Annual International Workshop on Advances in Methods of Information and Communication Technology (AMICT'2015)
Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia, Russia
Participation rulesProgram in PDF
May 13, The Main Building of PetrSU.
Registartion. 9:00-9:50 (room 215)
Opening. 10:00-10:30 (room 221)
- Rector, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Voronin Anatoly Viktorovich;
- President of Petrozavodsk State University, Doctor of techical sciences, Professor Victor N. Vasiliev;
Session 1 (Room 221)
- Chair Dr. Iouri A. Boogiavlenskii
- 1. 10:30-11:15
Youtube Revisited
Prof. J. Kangasharju (University of Helsinki, Finland).
presentation - 2. 11:15-12:00
Security architectures of mobile systems
Prof. Valtteri Niemi (University of Helsinki, Finland).
presentation - 12:00-12:30
- Coffee break.
- 3. 12:30-12:50
Ontology-Based Robots Self-Organization in Cyber-Physical Systems
Dr. Alexey Kashevnik, senior researcher, SPIIRAS, senior researcher PetrSU.
presentation - 4. 12:50-13:40
Offloading through Opportunistic Networks / Identifying WiFi Devices
MSc. Otto Waltari (University of Helsinki, Finland).
abstract - 13:40-14:40
- Lunch.
Session 2 (Room 221)
- Chair Prof. Jussi Kangasharju
- 5. 14:40-15:25
Support for configuration of physical products and services
Dr. Juha Tiihonen (University of Helsinki, Finland).
presentation - 6. 15:25-15:55
Interactive graph visualization system and its application in network management
MSc Mikhail Kryshen. (Petrozavodsk State University, Russia).
presentation - 15:55-16:25
- Coffee break.
- 7. 16:25-16:55
Modelling of the Data Flows Structure in the Enterprise ICTinfrastructure
on the Basis of the Object Model of Its Architecture: Use Cases
MSc Alexander. Kolosov (Petrozavodsk State University, Russia).
abