );
           DN.setLength(  0 );
           DN.append(  "cn=" );
           DN.append(  ID );
           DN.append(  ",  " );
           DN.append(  ldap.headNIDN );
          // System.out.println(  "\n\n"+ attrs.toString(   )+"\n\n" );
           ldap.createLdapRecord(  DN.toString(   ),   attrs );
           }catch (  NameAlreadyBoundException e ){
           System.err.println(  "element with ID= "+ID+" already exist." );
           throw new ElementExistException(   );
           catch(  Exception e ) {
           System.out.println(  "writeNetworkInterface: ERROR." );
           e.printStackTrace(   );
           *creates Network record with ipNetmaskNumber and ipNetworkNUmber
           * in LDAP.
           void writeIPNetwork(  IPNetwork network,   int ID )
           throws ElementExistException {
           try {
           String name = network.getName(   );
           String descr = network.getDescription(   );
           StringBuilder DN = new StringBuilder(   );
           StringBuilder TCPIP = new StringBuilder(   );
           int length=0;
           Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes(   );
           attrs.put(  "cn",  ""+ID );
           if (  name!=null && !name.trim(   ).isEmpty(   ) )
           attrs.put(  "name",   name );
           if (  descr!=null && !descr.trim(   ).isEmpty(   ) )
           attrs.put(  "description",   descr );
           byte[] mask = network.getMask(   );
           InetAddress ia = null;
           try {
           ia = InetAddress.getByAddress(  mask );
           TCPIP.append(  ia.getHostAddress(   ) );
           attrs.put(  "ipNetmaskNumber",  TCPIP.toString(   ) );
           }catch (  UnknownHostException e ){}
           byte[] address = network.getAddress(   );
           ia = null;
           TCPIP.setLength(  0 );
           try {
           ia = InetAddress.getByAddress(  address );
           TCPIP.append(  ia.getHostAddress(   ) );
           attrs.put(  "ipNetworkNumber",  TCPIP.toString(   ) );
           }catch (  UnknownHostException e ){}
           Attribute nifDN = new BasicAttribute(  "nifDN" );
           NetworkInterface[] NI = network.getNetworkInterfaces(   );
           for (  int i=0; i<NI.length; i++ ) {
           DN.setLength(  0 );
           DN.append(  "cn="+cache.IDOf(  NI[i] ) );
           DN.append(  ",  "+ldap.headNIDN );
           nifDN.add(  DN.toString(   ) );
           if (  nifDN.size(   )!=0 )
           attrs.put(  nifDN );
           DN.setLength(  0 );
           DN.append(  "cn="+ID );
           DN.append(  ",  "+ldap.headNetworkDN );
           attrs.put(  "objectClass",   "nestNetwork" );
           ldap.createLdapRecord(  DN.toString(   ),  attrs );
           }catch (  NameAlreadyBoundException e ){
           System.err.println(  "element with ID= "+ID+" already exist." );
           throw new ElementExistException(   );
           catch(  Exception e ) {
           System.out.println(  "writeNetwork: ERROR." );
           e.printStackTrace(   );
           *creates Device record in LDAP.
           void writeDevice(  Device device,   int ID )
           throws ElementExistException {
           try {
           String name = device.getName(   );
           String descr = device.getDescription(   );
           StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder(  "cn="+ID );
           StringBuilder DN = new StringBuilder(   );
           Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes(   );
           attrs.put(  "cn",  ""+ID );
           if (  name!=null && !name.trim(   ).isEmpty(   ) )
           attrs.put(  "name",  name );
           if (  descr!=null && !descr.trim(   ).isEmpty(   ) )
           attrs.put(  "description",   descr );
           path.append(  ",  "+ldap.headDeviceDN );
           Room room = device.getRoom(   );
           if (  room != null ) {
           DN.append(  "cn="+cache.IDOf(  room ) );
           Floor floor = room.getFloor(   );
           DN.append(  ",  cn="+ cache.IDOf(  floor ) );
           Building building = floor.getBuilding(   );
           DN.append(  ",  cn="+ cache.IDOf(  building )+",  " );
           DN.append(  ldap.headSpaceUnitDN );
           attrs.put(  "roomDN",   DN.toString(   ) );
           SimpleOU simple = device.getOU(   );
           if (  simple!=null ) {
           DN.setLength(  0 );
           DN.append(  "cn="+cache.IDOf(  simple ) );
           CompositeOU composite = simple.getParent(   );
           while (  composite!=null ) {
           DN.append(  ",  cn="+cache.IDOf(  composite ) );
           composite = composite.getParent(   );
           DN.append(  ",  "+ldap.headAbstractOUDN );
           attrs.put(  "ouDN",   DN.toString(   ) );
           Attribute lifDN = new BasicAttribute(  "lifDN" );
           LinkInterface[] LI = device.getLinkInterfaces(   );
           for (  int i=0; i<LI.length; i++ ) {
           DN.setLength(  0 );
           DN.append(  "cn="+ cache.IDOf(  LI[i] ) );
           DN.append(  ",  "+ldap.headLIDN );
           lifDN.add(  DN.toString(   ) );
           if (  lifDN.size(   ) !=0 )
           attrs.put(  lifDN );
           Attribute objClass = new BasicAttribute(  "objectClass" );
           objClass.add(  "nestDevice" );
           attrs.put(  objClass );
           ldap.createLdapRecord(  path.toString(   ),   attrs );
           }catch (  NameAlreadyBoundException e ){
           System.err.println(  "element with ID= "+ID+" already exist." );
           throw new ElementExistException(   );
           catch(  Exception e ) {
           System.out.println(  "writeDevice: ERROR." );
           e.printStackTrace(   );
           *creates Building record in LDAP.
           void writeBuilding(  Building building,   int ID )
           throws ElementExistException {
           try {
           String street = building.getAddress(   );
           String buildingName = building.getName(   );
           String descr = building.getDescription(   );
           StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder(  "cn=" );
           Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes(   );
           attrs.put(  "cn",   ""+ID );
           if (  street != null && !street.trim(   ).isEmpty(   ) )
           attrs.put(  "street",   street );
           if (  buildingName != null && !buildingName.trim(   ).isEmpty(   ) )
           attrs.put(  "buildingName",   buildingName );
           if (  descr != null && !descr.trim(   ).isEmpty(   ) )
           attrs.put(  "description",   descr );
           path.append(  ID );
           path.append(  ",  " );
           path.append(  ldap.headSpaceUnitDN );
           attrs.put(  "objectClass",   "nestBuilding" );
           ldap.createLdapRecord(  path.toString(   ),   attrs );
           }catch (  NameAlreadyBoundException e ){
           System.err.println(  "element with ID= "+ID+" already exist." );
           throw new ElementExistException(   );
           catch(  Exception e ) {
           System.out.println(  "writeBuilding: ERROR." );
           e.printStackTrace(   );
           *creates Floor record in LDAP.
           void writeFloor(  Floor floor,   int ID )
           throws ElementExistException {
           try {
           int bID = cache.IDOf(  floor.getBuilding(   ) );
           String descr = floor.getDescription(   );
           String name = floor.getName(   );
           StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder(  "cn=" );
           Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes(   );
           attrs.put(  "cn",   ""+ID );
           attrs.put(  "floorNumber",   (  ""+ floor.getNumber(   ) ) );
           if (  name!=null && !name.trim(   ).isEmpty(   ) )
           attrs.put(  "name",   name );
           if (  descr != null && !descr.trim(   ).isEmpty(   ) )
           attrs.put(  "description",   descr );
           attrs.put(  "objectClass",   "nestFloor" );
           path.append(  ID );
           path.append(  ",  cn=" );
           path.append(  bID );
           path.append(  ",  " );
           path.append(  ldap.headSpaceUnitDN );
           ldap.createLdapRecord(  path.toString(   ),   attrs );
           }catch (  NameAlreadyBoundException e ){
           System.err.println(  "element with ID= "+ID+" already exist." );
           throw new ElementExistException(   );
           catch(  Exception e ) {
           System.out.println(  "writeFloor: ERROR." );
           e.printStackTrace(   );
           *creates Room record in LDAP.
           void writeRoom(  Room room,   int ID ) {
           try {
           String number = room.getNumber(   );
           String descr = room.getDescription(   );
           String name = room.getName(   );
           StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder(  "cn=" );
           StringBuilder someDN = new StringBuilder(   );
           Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes(   );
           attrs.put(  "cn",   ""+ID );
           Floor floor = room.getFloor(   );
           path.append(  ID );
           path.append(  ",  cn=" );
           path.append(  cache.IDOf(  floor ) );
           path.append(  ",  cn=" );
           path.append(  cache.IDOf(  floor.getBuilding(   ) ) );
           path.append(  ",  " );
           path.append(  ldap.headSpaceUnitDN );
           if (  number!=null && !number.trim(   ).isEmpty(   ) )
           attrs.put(  "roomNumber",   number );
           if (  descr!=null && !descr.trim(   ).isEmpty(   ) )
           attrs.put(  "description",   descr );
           if (  name!=null && !name.trim(   ).isEmpty(   ) )
           attrs.put(  "name",   name );
           Attribute attrDN = new BasicAttribute(  "ouDN" );
           SimpleOU[] simple = room.getOUs(   );
           CompositeOU composite=null;
           for (  int i=0; i<simple.length; i++ ) {
           someDN.setLength(  0 );
           composite = simple[i].getParent(   );
           someDN.append(  "cn=" );
           someDN.append(  cache.IDOf(  simple[i] ) );
           someDN.append(  ",  " );
           while (  composite != null ) {
           someDN.append(  "cn=" );
           someDN.append(  cache.IDOf(  composite ) );
           someDN.append(  ",  " );
           composite = composite.getParent(   );
           someDN.append(  ldap.headAbstractOUDN );
           attrDN.add(  someDN.toString(   ) );
           if (  attrDN.size(   )!=0 )
           attrs.put(  attrDN );
           Device[] device = room.getDevices(   );
           attrDN = new BasicAttribute(  "deviceDN" );
           for (  int i=0; i<device.length; i++ ) {
           someDN.setLength(  0 );
           someDN.append(  "cn=" );
           someDN.append(  cache.IDOf(  device[i] ) );
           someDN.append(  ",  " );
           someDN.append(  ldap.headDeviceDN );
           attrDN.add(  someDN.toString(   ) );
           if (  attrDN.size(   )!=0 )
           attrs.put(  attrDN );
           attrs.put(  "objectClass",   "nestRoom" );
           ldap.createLdapRecord(  path.toString(   ),   attrs );
           }catch (  NameAlreadyBoundException e ){
           System.err.println(  "element with ID= "+ID+" already exist." );
           throw new ElementExistException(   );
           catch(  Exception e ) {
           System.out.println(  "writeRoom: ERROR." );
           e.printStackTrace(   );
           *creates CompositeOU record in LDAP.
           void writeCompositeOU(  CompositeOU composite,   int ID )
           throws ElementExistException {
           try {
           String descr = composite.getDescription(   );
           String name = composite.getName(   );
           StringBuilder DN = new StringBuilder(  "cn=" );
           Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes(   );
           attrs.put(  "cn",   ""+ID );
           DN.append(  ID );
           DN.append(  ",  " );
           if (  descr!=null && !descr.trim(   ).isEmpty(   ) )
           attrs.put(  "description",   descr );
           if (  name != null && !name.trim(   ).isEmpty(   ) )
           attrs.put(  "ou",   name );
           while (  composite != null ) {
           composite = composite.getParent(   );
           if (  composite != null ) {
           DN.append(  "cn=" );
           DN.append(  cache.IDOf(  composite ) );
           DN.append(  ",  " );
           DN.append(  ldap.headAbstractOUDN );
           attrs.put(  "objectClass",   "nestCompositeOU" );
           ldap.createLdapRecord(  DN.toString(   ),   attrs );
           }catch (  NameAlreadyBoundException e ){
           System.err.println(  "element with ID= "+ID+" already exist." );
           throw new ElementExistException(   );
           catch(  Exception e ) {
           System.out.println(  "writeCompositeOU: ERROR." );
           e.printStackTrace(   );
           *creates SimpleOU record in LDAP.
           void writeSimpleOU(  SimpleOU simple,   int ID )
           throws ElementExistException {
           try {
           String name = simple.getName(   );
           String descr = simple.getDescription(   );
           StringBuilder DN = new StringBuilder(   );
           StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder(  "cn="+ID );
           Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes(   );
           attrs.put(  "cn",   ""+ID );
           if (  name!=null && !name.trim(   ).isEmpty(   ) )
           attrs.put(  "ou",  name );
           if (  descr!=null && !descr.trim(   ).isEmpty(   ) )
           attrs.put(  "description",   descr );
           CompositeOU composite = simple.getParent(   );
           while (  composite!=null ) {
           path.append(  ",  cn="+cache.IDOf(  composite ) );
           composite = composite.getParent(   );
           path.append(  ",  " );
           path.append(  ldap.headAbstractOUDN );
           Attribute someDN = new BasicAttribute(  "roomDN" );
           Room[] room = simple.getRooms(   );
           Floor floor = null;
           Building building = null;
           for (  int i=0; i<room.length; i++ ) {
           DN.setLength(  0 );
           DN.append(  "cn=" );
           DN.append(  cache.IDOf(  room[i] ) );
           floor = room[i].getFloor(   );
           DN.append(  ",  cn=" );
           DN.append(  cache.IDOf(  floor ) );
           building = floor.getBuilding(   );
           DN.append(  ",  cn=" );
           DN.append(  cache.IDOf(  building ) );
           DN.append(  ",  " );
           DN.append(  ldap.headSpaceUnitDN );
           someDN.add(  DN.toString(   ) );
           if (  someDN.size(   )!=0 )
           attrs.put(  someDN );
           someDN = new BasicAttribute(  "deviceDN" );
           Device[] device = simple.getDevices(   );
           for (  int i=0; i<device.length; i++ ) {
           DN.setLength(  0 );
           DN.append(  "cn=" );
           DN.append(  cache.IDOf(  device[i] ) );
           DN.append(  ",  " );
           DN.append(  ldap.headDeviceDN );
           someDN.add(  DN.toString(   ) );
           if (  someDN.size(   )!=0 )
           attrs.put(  someDN );
           attrs.put(  "objectClass",   "nestSimpleOU" );
           ldap.createLdapRecord(  path.toString(   ),   attrs );
           }catch (  NameAlreadyBoundException e ){
           System.err.println(  "element with ID= "+ID+" already exist." );
           throw new ElementExistException(   );
           catch(  Exception e ) {
           System.out.println(  "writeSimpleOU: ERROR." );
           e.printStackTrace(   );
           *creates All head records for elements in LDAP.
           void writeHeadDNs(   ) {
           try {
           Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes(   );
           attrs.put(  "cn",   "AbstractOU" );
           attrs.put(  "description",   "Head DN for Administration unit" );
           attrs.put(  "objectClass",  "nestAbstractOU" );
           ldap.createLdapRecord(  ldap.headAbstractOUDN,   attrs );
           } catch(  NameAlreadyBoundException e ) {}
           try {
           attrs = new BasicAttributes(   );
           attrs.put(  "cn",  "People" );
           attrs.put(  "description",   "Head DN for people" );
           attrs.put(  "objectClass",  "nestPeople" );
           ldap.createLdapRecord(  ldap.headPersonDN,   attrs );
           } catch(  NameAlreadyBoundException e ) {}
           try {
           attrs = new BasicAttributes(   );
           attrs.put(  "cn",  "SpaceUnit" );
           attrs.put(  "description",   "Head DN for Space Unit" );
           attrs.put(  "objectClass",  "nestSpaceUnit" );
           ldap.createLdapRecord(  ldap.headSpaceUnitDN,   attrs );
           } catch(  NameAlreadyBoundException e ) {}
           try {
           attrs = new BasicAttributes(   );
           attrs.put(  "cn",  "NetUnit" );
           attrs.put(  "description",   "Head DN for Net Unit" );
           attrs.put(  "objectClass",  "nestNetUnit" );
           ldap.createLdapRecord(  ldap.headNetUnitDN,   attrs );
           } catch(  NameAlreadyBoundException e ) {}
           try {
           attrs = new BasicAttributes(   );
           attrs.put(  "cn",  "History" );
           attrs.put(  "description",   "Head DN for tranzaction History" );
           attrs.put(  "objectClass",  "nestHistory" );
           ldap.createLdapRecord(  ldap.headHistoryDN,   attrs );
           } catch(  NameAlreadyBoundException e ) {}
           try {
           attrs = new BasicAttributes(   );
           attrs.put(  "cn",  "Devices" );
           attrs.put(  "description",   "Head DN for all devices" );
           attrs.put(  "objectClass",  "nestNetUnit" );
           ldap.createLdapRecord(  ldap.headDeviceDN,   attrs );
           } catch(  NameAlreadyBoundException e ) {}
           attrs = new BasicAttributes(   );
           attrs.put(  "cn",  "Networks" );
           attrs.put(  "description",   "Head DN for all networks" );
           attrs.put(  "objectClass",  "nestNetUnit" );
           ldap.createLdapRecord(  ldap.headNetworkDN,   attrs );
           } catch(  NameAlreadyBoundException e ) {}
           try {
           attrs = new BasicAttributes(   );
           attrs.put(  "cn",  "Link Interfaces" );
           attrs.put(  "description",   "Head DN for all link interfaces" );
           attrs.put(  "objectClass",  "nestNetUnit" );
           ldap.createLdapRecord(  ldap.headLIDN,   attrs );
           } catch(  NameAlreadyBoundException e ) {}
           try {
           attrs = new BasicAttributes(   );
           attrs.put(  "cn",  "Network Interfaces" );
           attrs.put(  "description",   "Head DN for all network interfaces" );
           attrs.put(  "objectClass",  "nestNetUnit" );
           ldap.createLdapRecord(  ldap.headNIDN,   attrs );
           } catch(  NameAlreadyBoundException e ) {}
           }catch(  Exception e ) {
           (  "LdapWriter,   writeHeadDNs: problems in writing headDNs" );


          package ru.petrsu.nest.ldap;
          /**"Ведущий" кэш.
           * Контроллирует уникальнось ИД.*/
       5  abstract class MasterCache<K,  T> extends StorageCache<K,  T> {
           protected SlaveStorage<K,  T> storage;
           void setStorage(  SlaveStorage<K,  T> s ) {
           storage = s;


          package ru.petrsu.nest.ldap;
          import java.lang.*;
          import java.util.*;
          import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.*;
          /**"Дырявый" кэш. Implementation of StorageCache.
           * Кэш - массив с "дырками" - удаленными ИД,   которые заполняются при добавлении
           * новых элементов. Реализут абстрактный класс StorageCache.
           * Конроллирует уникальность ИД.
           * @author Nuikin Alexander
      15  class MasterHoleyCache<T> extends MasterCache<Integer,   T> {
           private List<T> elements = new ArrayList<T>(   );
           /**Free IDs.*/
           private List<Integer> holesIDs = new ArrayList<Integer>(   );
           /**IDs of elements added to storage.
           * Actually added to cache and marked as added.
           * Really addition to storage will be on commit(   ). */
           private List<Integer> addedIDs = new ArrayList<Integer>(   );//ИД добавленных
           /**IDs of elements loaded from storage.*/
           private List<Integer> loadedIDs = new ArrayList<Integer>(   );
           /**IDs of elements loaded from storage and removed.
           * Actually marked as removed.
           * Really removing in storage will when on commit(   ) will be called.*/
           private List<Integer> loadedRemovedIDs = new ArrayList<Integer>(   );
           /**IDs of elements loaded from storage and modified.
           * Actually marked as modified.
           * Really modifing in storage will when on commit(   ) will be called.*/
           private List<Integer> loadedModifiedIDs = new ArrayList<Integer>(   );
           private int maxCount = 30;
           int rootDeviceID;
           MasterHoleyCache(   ) {
           badID = -1;
           rootDeviceID = -15555;
           /**Initialize cache from storage.*/
           void checkOut(   ) {
           System.out.println(  "==> CheckOut START" );
           if(  storage == null )
           throw new NullPointerException(  "Cache have not storage." );
           Set<Integer> antiHoles = storage.getAllID(   ); // антидырки
           System.out.println(  "Busy ID size: "+antiHoles.size(   ) );
           if(  antiHoles.size(   ) <= maxCount )
           System.out.println(  "Busy ID: "+antiHoles.toString(   ) );
           // System.out.println(  "AntiHoles size: "+antiHoles.size(   ) );
           // Ищем максимальный ИД
           int max = -1;
           for(  int id : antiHoles )
           if(  id > max )
           max = id;
           System.out.println(  "Max ID: "+max );
           // System.out.println(  "New cache size: "+elements.size(   ) );
           for(  int id = 0; id < max+1; id++ ) {
           elements.add(  null );
           if(  !antiHoles.contains(  id ) )
           holesIDs.add(  id );
           for(  int i = 0; i < elements.size(   ); i++ ) // на всякий случай
           elements.set(  i,   null );
           // System.out.println(  "New cache size: "+elements.size(   ) );
           System.out.println(  "Free ID size: "+holesIDs.size(   ) );
           if(  holesIDs.size(   ) <= maxCount )
           System.out.println(  "Free ID: "+holesIDs.toString(   ) );
           System.out.println(  "==> CheckOut END" );
           /*Returns all ID.*/
           Collection<Integer> getAllID(   ) {
           Collection<Integer> col = new ArrayList<Integer>(   );
           for(  int i = 0; i < elements.size(   ); i++ )
           if(  !holesIDs.contains(  i ) )
           col.add(  i );
           return col;
           /**Returns all elements in cache.*/
           Set<T> getLoadedElements(   ) {
           Set<T> res = new HashSet<T>(   );
           for(  Integer i = 0; i < elements.size(   ); i++ )
           if(  elements.get(  i ) != null && !holesIDs.contains(  i ) )
           res.add(  elements.get(  i ) );
           return res;
           /**Returns all elements by given type.*/
           <U extends T> Set<U> getElements(  Class<U> type ) {
           Set<U> res = new HashSet<U>(   );
           System.out.println(  "Get elements from ldap..." );
           Set<Integer> setOfID = storage.getElements(  type );
           System.err.println(  "size:" + setOfID.size(   ) );
           for(  Integer id : setOfID )
           if(  !holesIDs.contains(  id ) )
           try {
           System.out.println(  "\tload & add to result ["+id+"]" );
           if(  type.isInstance(  get(  id ) ) )
           res.add(  type.cast(  get(  id ) ) );
           }catch(  UnknownIDException e ) {
           System.err.println(  "UnknownIDException" );
           System.out.println(  "Get elements from added..." );
           for(  Integer id : addedIDs )
           if(   type.isInstance(  elements.get(  id ) )  ) {
           System.out.println(  "\tadd to result ["+id+"]" );
           res.add(  type.cast(  elements.get(  id ) ) );
           return res;
           /**Returns element from cache by given ID.
           * Always return not-null element or generate exception.*/
           T get(  Integer ID )
           throws UnknownIDException {
           if(  ID < 0 || ID > elements.size(   )
           || holesIDs.contains(  ID )
           || loadedRemovedIDs.contains(  ID ) )
           throw new UnknownIDException(  ID.toString(   ) );
           T el = elements.get(  ID );
           if(  el == null ) { // element not loaded from storage yet
           el = storage.getNotReferenced(  ID );
           elements.set(  ID,   el );
           try {
           storage.setReferences(  ID,   el );
           }catch(  IDNotRespectiveTypeException e ) {
           System.out.println(  e );
           if(  !loadedIDs.contains(  ID ) )
           loadedIDs.add(  ID );
           return el;
           /**Add new element to cache and storage.
           * Returns ID (  new unique ID ) of added element */
           Integer add(  T el )
           throws ElementExistException,   NullPointerException {
           if(  isLoaded(  el ) )
           throw new ElementExistException(   );
           Integer ID;
           if(  holesIDs.isEmpty(   ) ) {
           ID = elements.size(   );
           elements.add(  el );
           else {
           ID = holesIDs.get(  0 );
           holesIDs.remove(  0 );
           elements.set(  ID,   el );
           if(  !addedIDs.contains(  ID ) )
           addedIDs.add(  ID );
           //storage.add(  ID,   el ); // !!! ошибка при записи по ссылкам
           return ID;
           /**Removes element from cache by gived ID.*/
           void removeByID(  Integer ID )
           throws UnknownIDException {
           if(  ID < 0 || ID > elements.size(   ) || holesIDs.contains(  ID ) )
           throw new UnknownIDException(  ID.toString(   ) );
           //storage.remove(  ID );
           if(  loadedIDs.contains(  ID ) ) {
           loadedRemovedIDs.add(  ID );
           Integer ind = loadedModifiedIDs.indexOf(  ID );
           if(  ind != -1 )
           loadedModifiedIDs.remove(  ind );
           }else if(  addedIDs.contains(  ID ) ) {
           Integer ind = addedIDs.indexOf(  ID );
           holesIDs.add(  ID );
           elements.set(  ID,   null );
           addedIDs.remove(  ind );
           throw new DebugException(   );
           /**Removes element from cache by gived ID.*/
           void remove(  T el )
           throws UnknownElementException,   NullPointerException {
           if(  isLoaded(  el ) ){
           Integer id = IDOf(  el );
           try {
           removeByID(  id );
           }catch(  UnknownIDException e ) {
           throw new DebugException(  e );
           else throw new UnknownElementException(   );
           /**Marked element as modified.*/
           void modify(  Integer ID )
           throws UnknownIDException {
           if(  isLoadedByID(  ID ) ) {
           if(  !loadedModifiedIDs.contains(  ID ) ) // еще не изменен
           loadedModifiedIDs.add(  ID );
           throw new DebugException(   );
           /**Returns true if given element loaded from storage.*/
           boolean isLoaded(  T el )
           throws NullPointerException {
           if(  el == null )
           throw new NullPointerException(   );
           Integer id = IDOf(  el );
           if(  id == -1 ) {
           return false;
           //if(  !loadedIDs.contains(  id ) && !addedIDs.contains(  id ) )
           // throw new DebugException(   );
           return true;
           /**Returns true if loaded from storage element with gived ID.*/
           boolean isLoadedByID(  Integer ID )
           throws UnknownIDException {
           if(  ID < 0 || ID > elements.size(   )
           || holesIDs.contains(  ID )
           || loadedRemovedIDs.contains(  ID ) )
           throw new UnknownIDException(  ID.toString(   ) );
           if(  elements.get(  ID ) == null )
           return false;
           //if(  !loadedIDs.contains(  ID ) && !addedIDs.contains(  ID ) )
           // throw new DebugException(   );
           return true;
           /**Returns true if in system (  cache/storage ) exist element with given ID.*/
           boolean isID(  Integer ID ) {
           if(  ID < 0 || ID > elements.size(   )
           || holesIDs.contains(  ID )
           || loadedRemovedIDs.contains(  ID ) )
           return false;
           return true;
           /**Returns ID of element
           * or -1 if no given element in cache.*/
           Integer IDOf(  T el )
           throws NullPointerException {
           if(  el == null )
           return badID;
           //throw new NullPointerException(   );
           Integer id = elements.indexOf(  el );
           if(  loadedRemovedIDs.contains(  id ) )
           return badID;
           return id;
           /**Returns count of ID.*/
           int countOfID(   ) {
           return elements.size(   ) - holesIDs.size(   ) - loadedRemovedIDs.size(   );
           /**Returns count of loaded objects.*/
           int countOfLoaded(   ) {
           return loadedIDs.size(   );
           /**Write all unsaved changes to storage.*/
           void commit(   ) {
           try {
           System.out.println(  "==> Commit all START" );
           //1. Storage.remove(  id ) (  удаляем обратных без обратных ссылок ) для всех loadedRemovedIDs
           commit(  loadedRemovedIDs,   REM );
           //2. Storage.modify(  id ) (  переписываем сверху без обратных ссылок ) для всех loadedModifiedIDs
           System.out.println(  "==> Remove added from modified" );
           for(  int i=0; i<addedIDs.size(   ); i++ ) {
           int ind = loadedModifiedIDs.indexOf(  addedIDs.get(  i ) );
           if(  ind != -1 )
           loadedModifiedIDs.remove(  ind );
           commit(  loadedModifiedIDs,   MOD );
           // Storage.add(  id ) для всех addedIDs
           commit(  addedIDs,   ADD );
           System.out.println(  "=> Cleaning out" );
           loadedModifiedIDs.clear(   );
           addedIDs.clear(   );
           // Все loadedRemovedIDs добавить в holesIDs
           for(  Integer ind=0; ind<loadedRemovedIDs.size(   ); ind++ )
           holesIDs.add(  loadedRemovedIDs.get(  ind ) );
           loadedRemovedIDs.clear(   );
           // set root device
           "Storage set root Device: ["+rootDeviceID+"]" );
           try {
           SanStorage.class.cast(  storage ).setRootDeviceID(  rootDeviceID );
           System.out.println(  ": OK" );
           }catch(  UnknownIDException e ){
           System.out.print(  ": BAD: " );
           System.out.println(  e.toString(   ) );
           System.out.println(  "==> Commit all END" );
           }catch(  UnknownIDException e ) {
           throw new DebugException(  e );
           private final int ADD = 1;
           private final int REM = 2;
           private final int MOD = 3;
           /**Correct commit*/
           private void commit(  List<Integer> listIDs,   int Operation )
           throws UnknownIDException {
           switch(  Operation ) {
           case REM: System.out.println(  "=> Commit loaded & removed" ); break;
           case MOD: System.out.println(  "=> Commit loaded & modified" ); break;
           case ADD: System.out.println(  "=> Commit added" ); break;
           default: throw new DebugException(  "Bad operation" );
           System.out.println(  "Count of IDs: "+listIDs.size(   ) );
           if(  listIDs.size(   ) == 1 && Operation == ADD ) { // SAN
           System.out.println(  "==> Commit end" );
           if(  listIDs.size(   ) <= maxCount )
           System.out.println(  listIDs.toString(   ) );
           List<Class<? extends SanElement>> types =
           new ArrayList<Class<? extends SanElement>>(   );
           types.add(  Device.class );
           types.add(  LinkInterface.class );
           types.add(  NetworkInterface.class );
           types.add(  IPNetwork.class );
           types.add(  Building.class );
           types.add(  Floor.class );
           types.add(  Room.class );
           types.add(  CompositeOU.class );
           types.add(  SimpleOU.class );
           // по всем типам
           for(  Class<? extends SanElement> t : types ) {
           System.out.println(  "type: "+t.getSimpleName(   )+":" );
           // по всем элементам данного типа
           for(  int i=0; i < listIDs.size(   ); i++ ) {
           if(   t.isInstance(  get(  listIDs.get(  i ) ) )  ) {
           System.out.println(  "\t"+
           get(  listIDs.get(  i ) ).getClass(   ).getSimpleName(   )+"["+listIDs.get(  i )+"]" );
           switch(  Operation ) {
           case REM: storage.remove(  listIDs.get(  i ) );
           case MOD: storage.modify(  listIDs.get(  i ) );
           case ADD: storage.add(  listIDs.get(  i ),   get(  listIDs.get(  i ) ) );
           default: throw new DebugException(  "Bad operation" );
           System.out.println(  "==> Commit end" );
           /**Print out cache.*/
           void print(   ) {
           System.out.println(  "> Loaded: " );
           System.out.println(  loadedIDs.toString(   ) );
           System.out.println(  "> Loaded & removed: " );
           System.out.println(  loadedRemovedIDs.toString(   ) );
           System.out.println(  "> Loaded & modified: " );
           System.out.println(  loadedModifiedIDs.toString(   ) );
           System.out.println(  "> Added: " );
           System.out.println(  addedIDs.toString(   ) );
           System.out.print(  "> elements: \n[" );
           for(  int i=0; i<elements.size(   ); i++ )
           if(  elements.get(  i ) != null )
           System.out.print(  i+",   " );
           System.out.println(  "]" );
           System.out.println(  "> Holes: " );
           System.out.println(  holesIDs.toString(   ) );


          package ru.petrsu.nest.ldap;
          import java.lang.*;
          import java.util.*;
          /**"Ведущее" хранилище.
           * Контролирует уникальность ИД элеметов.
           * @author Alexander Nuikin*/
       8  abstract class MasterStorage<K,  T> extends Storage<K,  T> {
           SlaveCache<K,  T> cache;
           MasterStorage(  SlaveCache<K,  T> c )
           throws StorageBadConnectionException {
           cache = c;
           cache.setStorage(  this );
           /**Add new element to storage.
           * Returns ID of added element.*/
           abstract K add(  T el )
           throws NullPointerException;


          package ru.petrsu.nest.ldap;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.SanElement;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.SAN;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.Device;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.CompositeOU;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.PropertyValueAddEvent;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.PropertyValueRemoveEvent;
          import java.lang.*;
          import java.util.*;
          import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
          import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
      16  class SANListener<K> extends SanElementListener<K>
           private SanStorage<K> sanStorage;
           private boolean rootOUSetted = false;
           SANListener(  StorageCache<K,   SanElement> c,   SanStorage<K> s,   K id ) {
           super(  c,   id );
           sanStorage = s;
           /**Reaction for changing property.*/
           public void propertyChange(  PropertyChangeEvent event )
           super.propertyChange(  event );
           try {
           SanElement value = SanElement.class.cast(  event.getNewValue(   ) );
           // SAN.setRootDevice(   ) called
           if(  value instanceof Device ) {
           K id = cache.IDOf(  value );
           cache.rootDeviceID = id;
           System.out.println(  "Cache set root Device: ["+id+"]" );
           // SAN.setRootOU(   ) called
           if(  value instanceof CompositeOU ) {
           if(  !rootOUSetted ) {
           System.out.print(  "SAN: set root OU: " );
           rootOUSetted = true;
           "SAN: affective set root OU. Current RootOU: " );
           K id = sanStorage.getRootOUID(   );
           System.out.println(  "["+id+"]" );
           }catch(  ClassCastException e ) {
           // do nothing


          package ru.petrsu.nest.ldap;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.NetworkInterface;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.LinkInterface;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.Building;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.Room;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.Floor;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.SimpleOU;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.CompositeOU;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.Device;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.Network;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.IPNetwork;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.SanElement;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.EthernetInterface;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.IPv4Interface;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.References;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.AbstractOU;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.ldap.CacheReference;
          import java.util.Set;
          import java.util.List;
          import java.util.HashSet;
          import java.util.Iterator;
          import java.util.ArrayList;
          import java.lang.String;
          import java.lang.Integer;
          import javax.naming.NamingException;
          import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration;
           * Class SanElementCreator - class for creating SanElement from
           * attributes.
           * @author Artemev Dmitry;
      46  class SanElementCreator
      48   String DN = null;
      49   Attributes attrs;
      50   Ldap ldap;
           MasterCache<Integer,   SanElement> cache;
           SanElementCreator(  Ldap l,   MasterCache<Integer,   SanElement> c ) {
           ldap = l;
           cache = c;
           SanElement getEmptyElement(  int ID )
           throws UnknownIDException {
           SanElement toSanElement = null;
           String objClass = null;
           attrs = ldap.getAttributes(  ID );
           DN = ldap.IDtoDN(  ID );
           NamingEnumeration NEobjClass =
           (  attrs.get(  "objectClass" ) ).getAll(   );
           objClass = (   ) ).toString(   );
           if (  (  objClass ).equals(  "nestBuilding" ) )
           toSanElement = new Building(   );
           else if (  (  objClass ).equals(  "nestFloor" ) )
           toSanElement = new Floor(   );
           else if (  (  objClass ).equals(  "nestRoom" ) )
           toSanElement = new Room(   );
           else if (  (  objClass ).equals(  "nestCompositeOU" ) )
           toSanElement = new CompositeOU(   );
           else if (  (  objClass ).equals(  "nestSimpleOU" ) )
           toSanElement = new SimpleOU(   );
           else if (  (  objClass ).equals(  "nestDevice" ) )
           toSanElement = new Device(   );
           else if (  (  objClass ).equals(  "nestEthernetInterface" )|
           (  (  objClass ).equals(  "nestLinkInterface" ) ) )
           toSanElement = new LinkInterface(   );
           else if (  (  objClass ).equals(  "nestIPv4Interface" )|
           (  objClass ).equals(  "nestNetworkInterface" ) )
           toSanElement = new NetworkInterface(   );
           else if (  (  objClass ).equals(  "nestNetwork" ) )
           toSanElement = new IPNetwork(   );
           catch(  NamingException e ){
           System.out.println(  "Couldn't create empty element" +ID );
           return toSanElement;
           * Get's element by knowing it's ID.Return's SanElement.
           void getElement(  int ID,   SanElement el )
           throws NullPointerException,   IDNotRespectiveTypeException {
           if (  el==null )
           throw new NullPointerException(  "Can't read from LDAP. ID="+ID );
           else {
           String obj=null;
           try {
           NamingEnumeration NE = attrs.get(  "objectClass" ).getAll(   );
           obj =   ).toString(   );
           }catch(  NamingException e ){
           (  "Couldn't get objectClass from Ldap record with ID: "+ID );
           if(  (  el instanceof Building )&&(  obj.equals(  "nestBuilding" ) ) )
           getBuilding(  attrs,   DN,   ID,   Building.class.cast(  el ) );
           else if(  (  el instanceof Floor )&&(  obj.equals(  "nestFloor" ) ) )
           getFloor(  attrs,   DN,   ID,   Floor.class.cast(  el ) );
           else if(  (  el instanceof Room )&&(  obj.equals(  "nestRoom" ) ) )
           getRoom(  attrs,   DN ,  ID,   Room.class.cast(  el ) );
           else if(  (  el instanceof CompositeOU )&&
           (  obj.equals(  "nestCompositeOU" ) ) )
           getCompositeOU(  attrs,   DN,   ID,   CompositeOU.class.cast(  el ) );
           else if(  (  el instanceof SimpleOU )&&(  obj.equals(  "nestSimpleOU" ) ) )
           getSimpleOU(  attrs,   DN,   ID,   SimpleOU.class.cast(  el ) );
           else if(  (  el instanceof Device )&&(  obj.equals(  "nestDevice" ) ) )
           getDevice(  attrs,   ID ,  Device.class.cast(  el ) );
           else if(  (  el instanceof LinkInterface )&&
           (   (  obj.equals(  "nestLinkInterface" ) )||
           (  obj.equals(  "nestEthernetInterface" ) )  ) )
           getLI(  attrs,   ID,   LinkInterface.class.cast(  el ) );
           else if(   (  el instanceof NetworkInterface )&&
           (   (  obj.equals(  "nestNetworkInterface" ) )||
           (  obj.equals(  "nestIPv4Interface" ) )  )  )
           getNI(  attrs,   ID,   NetworkInterface.class.cast(  el ) );
           else if(   (  el instanceof IPNetwork )&&(  obj.equals(  "nestNetwork" ) ) )
           getNetwork(  attrs,  ID,  IPNetwork.class.cast(  el ) );
           throw new IDNotRespectiveTypeException
           (  el.getClass(   ),  obj.substring(  4 ) );
          /* public Set<SanElement> getElements(  String filterString ) {
           Set<SanElement> elements = new HashSet<SanElement>(   );
           int id;
           Set<Integer> IDS = ldap.scopeSearch(  ldap.mainHeadDN,   filterString,   -1 );
           Iterator<Integer> i = IDS.iterator(   );
           while (  i.hasNext(   ) )
           id =   );
           elements.add(  getElement(  id,   getEmptyElement(  id ) ) );
           catch (  Exception e ) {
           return elements;
           *return's SanElement of building;
           private void getBuilding(  Attributes attrs,   String DN,   int ID,  
           Building building ) {
           try {
           Attribute descrAttr = attrs.get(  "description" );
           Attribute name = attrs.get(  "buildingName" );
           Attribute street = attrs.get(  "street" );
           if (  name!=null )
           building.setName(  name.getAll(   ).next(   ).toString(   ) );
           if (  street!=null )
           building.setAddress(  street.getAll(   ).next(   ).toString(   ) );
           if (  descrAttr!=null ) {
           NamingEnumeration NEDescript = descrAttr.getAll(   );
           building.setDescription(  (   ) ).toString(   ) );
           Set<Integer> set = ldap.scopeSearch(  DN,   "(  objectClass=nestFloor )",  1 );
           if (  set.size(   ) != 0 ) {
           List<LdapSanReference<Floor>> floorDNs=
           new ArrayList<LdapSanReference<Floor>>(   );
           Iterator<Integer> iter = set.iterator(   );
           for (  int i=0; i<set.size(   ); i++ )
           LdapSanReference<Floor> crf =
           new LdapSanReference<Floor>
           (  cache,   ),   Floor.class );
           floorDNs.add(  crf );
           (  References.referenceCollectionToArray(  floorDNs ) );
          /* // Загрузка этажа по ссылке.(  пример отладки - отлажено )
           Iterator<CacheReference<Floor>> iii = floorDNs.iterator(   );
           while (  iii.hasNext(   ) )
    ).get(   );
           }catch (  Exception e ) {
           System.err.println(  "getBuilding Couldn't fill element ID="+ID );
           *return's SanElement of Floor;
           private void getFloor(  Attributes attrs,   String DN,   int ID,  
           Floor floor ) {
           try {
           Attribute descrAttr = attrs.get(  "description" );
           Attribute name = attrs.get(  "name" );
           Attribute number = attrs.get(  "floorNumber" );
           if(  descrAttr!=null ) {
           NamingEnumeration NEDescript = descrAttr.getAll(   );
           floor.setDescription(   ).toString(   ) );
           if (  name!=null ) {
           NamingEnumeration NEName = name.getAll(   );
           floor.setName(  NEName.toString(   ) );
           if (  number!=null )
           floor.setNumber(  Integer.parseInt
           (  number.getAll(   ).next(   ).toString(   ) ) );
           String parentDN = DN.substring(  (  ""+ID ).length(   ) + 4 );
           Set<Integer> set = ldap.scopeSearch(  DN,  "(  objectClass=nestRoom )",  1 );
           if (  set.size(   ) != 0 ) {
           List<LdapSanReference<Room>> roomDNs=
           new ArrayList<LdapSanReference<Room>>(   );
           Iterator<Integer> iter = set.iterator(   );
           for (  int i=0; i<set.size(   ); i++ )
           LdapSanReference<Room> crr = new LdapSanReference<Room>
           (  cache,   ),   Room.class );
           roomDNs.add(  crr );
           (  References.referenceCollectionToArray(  roomDNs ) );
           LdapSanReference<Building> crb =
           new LdapSanReference<Building>
           (  cache,   ldap.DNtoID(  parentDN ),   Building.class );
           floor.setBuildingReference(  crb );
           }catch (  Exception e ) {
           System.err.println(  "getFloor Couldn't fill element ID="+ID );
           *return's SanElement of Room;
           private void getRoom(  Attributes attrs,   String DN,   int ID,   Room room ) {
           try {
           Attribute descrAttr = attrs.get(  "description" );
           Attribute name = attrs.get(  "name" );
           Attribute someAttr = attrs.get(  "ouDN" );
           Attribute number = attrs.get(  "roomNumber" );
           if(  descrAttr!=null ) {
           NamingEnumeration NEDescript = descrAttr.getAll(   );
           room.setDescription(   ).toString(   ) );
           if(  name!=null ) {
           NamingEnumeration NEName = name.getAll(   );
           room.setName(   ).toString(   ) );
           if (  number!=null )
           room.setNumber(  (  number.getAll(   ).next(   ) ).toString(   ) );
           String parentDN = DN.substring(  (  ""+ID ).length(   ) + 4 );
           if (  someAttr != null ) {
           NamingEnumeration NEOuDN = someAttr.getAll(   );
           List<LdapSanReference<SimpleOU>> OU =
           new ArrayList<LdapSanReference<SimpleOU>>(   );
           while (  NEOuDN.hasMore(   ) )
           LdapSanReference<SimpleOU> crsou =
           new LdapSanReference<SimpleOU>
           (  cache,   ldap.DNtoID(   ).toString(   ) ),  
           SimpleOU.class );
           OU.add(  crsou );
           (  References.referenceCollectionToArray(  OU ) );
           someAttr = attrs.get(  "deviceDN" );
           if (  someAttr != null ) {
           NamingEnumeration NEDevDN = someAttr.getAll(   );
           List<LdapSanReference<Device>> Dev =
           new ArrayList<LdapSanReference<Device>>(   );
           while (  NEDevDN.hasMore(   ) )
           LdapSanReference<Device> crd =
           new LdapSanReference<Device>
           (  cache,   ldap.DNtoID(   ).toString(   ) ),  
           Device.class );
           Dev.add(  crd );
           (  References.referenceCollectionToArray(  Dev ) );
           LdapSanReference<Floor> crf = new LdapSanReference<Floor>
           (  cache,   ldap.DNtoID(  parentDN ),   Floor.class );
           room.setFloorReference(  crf );
           }catch (  Exception e ) {
           System.err.println(  "getRoom Couldn't fill element ID="+ID );
           *return's SanElement of CompositeOU;
           private void getCompositeOU(  Attributes attrs,   String DN,  
           int ID,   CompositeOU composite ) {
           try {
           Attribute attr = attrs.get(  "description" );
           Attribute name = attrs.get(  "ou" );
           if (  attr!=null ) {
           NamingEnumeration NEDescript = attr.getAll(   );
           composite.setDescription(  (   ) ).toString(   ) );
           String parentDN = DN.substring(  (  ""+ID ).length(   ) + 4 );
           Set<Integer> set = ldap.scopeSearch(  DN,  
           "(  (  objectClass=nestSimpleOU )|(  objectClass=nestCompositeOU ) )",  1 );
           List<LdapSanReference<AbstractOU>> OU=
           new ArrayList<LdapSanReference<AbstractOU>>(   );
           Iterator<Integer> iter = set.iterator(   );
           for (  int i=0; i<set.size(   ); i++ )
           LdapSanReference<AbstractOU> ceaou =
           new LdapSanReference<AbstractOU>
           (  cache,   ),   AbstractOU.class );
           OU.add(  ceaou );
           (  References.referenceCollectionToArray(  OU ) );
           if (  name!=null ) {
           NamingEnumeration NEOu = name.getAll(   );
           composite.setName(   ).toString(   ) );
           if (  parentDN.equals(  ldap.headAbstractOUDN )==false ) {
           LdapSanReference<CompositeOU> crcou =
           new LdapSanReference<CompositeOU>
           (  cache,   ldap.DNtoID(  parentDN ),   CompositeOU.class );
           composite.setParentReference(  crcou );
           }catch (  Exception e ) {
           System.err.println(  "getCompositeOU Couldn't fill element ID="+ID );
           *return's SanElement of SimpleOU;
           private void getSimpleOU(  Attributes attrs,   String DN,  
           int ID,   SimpleOU simple ) {
           try {
           Attribute descrAttr = attrs.get(  "description" );
           Attribute name = attrs.get(  "ou" );
           Attribute roomDN = attrs.get(  "roomDN" );
          // NamingEnumeration NEPersonDN = descrAttr.getAll(   );
           if (  descrAttr!=null ) {
           NamingEnumeration NEDescript = descrAttr.getAll(   );
           simple.setDescription(   ).toString(   ) );
           if (  name!=null ) {
           NamingEnumeration NEOu = name.getAll(   );
           simple.setName(  (   ) ).toString(   ) );
           String parentDN = DN.substring(  (  ""+ID ).length(   ) + 4 );
          /* if (  NEPersonDN != null )
           List<CacheReference<Person>> Person =
           new ArrayList<CacheReference<Person>>(   );
           while (  NEPersonDN.hasMore(   ) )
           Person.add(  new CacheReference<Person>
           (  DNtoID(   ).toString(   ) ) ) );
           (  Person.toArray(  new CacheReference[Person.size(   )] ) );
           if (  roomDN != null ) {
           NamingEnumeration NERoomDN = roomDN.getAll(   );
           List<LdapSanReference<Room>> Room =
           new ArrayList<LdapSanReference<Room>>(   );
           while (  NERoomDN.hasMore(   ) )
           LdapSanReference<Room> crr = new LdapSanReference<Room>
           (  cache,   ldap.DNtoID(   ).toString(   ) ),  
           Room.class );
           Room.add(  crr );
           (  References.referenceCollectionToArray(  Room ) );
           if (  parentDN.indexOf(  "cn=AbstractOU" ) != 0 ) {
           LdapSanReference<CompositeOU> crcou =
           new LdapSanReference<CompositeOU>
           (  cache,   ldap.DNtoID(  parentDN ),   CompositeOU.class );
           simple.setParentReference(  crcou );
           LdapSanReference<CompositeOU> crcou =
           new LdapSanReference<CompositeOU>
           (  cache,   -1,   CompositeOU.class );
           }catch (  Exception e ) {
           System.err.println(  "getSimpleOU Couldn't fill"+ID );
           *return's SanElement of Device;
           private void getDevice(  Attributes attrs,   int ID,   Device device ) {
           try {
           Attribute descrAttr = attrs.get(  "description" );
           Attribute someAttr = attrs.get(  "roomDN" );
           Attribute name = attrs.get(  "name" );
           if(  descrAttr!=null ) {
           NamingEnumeration Descr = descrAttr.getAll(   );
           device.setDescription(  (   ) ).toString(   ) );
           if (  someAttr != null ) {
           NamingEnumeration RmDN = someAttr.getAll(   );
           LdapSanReference<Room> crd = new LdapSanReference<Room>
           (  cache,  ldap.DNtoID(   ).toString(   ) ),  Room.class );
           device.setRoomReference(  crd );
           someAttr = attrs.get(  "ouDN" );
           if (  someAttr != null ) {
           NamingEnumeration OuDN = someAttr.getAll(   );
           LdapSanReference<SimpleOU> crsou =
           new LdapSanReference<SimpleOU>
           (  cache,   ldap.DNtoID(   ).toString(   ) ),  
           SimpleOU.class );
           device.setOUReference(  crsou );
           someAttr = attrs.get(  "lifDN" );
           if (  someAttr != null ) {
           NamingEnumeration LifDN = someAttr.getAll(   );
           List<LdapSanReference<LinkInterface>> Lif =
           new ArrayList<LdapSanReference<LinkInterface>>(   );
           while (  LifDN.hasMore(   ) )
           LdapSanReference<LinkInterface> crlif =
           new LdapSanReference<LinkInterface>
           (  cache,   ldap.DNtoID(   ).toString(   ) ),  
           LinkInterface.class );
           Lif.add(  crlif );
           (  References.referenceCollectionToArray(  Lif ) );
           }catch (  Exception e ) {
           System.err.println(  "getDevice Couldn't fill element ID="+ID );
           *return's SanElement of LinkInterface;
           private void getLI(  Attributes attrs,   int ID,   LinkInterface li ) {
           // System.out.println(  attrs.get(  "cn" ).getAll(   ).next(   ).toString(   ) );
           Attribute descrAttr = attrs.get(  "description" );
           Attribute someAttr = attrs.get(  "macAddress" );
           Attribute name = attrs.get(  "name" );
           Attribute DevDN = attrs.get(  "deviceDN" );
           if (  descrAttr!=null ) {
           NamingEnumeration Descr = descrAttr.getAll(   );
           li.setDescription(  (   ) ).toString(   ) );
           if (  name != null ) {
           NamingEnumeration NEName = name.getAll(   );
           li.setName(   ).toString(   ) );
           if (  DevDN != null ) {
           LdapSanReference<Device> crd =new LdapSanReference<Device>
           (  cache,   ldap.DNtoID(  DevDN.getAll(   ).next(   ).toString(   ) )
           ,  Device.class );
           li.setDeviceReference(  crd );
           if (  someAttr!=null ) {
           NamingEnumeration Mac = someAttr.getAll(   );
           EthernetInterface EI = new EthernetInterface(   );
           String macAddressString =   ).toString(   );
           byte[] macAddressByte = new byte[6];
           int one = 0;
           for (  int i=0; i<6; i++ ) {
           one = i*3;
           String b = macAddressString.substring(  one,  one+2 );
           macAddressByte[i] = (  byte ) Integer.parseInt(  b,   16 );
           try {
           EI.setMACAddress(  macAddressByte );
           li = EI;
           }catch (  Exception e ) {
           System.out.println(  " function getNI" );
           System.out.println(  "\t\t Can not get MacAddress address" );
           e.printStackTrace(   );
           someAttr = attrs.get(  "mode" );
           if (  someAttr!=null ) {
           NamingEnumeration Mode = someAttr.getAll(   );
           LinkInterface.Mode Md = null;
           Md = Md.valueOf(   ).toString(   ) );
           li.setMode(  Md );
           someAttr = attrs.get(  "state" );
           if (  someAttr!=null ) {
           NamingEnumeration State = someAttr.getAll(   );
           LinkInterface.State St = null;
           St = St.valueOf(   ).toString(   ) );
           li.setState(  St );
           someAttr = attrs.get(  "nifDN" );
           if (  someAttr != null ) {
           NamingEnumeration NifDN = someAttr.getAll(   );
           List<LdapSanReference<NetworkInterface>> Nif =
           new ArrayList<LdapSanReference<NetworkInterface>>(   );
           while (  NifDN.hasMore(   ) )
           LdapSanReference<NetworkInterface> crnif =
           new LdapSanReference<NetworkInterface>
           (  cache,   ldap.DNtoID(   ).toString(   ) ),  
           NetworkInterface.class );
           Nif.add(  crnif );
           (  References.referenceCollectionToArray(  Nif ) );
           someAttr = attrs.get(  "link" );
           if (  someAttr != null ) {
           NamingEnumeration Link = someAttr.getAll(   );
           LdapSanReference<LinkInterface> crlif =
           new LdapSanReference<LinkInterface>
           (  cache,   ldap.DNtoID(   ).toString(   ) ),  
           LinkInterface.class );
           li.setLinkReference(  crlif );
          // if (  attrs.get(  "cn" ).getAll(   ).next(   ).toString(   ).equals(  "33" ) )
          // System.out.println(  attrs.get(  "cn" ).getAll(   ).next(   ).toString(   ) );
           }catch (  Exception e ) {
           System.err.println(  "getLIouldn't fill element ID="+ID );
           *return's SanElement of NetworkInterface;
           private void getNI(  Attributes attrs,   int ID,   NetworkInterface ni ) {
           try {
           Attribute descrAttr = attrs.get(  "description" );
           Attribute name = attrs.get(  "name" );
           Attribute someAttr = attrs.get(  "ipHostNumber" );
           NamingEnumeration LifDN = attrs.get(  "lifDN" ).getAll(   );
           NamingEnumeration NetDN = attrs.get(  "NetworkDN" ).getAll(   );
           if (  someAttr!=null ) {
           NamingEnumeration IP = someAttr.getAll(   );
           IPv4Interface v4 = new IPv4Interface(   );
           String IPv4 =   ).toString(   );
           InetAddress inAddr;
           try {
           inAddr = InetAddress.getByName(  IPv4 );
           v4.setInetAddress(  inAddr.getAddress(   ) );
           ni = v4;
           }catch (  UnknownHostException e ) {
           System.out.println(  " function getNI" );
           System.out.println(  "\t\t Can not get IP address" );
           e.printStackTrace(   );
           if (  descrAttr != null ) {
           NamingEnumeration Descr = descrAttr.getAll(   );
           ni.setDescription(  (   ) ).toString(   ) );
           if (  name!=null ) {
           NamingEnumeration NEName = name.getAll(   );
           ni.setName(   ).toString(   ) );
           if (  LifDN != null ) {
           LdapSanReference<LinkInterface> crlif =
           new LdapSanReference<LinkInterface>
           (  cache,   ldap.DNtoID(   ).toString(   ) ),  
           LinkInterface.class );
           ni.setLinkInterfaceReference(  crlif );
           if (  NetDN != null ) {
           LdapSanReference<Network> crn = new LdapSanReference<Network>
           (  cache,  ldap.DNtoID(   ).toString(   ) ),  Network.class );
           ni.setNetworkReference(  crn );
           }catch (  Exception e ) {
           System.err.println(  "getNI couldn't fill element ID="+ID );
           *return's SanElement of Network;
           private void getNetwork(  Attributes attrs,   int ID,   IPNetwork net ) {
           try {
           Attribute descrAttr = attrs.get(  "description" );
           Attribute mask = attrs.get(  "ipNetmaskNumber" );
           Attribute number = attrs.get(  "ipNetworkNumber" );
           Attribute name = attrs.get(  "Name" );
           Attribute ni = attrs.get(  "nifDN" );
           if (  (  mask == null ) | (  number == null ) ) {
           if (  descrAttr != null ) {
           NamingEnumeration Descr = descrAttr.getAll(   );
           net.setDescription(  (   ) ).toString(   ) );
           if (  name!=null ) {
           NamingEnumeration NEName = name.getAll(   );
           net.setName(  NEName.toString(   ) );
           if (  ni != null ) {
           NamingEnumeration NifDN = ni.getAll(   );
           List<LdapSanReference<NetworkInterface>> Nif =
           new ArrayList<LdapSanReference<NetworkInterface>>(   );
           while (  NifDN.hasMore(   ) )
           LdapSanReference<NetworkInterface> crnif =
           new LdapSanReference<NetworkInterface>
           (  cache,   ldap.DNtoID(   ).toString(   ) ),  
           NetworkInterface.class );
           Nif.add(  crnif );
           (  References.referenceCollectionToArray(  Nif ) );
           }else {
           IPNetwork ipnet = new IPNetwork(   );
           if (  descrAttr != null ) {
           NamingEnumeration Descr =attrs.get(  "description" ).getAll(   );
           ipnet.setDescription(  (   ) ).toString(   ) );
           if (  name!=null ) {
           NamingEnumeration NEName = name.getAll(   );
           ipnet.setName(  NEName.toString(   ) );
           NamingEnumeration NetN =attrs.get(  "ipNetworkNumber" ).getAll(   );
           NamingEnumeration MaskN =attrs.get(  "ipNetmaskNumber" ).getAll(   );
           String Mask =   ).toString(   );
           String Net =   ).toString(   );
           InetAddress MaskAddr;
           InetAddress NetAddr;
           try {
           MaskAddr = InetAddress.getByName(  Mask );
           NetAddr = InetAddress.getByName(  Net );
           ipnet.setAddress(  NetAddr.getAddress(   ) );
           ipnet.setMask(  MaskAddr.getAddress(   ) );
           }catch (  UnknownHostException e ) {
           System.out.println(  " function getNetwork" );
           (  "\t\t Can not get MAsk or Net address" );
           e.printStackTrace(   );
           if (  ni != null ) {
           NamingEnumeration NifDN = ni.getAll(   );
           List<LdapSanReference<NetworkInterface>> Nif =
           new ArrayList<LdapSanReference<NetworkInterface>>(   );
           while (  NifDN.hasMore(   ) )
           LdapSanReference<NetworkInterface> crnif =
           new LdapSanReference<NetworkInterface>
           (  cache,   ldap.DNtoID(   ).toString(   ) ),  
           NetworkInterface.class );
           Nif.add(  crnif );
           (  References.referenceCollectionToArray(  Nif ) );
           }catch (  Exception e ) {
           System.err.println(  "getNetwork Couldn't fill element ID="+ID );


          package ru.petrsu.nest.ldap;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.PropertyValueAddEvent;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.PropertyValueRemoveEvent;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.SanElement;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.SAN;
          import java.lang.*;
          import java.util.*;
          import java.beans.*;
          import java.lang.reflect.Method;
          import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
          //import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
          //import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
      17  class SanElementListener<K> implements PropertyChangeListener
           private K ID;
           protected StorageCache<K,   SanElement> cache;
           SanElementListener(  StorageCache<K,   SanElement> c,   K id ) {
           cache = c;
           ID = id;
           /**Check inheritation.*/
           private static boolean isSubclass
           (  Class<?> superclass,   Class<?> subclass ) {
           try {
           subclass.asSubclass(  superclass );
           } catch (  ClassCastException e ) {
           return false;
           return true;
           /**Add all not added properties to cache.*/
           final protected void addProperties(  SanElement el ) {
           //System.out.println(  "\nAdd properties for "+el.getClass(   ).getName(   ) );
           BeanInfo beanInfo = null;
           try {
           beanInfo = Introspector.getBeanInfo(  el.getClass(   ) );
           } catch (  IntrospectionException ex ) {
           ex.printStackTrace(   );
           PropertyDescriptor[] pds = beanInfo.getPropertyDescriptors(   );
           //boolean hasProperties = false;
           for (  PropertyDescriptor desc : pds ) {
           Method read = desc.getReadMethod(   );
           if (  read == null )
           SanElement[] values = null;
           try {
           if (  isSubclass(  SanElement.class,   desc.getPropertyType(   ) ) ) {
           values = new SanElement[] {
           (  SanElement ) read.invoke(  el ) };
           } else if (  isSubclass(  SanElement[].class,  
           desc.getPropertyType(   ) ) ) {
           values = (  SanElement[] ) read.invoke(  el );
           } else {
           } catch (  IllegalArgumentException ex ) {
           ex.printStackTrace(   );
           } catch (  IllegalAccessException ex ) {
           ex.printStackTrace(   );
           } catch (  InvocationTargetException ex ) {
           ex.printStackTrace(   );
           if (  values == null )
           for (  SanElement val : values ) {
           if(  val == null ) {
           // hasProperties = true;
           K newID = cache.IDOf(  val );
           if(  newID == cache.badID ) {
           //новый или удаленный. Без listener'а
           newID = cache.add(  val );
           new SanElementListener<K>(  cache,  newID ) );
           addProperties(  val );
           /**Reaction for adding item to indexative property.
           * Uses if property is other system element (  should have self listener ). */
           final protected void
           addElementProperty(  String name,   SanElement value )
           "Element "+ID+": add element property: "+name );
           K newID = cache.IDOf(  value );
           if(  newID == cache.badID ) {
           //новый или удаленный. Без listener'а
           newID = cache.add(  value );
           new SanElementListener<K>(  cache,  newID ) );
           addProperties(  value );
           System.out.print(  " ["+newID+"]" );
           System.out.println(  ": OK" );
           /**Reaction for removing property from indexative property.
           * Uses if property is other system element. */
           final protected void
           removeElementProperty(  String name,   SanElement value )
           "Element "+ID+": remove element property: "+name );
           try {
           cache.modify(  ID );
           }catch(  UnknownIDException e ) {
           throw new DebugException(  e );
           K id = cache.IDOf(  value );
           System.out.print(  " ["+id+"]" );
           System.out.println(  ": OK" );
           // Если Nest в данном случае явно не вызовет SanManager.remove(  el ),   то:
           // Проверка на отсутствие связей,   у данного элемента.
           // Если так,   то cache.remove(  ID ) и удаляем listener (  this )
           try {
           if(  isReferenced(  cache.get(  ID ) ) ) {
           cache.get(  ID ).removePropertyChangeListener(  this );
           cache.removeByID(  ID );
           }catch(  UnknownIDException e ){
           throw new DebugException(   );
           // Если SanManager.remove(  el ) вызывается явно,   то
           // НУЖНО ХРАНИТЬ listener в Cache !!!
           // ...
           /**Add all not added properties to cache.*/
           final protected boolean isReferenced(  SanElement el ) {
           BeanInfo beanInfo = null;
           try {
           beanInfo = Introspector.getBeanInfo(  el.getClass(   ) );
           } catch (  IntrospectionException ex ) {
           ex.printStackTrace(   );
           PropertyDescriptor[] pds = beanInfo.getPropertyDescriptors(   );
           boolean referenced = false;
           for (  PropertyDescriptor desc : pds ) {
           Method read = desc.getReadMethod(   );
           if (  read == null )
           SanElement[] values = null;
           try {
           if (  isSubclass(  SanElement.class,   desc.getPropertyType(   ) ) ) {
           values = new SanElement[] {
           (  SanElement ) read.invoke(  el ) };
           } else if (  isSubclass(  SanElement[].class,  
           desc.getPropertyType(   ) ) ) {
           values = (  SanElement[] ) read.invoke(  el );
           } else {
           } catch (  IllegalArgumentException ex ) {
           ex.printStackTrace(   );
           } catch (  IllegalAccessException ex ) {
           ex.printStackTrace(   );
           } catch (  InvocationTargetException ex ) {
           ex.printStackTrace(   );
           if(  values == null )
           referenced = true;
           return referenced;
           /**Reaction for changing property which id not reference to other
           * system element.*/
           final protected void modifyElementProperty(  String name,  
           SanElement oldValue,   SanElement newValue )
           "Element "+ID+": modifing element property: "+name );
           try {
           cache.modify(  ID );
           }catch(  UnknownIDException e ) {
           throw new DebugException(  e );
           K oldID = cache.IDOf(  oldValue );
           K newID = null;
           if(  newValue != null ) {
           newID = cache.IDOf(  newValue );
           if(  newID == cache.badID ) {
           //новый или удаленный. Без listener'а
           newID = cache.add(  newValue );
           new SanElementListener<K>(  cache,  newID ) );
           addProperties(  newValue );
           System.out.print(  " ["+oldID+"] -> ["+newID+"]" );
           System.out.println(  ": OK" );
           /**Reaction for changing property which id not reference to other
           * system element. */
           final protected void modifySimpleProperty(  String name )
           "Element "+ID+": modifing simple property: "+name );
           try {
           cache.modify(  ID );
           }catch(  UnknownIDException e ) {
           throw new DebugException(  e );
           System.out.println(  ": OK" );
           /**Reaction for changing property.*/
           public void propertyChange(  PropertyChangeEvent event )
           if (  event instanceof PropertyValueAddEvent &&
           (  (  PropertyValueAddEvent )event ).getAddedValue(   )
           instanceof SanElement ) {
           addElementProperty(  event.getPropertyName(   ),  
           (  (  PropertyValueAddEvent )event ).getAddedValue(   ) ) );
           } else if
           (  event instanceof PropertyValueRemoveEvent &&
           (  (  PropertyValueRemoveEvent )event ).getRemovedValue(   )
           instanceof SanElement ) {
           removeElementProperty(  event.getPropertyName(   ),  
           (  (  PropertyValueRemoveEvent )event ).getRemovedValue(   ) ) );
           } else // if event is instance of PropertyChangeEvent
           if(  event.getNewValue(   ) instanceof SanElement
           || event.getNewValue(   ) == null )
           modifyElementProperty(  event.getPropertyName(   ),  
           SanElement.class.cast(  event.getOldValue(   ) ),  
           SanElement.class.cast(  event.getNewValue(   ) ) );
           modifySimpleProperty(  event.getPropertyName(   ) );
           cache.print(   );


          package ru.petrsu.nest.ldap;
          import java.util.*;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.SanManager;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.SAN;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.SanElement;
          /**Manages SAN-elements storage system.
           * @author Alexander Nuikin*/
      11  public abstract class SanStorageManager<K> extends SanManager {
           protected SAN san = new SAN(   );
           protected Storage<K,   SanElement> storage;
           protected StorageCache<K,   SanElement> cache;
           /*-------------- Specific SanStorageManger interface -------------*/
           public void finalize(   )
           throws StorageBadDisconnectionException {
           storage.disconnect(   );
           /*------------ Implementation of SanManger interface -------------*/
           /**Clear all element properties (  reset to default values,   remove all
           * references to and from other elements ) and then remove element
           * from the store.*/
           final public void clearElement(  SanElement e ) {
           super.clearElement(  e );
           /*Write all unsaved changes to the storage.*/
           final public void commit(   )
           throws IOException {
           cache.commit(   );
           /**Retrieves all available elements of the specified type.*/
           final public <T extends SanElement>
           Set<T> getElements(  Class<T> type ) {
           return cache.getElements(  type );
           /**Remove element from the store.*/
           final public void removeElement(  SanElement el ) {
           //cache.get(  ID ).removePropertyChangeListener(  ??? );
           cache.remove(  el );


          package ru.petrsu.nest.ldap;
          /**"Подчиненный" кэш.
           * Не контроллирует уникальнось ИД.*/
       5  abstract class SlaveCache<K,  T> extends StorageCache<K,  T> {
           protected MasterStorage<K,  T> storage;
           void setStorage(  MasterStorage<K,  T> s ) {
           storage = s;


          package ru.petrsu.nest.ldap;
          import java.util.*;
          /** Map realisation of internal cache for store system.
           * @author Alexander Nuikin*/
       7  class SlaveMapCache <K,   T> extends SlaveCache <K,   T> {
           private Map<K,   T> elements = new HashMap<K,  T>(   );
           SlaveMapCache(  MasterStorage<K,   T> s ) {
           super(  s );
           /**Returns all elements by given type.*/
           public <U extends T> Collection<U> getElements(  Class<U> type ) {
           return storage.getElements(  type );
           /**Returns element by given ID or null if no such element.*/
           public T get(  K ID ) {
           T el = elements.get(  ID );
           if(  el == null ) // element not loaded from storage yet
           try {
           el = storage.getNotReferenced(  ID );
           elements.put(  ID,   el );
           storage.setReferences(  ID,   el );
           }catch(  UnknownIDException e ) {
           System.err.println(  "Unknown ID: "+ID.toString(   ) );
           }catch(  IDNotRespectiveTypeException e ) {
           System.err.println(  e );
           return el;
           /**Add new element to cache and storage.
           * Returns ID (  new unique ID ) of added element.*/
           public K add(  T el )
           throws ElementExistException,   NullPointerException {
           if(  elements.containsValue(  el ) )
           throw new ElementExistException(   );
           K ID = storage.add(  el );
           elements.put(  ID,   el );
           return ID;
           /**Removes element from system (  cache and storage ) by gived ID.*/
           void removeByID(  K ID )
           throws UnknownIDException {
           /**Removes element from system.*/
           public void remove(  T el )
           throws UnknownElementException {
           if(  !elements.containsValue(  el ) )
           throw new UnknownElementException(   );
           K id = IDOf(  el );
           storage.remove(  id );
           elements.remove(  id );
           }catch(  UnknownIDException e ) {
           System.err.println(  "Unknown ID: "+id.toString(   ) );
           /**Returns true if given element loaded from storage.*/
           boolean isLoadedElement(  T el )
           throws NullPointerException {
           return elements.containsValue(  el );
           /**Returns true if element with gived ID exist in cache.*/
           public boolean isLoadedByID(  K ID )
           throws NullPointerException {
           return elements.containsKey(  ID );
           /**Returns true if element exist in cache.*/
           public boolean isLoaded(  T el )
           throws NullPointerException {
           return elements.containsValue(  el );
           /**Returns true if in system (  cache/storage ) exist element with given ID.*/
           public boolean isID(  K ID ) {
           //return elements.containsKey(  ID );
           throw new RuntimeException(  "Not realized yet." );
           /**Returns ID of element or null if no element.*/
           public K IDOf(  T el ) {
           K ID = null;
           for(  K id : elements.keySet(   ) )
           if(  elements.get(  id ) == el ) {
           ID = id;
           return ID;
           /**Returns count of ID.*/
           public int countOfID(   ) {
           throw new RuntimeException(  "Not realized yet." );
           /**Returns count of loaded elements.*/
           public int countOfLoaded(   ) {
           return elements.size(   );


          package ru.petrsu.nest.ldap;
          import java.lang.*;
          import java.util.*;
          /**"Подчиненное" хранилище.
           * Не контроллирует уникальность ИД элеметов.
           * @author Alexander Nuikin*/
       8  abstract class SlaveStorage<K,  T> extends Storage<K,  T> {
           MasterCache<K,  T> cache;
           SlaveStorage(  MasterCache<K,  T> c )
           throws StorageBadConnectionException {
           cache = c;
           cache.setStorage(  this );
           /**Add new element to storage with given ID.*/
           abstract void add(  K ID,   T el )
           throws NullPointerException;


          package ru.petrsu.nest.ldap;
          import java.lang.*;
          import java.util.*;
          /**External storage of elements.
           * Интерфейс для внешенего (  относительно медленного ) хранилища элементов.
           * Данный интерфейс должен использоваться только кэшем.
           * Остальные подсистем должны использовать интерфейс кэша.
           * Элементы - представители от общего суперкласса.
           * Элементы связаны между собой посредством ссылок,   которые храятся внутри
           * самих объектов.
           * Элементы в хранилище находятся под определенным ИД,   уникальность которого
           * контролирует само хранилище (  LDAP-дерево,   база данных ).
           * При использовании интерфейсов с четко определенными и продуманными методами
           * (  их аргументами,   возвращаующими значениями и спецификацией исключений ) будет
           * проще тестировать классы как реализации интерфейсов. Кроме того,   написанный
           * однажды класс-драйвер практически не потребует изменений при тестировании
           * новой реализации интерфейса.
           * @author Alexander Nuikin*/
      21  abstract class Storage<K,   T> {
           /**Returns all elements from storage.*/
           abstract <U extends T>
           Set<K> getElements(  Class<U> type );
           /**Returns element from storage by its ID.
           * Cache references to other SAN-elements will not be set.*/
           abstract T getNotReferenced(  K ID )
           throws UnknownIDException;
           /**Set references to other elements for gived element.*/
           abstract void setReferences(  K ID,   T el )
           throws UnknownIDException,   NullPointerException,  
           /**Returns element from storage by its ID.
           * Cache references to other elements will be set.*/
           T get(  K ID )
           throws UnknownIDException {
           return null;
           /**Removes element from storage by gived ID.
           * References will be not cleaned up.*/
           abstract void remove(  K ID )
           throws UnknownIDException;
           /**Modiry element at storage by givedi ID.
           * Actually rewriting elemnt. */
           abstract void modify(  K ID )
           throws UnknownIDException;
           /**Returns true if in storage exist element with given ID.*/
           abstract boolean isID(  K ID );
           /**Returns count of elements in storage.*/
           int size(   ) {
           return -1;
           /**Returns sorted set of all ID of elements in storage.*/
           abstract Set<K> getAllID(   );
           /**Close connection with storage entity.
           * For example with LDAP server,   SQl sever.
           * Before it connection should be opened in constructor of class,  
           * extends Storage.*/
           abstract void disconnect(   )
           throws StorageBadDisconnectionException;


          package ru.petrsu.nest.ldap;
          import java.util.*;
          /**Internal cache for store system.
           * Кэш (  т.е. внутренний,   быстрый ) элементов для хранилища.
           * Кэш - прослойка между хранилищем и остальнами элементами системы хранения.
           * Основная работа с хранилищем осуществляется через кэш (  за исключением
           * специфичных для реализации хранилища функций (  scopesearch,   например ) ).
           * Аккумулирует в себе запрашиваемые элементы.
           * В кэше элементы хранятся под своими ИД,   соответствующими ИД в хранилище
           * У кэша существует понятие "Множество ИД".
           * При удалении элемента "удалятеся" и его ИД. После этого кэш должен говорить,  
           * что у него нет такого ИД,   пока он не будет восстановлен (  сгенерирован ) во
           * время добавления нового элемента.
           * @author Alexander Nuikin*/
      17  abstract class StorageCache <K,  T> {
           K badID;
           K rootID; // SAN
           K rootDeviceID;
           /**Print out cache.*/
           abstract void print(   );
           abstract void checkOut(   )
           throws NullPointerException;
           abstract void commit(   );
           /**Returns all elements in cache.*/
           abstract Set<T> getLoadedElements(   );
           /**Returns all elements from by given type.*/
           abstract <U extends T> Set<U> getElements(  Class<U> type );
           /**Returns element from cache by given ID.
           * Всегда либо вернет элемент,   либо исключение об отсутствии заданного ИД.*/
           abstract T get(  K ID )
           throws UnknownIDException;
           /**Add new element to cache and storage.
           * Returns ID (  new unique ID ) of added element.*/
           abstract K add(  T el )
           throws ElementExistException,   NullPointerException;
           /**Removes element from system (  cache and storage ) by gived ID.*/
           abstract void removeByID(  K ID )
           throws UnknownIDException;
           /**Removes element from system (  cache and storage ) by gived ID.*/
           abstract void remove(  T el )
           throws UnknownElementException,   NullPointerException;
           /**Marked element as modified.*/
           abstract void modify(  K ID )
           throws UnknownIDException;
           /**Returns true if given element loaded from storage.*/
           abstract boolean isLoaded(  T el )
           throws NullPointerException;
           /**Returns true if loaded from storage element with gived ID.*/
           abstract boolean isLoadedByID(  K ID )
           throws UnknownIDException;
           /**Returns true if in system (  cache/storage ) exist element with given ID.*/
           abstract boolean isID(  K ID );
           /**Returns ID of element or -1 if no element.*/
           abstract K IDOf(  T el )
           throws NullPointerException;
           /**Returns count of ID.*/
           abstract int countOfID(   );
           /**Returns count of loaded elements.*/
           abstract int countOfLoaded(   );


       1  package ru.petrsu.nest.ldap;
          /*Имена исключений нужно выбирать так,   чтобы они несли максимум полезной
           * информации о ситуации в которой исключение возникает.*/
          /**Это исключение не следует использовать. Оно временно нужно только для
           * корректной трансляции этого файла ( ).*/
       8  class StorageException extends Exception{}
          /*------------------------------ Exceptions. --------------------------------*/
          /**Ошибка при подключении к серверу.*/
      13  class StorageBadConnectionException extends Exception{
      14   StorageBadConnectionException(  String msg ) {
           super(  msg );
          /**Ошибка при отсоединении от сервера.*/
      19  class StorageBadDisconnectionException extends Exception{
      20   StorageBadDisconnectionException(  String msg ) {
           super(  msg );
          /**Нет запрашиваемого ИД (  неизвестный ИД ).*/
      25  class UnknownIDException extends Exception{
      26   UnknownIDException(  String ID ) {
           super(  "Unknown ID: "+ID );
          /**По указанному ИД в хранилище находится элемент,   по типу не соответствующий
           * заданому элементу. Например запрашивается устройство с ИД=k,   когда в
           * хранилище с этим ИД находится здание.
           * @author Alexander Nuikin*/
      34  class IDNotRespectiveTypeException extends Exception{
      35   IDNotRespectiveTypeException(  Class<?> given,   Class<?> stored ) {
           super(   "\nClass of given element: "+given.getName(   )
           +"\nClass of stored element: "+stored.getName(   ) );
      39   IDNotRespectiveTypeException(  Class<?> given,   String stored ) {
           super(   "\nClass of given element: "+given.getName(   )
           +"\nClass of stored element: "+stored );
          /*---------------------- Runtime exceptions. --------------------------------*/
          /**Исключение используемое для отладки.
           * Говорит об ошибке разработчиков.*/
      52  class DebugException extends RuntimeException {
      53   DebugException(   ) {
           super(   );
      56   DebugException(  Exception e ) {
           super(  e );
      59   DebugException(  String name ) {
           super(  name );
          /**Некоторая ошибка специфичная для конкретной реализации хранилища.*/
      64  class StorageInternalException extends RuntimeException {
      65   StorageInternalException(  Exception e ) {
           super(  e );
          /**Нет данного элемента (  неизвестный элемент ).*/
      70  class UnknownElementException extends IllegalArgumentException{}
          /**Элемент уже существует в системе хранения.*/
      72  class ElementExistException extends IllegalArgumentException{}
          /**Beans: Неизвестное свойство.*/
      74  class UnknownPropertyException extends RuntimeException {
      75   UnknownPropertyException(  Exception e ) {
           super(  e );
      78   UnknownPropertyException(  String name ) {
           super(  name );
      81   UnknownPropertyException(  String name,   Exception e ) {
           super(  name,   e );


          package ru.petrsu.nest.ldap;
          import java.lang.*;
          import java.util.*;
          /**Driver for testing all units in tested system.
           * @author Alexander Nuikin*/
       9  class SystemDriver {
           private boolean stopOnBad;
           /**Standard label for begining subtest of class.*/
      12   private String label = ">>>>>> ";
           /**Standard label for successfull finishing subtest of class.*/
      14   private String goodLabel = "OK";
           /**Standard label for unsuccessfull finishing subtest of class.*/
      16   private String badLabel = "BAD";
           private List<DriverClass> drivers = new ArrayList<DriverClass>(   );
           /**Add class driver.*/
           public void add(  DriverClass d ) {
           drivers.add(  d );
           // проверка на вхождение двух драйверов одного класса
           // ...
           /**Stop testing after first bad finished test if stopOnBad is true.*/
           public void setStopOnBad(  boolean sob ) {
           stopOnBad = sob;
           /**Set label for output.*/
           public void setLabel(  String l ) {
           label = l;
           /**Test all classes.*/
           public void test(   ) {
           int goodCount = 0;
           label+"Testing Begin: "+drivers.size(   )+
           " tested classes." );
           for(  int i=0; i<drivers.size(   ); i++ ) {
           label+"["+i+"]"+" Testing "
           +drivers.get(  i ).getClass(   ).getName(   )+": Begin" );
           if(  drivers.get(  i ).test(  stopOnBad ) ) {
           label+"["+i+"]"+" Testing "
           +drivers.get(  i ).getClass(   ).getName(   )+": "+goodLabel );
           else if(  stopOnBad ) {
           label+"["+i+"]"+" Testing "
           +drivers.get(  i ).getClass(   ).getName(   )+": "+badLabel );
           label+"Testing results: "+goodCount+" / "+drivers.size(   )+
           " classes tests finished successfully." );


       1  package ru.petrsu.nest.ldap;
          /**Тестирование всех классов в системе.
           * @author Alexander Nuikin*/
       5  class SystemTest {
       6   public static void main(  String[] args ) {
           SystemDriver sysd = new SystemDriver(   );
           sysd.add(  new DriverLdapSanStorage(   ) );
           sysd.test(   );


       1  package ru.petrsu.nest.ldap;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.NetworkInterface;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.LinkInterface;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.Building;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.Room;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.Floor;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.SimpleOU;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.CompositeOU;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.Device;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.Network;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.IPNetwork;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.SanElement;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.EthernetInterface;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.IPv4Interface;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.References;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.san.AbstractOU;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.ldap.CacheReference;
          import ru.petrsu.nest.ldap.Cache;
          import java.util.Set;
          import java.util.HashSet;
          import java.util.Hashtable;
          import java.lang.String;
          import java.lang.Object;
          import java.lang.Integer;
          import java.lang.Exception;
          import java.lang.StringBuffer;
          import javax.naming.Context;
          import javax.naming.NamingException;
          import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration;
          import javax.naming.NameAlreadyBoundException;
           * Class writeLdap - class for writing to LDAP server.
           * it is temporary class.
           * @author Artemev Dmitry;
      60  class writeLdap {
      62   static private String mainHeadDN = Ldap.mainHeadDN;
      63   static private String headDeviceDN = Ldap.headDeviceDN;
      64   static private String headNetworkDN = Ldap.headNetworkDN;
      65   static private String headLIDN = Ldap.headLIDN;
      66   static private String headNIDN = Ldap.headNIDN;
      67   static private String headAbstractOUDN = Ldap.headAbstractOUDN;
      68   static private String headNetUnitDN = Ldap.headNetUnitDN;
      69   static private String headSpaceUnitDN = Ldap.headSpaceUnitDN;
      70   static private String headPersonDN = Ldap.headPersonDN;
      71   static private String headHistoryDN = Ldap.headHistoryDN;
      76   static void writeTest(   )
           throws WriteLdapException {
           try {
           Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes(   );
           attrs.put(  "ou",  "writeTest" );
           attrs.put(  "objectClass",  "organizationalUnit" );
           Ldap.createLdapRecord(  mainHeadDN,   attrs );
           }catch(  Exception e ) {
           System.out.println(  "writeTest: ERROR." );
           throw new WriteLdapException(  e );
      91   static void writeElement(  int ID )
           throws WriteLdapException {
           try {
           SanElement SE = Cache.get(  ID );
           if (  SE instanceof LinkInterface )
           writeLinkInterface(  (  LinkInterface )SE,   ID );
           else if (  SE instanceof NetworkInterface )
           writeNetworkInterface(  (  NetworkInterface )SE,   ID );
           else if (  SE instanceof Device )
           writeDevice(  (  Device )SE,   ID );
           else if (  SE instanceof Room )
           writeRoom(  (  Room )SE,   ID );
           else if (  SE instanceof Floor )
           writeFloor(  (  Floor )SE,   ID );
           else if (  SE instanceof SimpleOU )
           writeSimpleOU(  (  SimpleOU )SE,   ID );
           else if (  SE instanceof IPNetwork )
           writeIPNetwork(  (  IPNetwork )SE,   ID );
           else if (  SE instanceof Building )
           writeBuilding(  (  Building )SE,   ID );
           else if (  SE instanceof CompositeOU )
           writeCompositeOU(  (  CompositeOU )SE,   ID );
           }catch (  Exception e ) {
           throw new WriteLdapException(  e );
           *creates LI record in LDAP.
     133   static void writeLinkInterface(  LinkInterface LI,   int ID )
           throws WriteLdapException {
           try {
           String name = LI.getName(   );
           String descr = LI.getDescription(   );
           String State = null;
           String Mode = null;
           StringBuilder DN = new StringBuilder(   );
           Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes(   );
           attrs.put(  "cn",  ""+ID );
           if (  name!=null )
           attrs.put(  "name",   name );
           if (  descr!=null && !descr.trim(   ).isEmpty(   ) )
           attrs.put(  "description",  descr );
           Device device = LI.getDevice(   );
           if (  device!=null ) {
           DN.append(  "cn=" );
           DN.append(  Cache.indexOf(  device ) );
           DN.append(  ",  " );
           DN.append(  headDeviceDN );
           attrs.put(  "deviceDN",   DN.toString(   ) );
           LinkInterface link = LI.getLink(   );
           if (  link!=null ) {
           DN.setLength(  0 );
           DN.append(  "cn=" );
           DN.append(  Cache.indexOf(  link ) );
           DN.append(  ",  " );
           DN.append(  headLIDN );
           attrs.put(  "link",   DN.toString(   ) );
           NetworkInterface[] NI = LI.getNetworkInterfaces(   );
           if (  NI.length!=0 ) {
           Attribute nifDN = new BasicAttribute(  "nifDN" );
           for (  int i=0; i<NI.length; i++ ) {
           DN.setLength(  0 );;
           DN.append(  "cn=" );
           DN.append(  Cache.indexOf(  NI[i] ) );
           DN.append(  ",  " );
           DN.append(  headNIDN );
           nifDN.add(  DN.toString(   ) );
           if (  nifDN.size(   )!=0 )
           attrs.put(  nifDN );
           State = LI.getState(   ).name(   );
           Mode = LI.getMode(   ).name(   );
           if (  State!=null )
           attrs.put(  "state",   State );
           if (  Mode !=null )
           attrs.put(  "mode",  Mode );
           DN.setLength(  0 );
           DN.append(  "cn=" );
           DN.append(  ID );
           DN.append(  ",  " );
           DN.append(  headLIDN );
           if (  LI instanceof EthernetInterface ) {
           StringBuilder MacString = new StringBuilder(  18 );
           byte[] mac = (  (  EthernetInterface )LI ).getMACAddress(   );
           for (  int i=0; i<mac.length; i++ ) {
           if (  i >0 )
           MacString.append(  ":" );
           MacString.append(  String.format(  "%02X",  mac[i] ) );
           attrs.put(  "macAddress",   MacString.toString(   ) );
           attrs.put(  "objectClass",   "nestEthernetInterface" );
           else attrs.put(  "objectClass",   "nestLinkInterface" );
           Ldap.createLdapRecord(  DN.toString(   ),   attrs );
           }catch(  Exception e ) {
           System.out.println(  "writeEthernetInterface: ERROR." );
           throw new WriteLdapException(  e );
           *creates NI record in LDAP.
     229   static void writeNetworkInterface(  NetworkInterface NI,   int ID )
           throws WriteLdapException {
           try {
           String name = NI.getName(   );
           String descr = NI.getDescription(   );
           StringBuilder TCPIP = new StringBuilder(   );
           StringBuilder DN = new StringBuilder(   );
           int length;
           Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes(   );
           attrs.put(  "cn",   ""+ID );
           if (  name!=null )
           attrs.put(  "name",   name );
           if (  descr!=null && !descr.trim(   ).isEmpty(   ) )
           attrs.put(  "description",   descr );
           byte[] address = NI.getInetAddress(   );
           InetAddress ia =null;
           try {
           ia = InetAddress.getByAddress(  address );
           TCPIP.append(  ia.getHostAddress(   ) );
           attrs.put(  "ipHostNumber",   TCPIP.toString(   ) );
           }catch (  UnknownHostException e ){}
          // if (  length!=0 ) {
          // for (  int i=0; i<length-1; i++ ) {
          // TCPIP.append(  address[i] );
          // TCPIP.append(  "." );
          // }
          // TCPIP.append(  address[length-1] );
           // length = TCPIP.length(   );
           // TCPIP = TCPIP.substring(  0,  length-1 );
          // }
           Network network = NI.getNetwork(   );
           if (  network!=null ) {
           DN.append(  "cn=" );
           DN.append(  Cache.indexOf(  network ) );
           DN.append(  ",  " );
           DN.append(  headNetworkDN );
           attrs.put(  "networkDN",   DN.toString(   ) );
           DN.setLength(  0 );
           LinkInterface LI = NI.getLinkInterface(   );
           if (  LI!=null ) {
           DN.append(  "cn=" );
           DN.append(  Cache.indexOf(  LI ) );
           DN.append(  ",  " );
           DN.append(  headLIDN );
           attrs.put(  "lifDN",   DN.toString(   ) );
           if (  NI instanceof IPv4Interface )
           attrs.put(  "objectClass",   "nestIPv4Interface" );
           else attrs.put(  "objectClass",   "nestNetworkInterface" );
           DN.setLength(  0 );
           DN.append(  "cn=" );
           DN.append(  ID );
           DN.append(  ",  " );
           DN.append(  headNIDN );
           System.out.println(  "\n\n"+ attrs.toString(   )+"\n\n" );
           Ldap.createLdapRecord(  DN.toString(   ),   attrs );
           }catch(  Exception e ) {
           System.out.println(  "writeNetworkInterface: ERROR." );
           throw new WriteLdapException(  e );
           *creates Network record with ipNetmaskNumber and ipNetworkNUmber
           * in LDAP.
     311   static void writeIPNetwork(  IPNetwork network,   int ID )
           throws WriteLdapException {
           try {
           String name = network.getName(   );
           String descr = network.getDescription(   );
           StringBuilder DN = new StringBuilder(   );
           StringBuilder TCPIP = new StringBuilder(   );
           int length=0;
           Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes(   );
           attrs.put(  "cn",  ""+ID );
           if (  name!=null )
           attrs.put(  "name",   name );
           if (  descr!=null )
           attrs.put(  "description",   descr );
           byte[] mask = network.getMask(   );
           InetAddress ia = null;
           try {
           ia = InetAddress.getByAddress(  mask );
           TCPIP.append(  ia.getHostAddress(   ) );
           attrs.put(  "ipNetmaskNumber",  TCPIP.toString(   ) );
           }catch (  UnknownHostException e ){}
           byte[] address = network.getAddress(   );
           ia = null;
           TCPIP.setLength(  0 );
           try {
           ia = InetAddress.getByAddress(  address );
           TCPIP.append(  ia.getHostAddress(   ) );
           attrs.put(  "ipNetworkNumber",  TCPIP.toString(   ) );
           }catch (  UnknownHostException e ){}
           Attribute nifDN = new BasicAttribute(  "nifDN" );
           NetworkInterface[] NI = network.getNetworkInterfaces(   );
           for (  int i=0; i<NI.length; i++ ) {
           DN.setLength(  0 );
           DN.append(  "cn="+Cache.indexOf(  NI[i] ) );
           DN.append(  ",  "+headNIDN );
           nifDN.add(  DN.toString(   ) );
           if (  nifDN.size(   )!=0 )
           attrs.put(  nifDN );
           DN.setLength(  0 );
           DN.append(  "cn="+ID );
           DN.append(  ",  "+headNetworkDN );
           attrs.put(  "objectClass",   "nestNetwork" );
           Ldap.createLdapRecord(  DN.toString(   ),  attrs );
           }catch(  Exception e ) {
           System.out.println(  "writeNetwork: ERROR." );
           throw new WriteLdapException(  e );
           *creates Device record in LDAP.
     375   static void writeDevice(  Device device,   int ID )
           throws WriteLdapException {
           try {
           String name = device.getName(   );
           String descr = device.getDescription(   );
           StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder(  "cn="+ID );
           StringBuilder DN = new StringBuilder(   );
           Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes(   );
           attrs.put(  "cn",  ""+ID );
           if (  name!=null )
           attrs.put(  "name",  name );
           if (  descr!=null )
           attrs.put(  "description",   descr );
           path.append(  ",  "+headDeviceDN );
           Room room = device.getRoom(   );
           if (  room != null ) {
           DN.append(  "cn="+Cache.indexOf(  room ) );
           Floor floor = room.getFloor(   );
           DN.append(  ",  cn="+ Cache.indexOf(  floor ) );
           Building building = floor.getBuilding(   );
           DN.append(  ",  cn="+ Cache.indexOf(  building )+",  " );
           DN.append(  headSpaceUnitDN );
           attrs.put(  "roomDN",   DN.toString(   ) );
           SimpleOU simple = device.getOU(   );
           if (  simple!=null ) {
           DN.setLength(  0 );
           DN.append(  "cn="+Cache.indexOf(  simple ) );
           CompositeOU composite = simple.getParent(   );
           while (  composite!=null ) {
           DN.append(  ",  cn="+Cache.indexOf(  composite ) );
           composite = composite.getParent(   );
           DN.append(  ",  "+headAbstractOUDN );
           attrs.put(  "ouDN",   DN.toString(   ) );
           Attribute lifDN = new BasicAttribute(  "lifDN" );
           LinkInterface[] LI = device.getLinkInterfaces(   );
           for (  int i=0; i<LI.length; i++ ) {
           DN.setLength(  0 );
           DN.append(  "cn="+ Cache.indexOf(  LI[i] ) );
           DN.append(  ",  "+headLIDN );
           lifDN.add(  DN.toString(   ) );
           if (  lifDN.size(   ) !=0 )
           attrs.put(  lifDN );
           Attribute objClass = new BasicAttribute(  "objectClass" );
           objClass.add(  "nestDevice" );
           attrs.put(  objClass );
           Ldap.createLdapRecord(  path.toString(   ),   attrs );
           }catch(  Exception e ) {
           System.out.println(  "writeDevice: ERROR." );
           throw new WriteLdapException(  e );
           *creates Building record in LDAP.
     444   static void writeBuilding(  Building building,   int ID )
           throws WriteLdapException {
           try {
           String street = building.getAddress(   );
           String buildingName = building.getName(   );
           String descr = building.getDescription(   );
           StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder(  "cn=" );
           Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes(   );
           attrs.put(  "cn",   ""+ID );
           if (  street != null )
           attrs.put(  "street",   street );
           if (  buildingName != null )
           attrs.put(  "buildingName",   buildingName );
           if (  descr != null )
           attrs.put(  "description",   descr );
           path.append(  ID );
           path.append(  ",  " );
           path.append(  headSpaceUnitDN );
           attrs.put(  "objectClass",   "nestBuilding" );
           Ldap.createLdapRecord(  path.toString(   ),   attrs );
           }catch(  Exception e ) {
           System.out.println(  "writeBuilding: ERROR." );
           throw new WriteLdapException(  e );
           *creates Floor record in LDAP.
     480   static void writeFloor(  Floor floor,   int ID )
           throws WriteLdapException {
           try {
           int bID = Cache.indexOf(  floor.getBuilding(   ) );
           String descr = floor.getDescription(   );
           String name = floor.getName(   );
           StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder(  "cn=" );
           Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes(   );
           attrs.put(  "cn",   ""+ID );
           attrs.put(  "floorNumber",   (  ""+ floor.getNumber(   ) ) );
           if (  name!=null )
           attrs.put(  "name",   name );
           if (  descr != null )
           attrs.put(  "description",   descr );
           attrs.put(  "objectClass",   "nestFloor" );
           path.append(  ID );
           path.append(  ",  cn=" );
           path.append(  bID );
           path.append(  ",  " );
           path.append(  headSpaceUnitDN );
           Ldap.createLdapRecord(  path.toString(   ),   attrs );
           }catch(  Exception e ) {
           System.out.println(  "writeFloor: ERROR." );
           throw new WriteLdapException(  e );
           *creates Room record in LDAP.
     517   static void writeRoom(  Room room,   int ID )
           throws WriteLdapException {
           try {
           String number = room.getNumber(   );
           String descr = room.getDescription(   );
           String name = room.getName(   );
           StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder(  "cn=" );
           StringBuilder someDN = new StringBuilder(   );
           Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes(   );
           attrs.put(  "cn",   ""+ID );
           Floor floor = room.getFloor(   );
           path.append(  ID );
           path.append(  ",  cn=" );
           path.append(  Cache.indexOf(  floor ) );
           path.append(  ",  cn=" );
           path.append(  Cache.indexOf(  floor.getBuilding(   ) ) );
           path.append(  ",  " );
           path.append(  headSpaceUnitDN );
           if (  number!=null )
           attrs.put(  "roomNumber",   number );
           if (  descr!=null )
           attrs.put(  "description",   descr );
           if (  name!=null )
           attrs.put(  "name",   name );
           Attribute attrDN = new BasicAttribute(  "ouDN" );
           SimpleOU[] simple = room.getOUs(   );
           CompositeOU composite=null;
           for (  int i=0; i<simple.length; i++ ) {
           someDN.setLength(  0 );
           composite = simple[i].getParent(   );
           someDN.append(  "cn=" );
           someDN.append(  Cache.indexOf(  simple[i] ) );
           someDN.append(  ",  " );
           while (  composite != null ) {
           someDN.append(  "cn=" );
           someDN.append(  Cache.indexOf(  composite ) );
           someDN.append(  ",  " );
           composite = composite.getParent(   );
           someDN.append(  headAbstractOUDN );
           attrDN.add(  someDN.toString(   ) );
           if (  attrDN.size(   )!=0 )
           attrs.put(  attrDN );
           Device[] device = room.getDevices(   );
           attrDN = new BasicAttribute(  "deviceDN" );
           for (  int i=0; i<device.length; i++ ) {
           someDN.setLength(  0 );
           someDN.append(  "cn=" );
           someDN.append(  Cache.indexOf(  device[i] ) );
           someDN.append(  ",  " );
           someDN.append(  headDeviceDN );
           attrDN.add(  someDN.toString(   ) );
           if (  attrDN.size(   )!=0 )
           attrs.put(  attrDN );
           attrs.put(  "objectClass",   "nestRoom" );
           Ldap.createLdapRecord(  path.toString(   ),   attrs );
           }catch(  Exception e ) {
           System.out.println(  "writeRoom: ERROR." );
           throw new WriteLdapException(  e );
           *creates CompositeOU record in LDAP.
     597   static void writeCompositeOU(  CompositeOU composite,   int ID )
           throws WriteLdapException {
           try {
           String descr = composite.getDescription(   );
           String name = composite.getName(   );
           StringBuilder DN = new StringBuilder(  "cn=" );
           Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes(   );
           attrs.put(  "cn",   ""+ID );
           DN.append(  ID );
           DN.append(  ",  " );
           if (  descr!=null )
           attrs.put(  "description",   descr );
           if (  name != null )
           attrs.put(  "ou",   name );
           while (  composite != null ) {
           composite = composite.getParent(   );
           if (  composite != null ) {
           DN.append(  "cn=" );
           DN.append(  Cache.indexOf(  composite ) );
           DN.append(  ",  " );
           DN.append(  headAbstractOUDN );
           attrs.put(  "objectClass",   "nestCompositeOU" );
           Ldap.createLdapRecord(  DN.toString(   ),   attrs );
           }catch(  Exception e ) {
           System.out.println(  "writeCompositeOU: ERROR." );
           throw new WriteLdapException(  e );
           *creates SimpleOU record in LDAP.
     640   static void writeSimpleOU(  SimpleOU simple,   int ID )
           throws WriteLdapException {
           try {
           String name = simple.getName(   );
           String descr = simple.getDescription(   );
           StringBuilder DN = new StringBuilder(   );
           StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder(  "cn="+ID );
           Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes(   );
           attrs.put(  "cn",   ""+ID );
           if (  name!=null )
           attrs.put(  "ou",  name );
           if (  descr!=null )
           attrs.put(  "description",   descr );
           CompositeOU composite = simple.getParent(   );
           while (  composite!=null ) {
           path.append(  ",  cn="+Cache.indexOf(  composite ) );
           composite = composite.getParent(   );
           path.append(  ",  " );
           path.append(  headAbstractOUDN );
           Attribute someDN = new BasicAttribute(  "roomDN" );
           Room[] room = simple.getRooms(   );
           Floor floor = null;
           Building building = null;
           for (  int i=0; i<room.length; i++ ) {
           DN.setLength(  0 );
           DN.append(  "cn=" );
           DN.append(  Cache.indexOf(  room[i] ) );
           floor = room[i].getFloor(   );
           DN.append(  ",  cn=" );
           DN.append(  Cache.indexOf(  floor ) );
           building = floor.getBuilding(   );
           DN.append(  ",  cn=" );
           DN.append(  Cache.indexOf(  building ) );
           DN.append(  ",  " );
           DN.append(  headSpaceUnitDN );
           someDN.add(  DN.toString(   ) );
           if (  someDN.size(   )!=0 )
           attrs.put(  someDN );
           someDN = new BasicAttribute(  "deviceDN" );
           Device[] device = simple.getDevices(   );
           for (  int i=0; i<device.length; i++ ) {
           DN.setLength(  0 );
           DN.append(  "cn=" );
           DN.append(  Cache.indexOf(  device[i] ) );
           DN.append(  ",  " );
           DN.append(  headDeviceDN );
           someDN.add(  DN.toString(   ) );
           if (  someDN.size(   )!=0 )
           attrs.put(  someDN );
           attrs.put(  "objectClass",   "nestSimpleOU" );
           Ldap.createLdapRecord(  path.toString(   ),   attrs );
           }catch(  Exception e ) {
           System.out.println(  "writeSimpleOU: ERROR." );
           throw new WriteLdapException(  e );
           *creates All head records for elements in LDAP.
     715   static void writeHeadDNs(   )
           throws WriteLdapException {
           try {
           Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes(   );
           attrs.put(  "cn",   "AbstractOU" );
           attrs.put(  "description",   "Head DN for Administration unit" );
           attrs.put(  "objectClass",  "nestAbstractOU" );
           Ldap.createLdapRecord(  headAbstractOUDN,   attrs );
           } catch(  NameAlreadyBoundException e ) {}
           try {
           attrs = new BasicAttributes(   );
           attrs.put(  "cn",  "People" );
           attrs.put(  "description",   "Head DN for people" );
           attrs.put(  "objectClass",  "nestPeople" );
           Ldap.createLdapRecord(  headPersonDN,   attrs );
           } catch(  NameAlreadyBoundException e ) {}
           try {
           attrs = new BasicAttributes(   );
           attrs.put(  "cn",  "SpaceUnit" );
           attrs.put(  "description",   "Head DN for Space Unit" );
           attrs.put(  "objectClass",  "nestSpaceUnit" );
           Ldap.createLdapRecord(  headSpaceUnitDN,   attrs );
           } catch(  NameAlreadyBoundException e ) {}
           try {
           attrs = new BasicAttributes(   );
           attrs.put(  "cn",  "NetUnit" );
           attrs.put(  "description",   "Head DN for Net Unit" );
           attrs.put(  "objectClass",  "nestNetUnit" );
           Ldap.createLdapRecord(  headNetUnitDN,   attrs );
           } catch(  NameAlreadyBoundException e ) {}
           try {
           attrs = new BasicAttributes(   );
           attrs.put(  "cn",  "History" );
           attrs.put(  "description",   "Head DN for tranzaction History" );
           attrs.put(  "objectClass",  "nestHistory" );
           Ldap.createLdapRecord(  headHistoryDN,   attrs );
           } catch(  NameAlreadyBoundException e ) {}
           try {
           attrs = new BasicAttributes(   );
           attrs.put(  "cn",  "Devices" );
           attrs.put(  "description",   "Head DN for all devices" );
           attrs.put(  "objectClass",  "nestNetUnit" );
           Ldap.createLdapRecord(  headDeviceDN,   attrs );
           } catch(  NameAlreadyBoundException e ) {}
           attrs = new BasicAttributes(   );
           attrs.put(  "cn",  "Networks" );
           attrs.put(  "description",   "Head DN for all networks" );
           attrs.put(  "objectClass",  "nestNetUnit" );
           Ldap.createLdapRecord(  headNetworkDN,   attrs );
           } catch(  NameAlreadyBoundException e ) {}
           try {
           attrs = new BasicAttributes(   );
           attrs.put(  "cn",  "Link Interfaces" );
           attrs.put(  "description",   "Head DN for all link interfaces" );
           attrs.put(  "objectClass",  "nestNetUnit" );
           Ldap.createLdapRecord(  headLIDN,   attrs );
           } catch(  NameAlreadyBoundException e ) {}
           try {
           attrs = new BasicAttributes(   );
           attrs.put(  "cn",  "Network Interfaces" );
           attrs.put(  "description",   "Head DN for all network interfaces" );
           attrs.put(  "objectClass",  "nestNetUnit" );
           Ldap.createLdapRecord(  headNIDN,   attrs );
           } catch(  NameAlreadyBoundException e ) {}
           }catch(  LdapException e ) {
           (  "writeLdap,   writeHeadDNs: problems in writing headDNs" );
           throw new WriteLdapException(  e );
     806  class WriteLdapException extends Exception {
     807   WriteLdapException(  Exception e ) {
           super (  e );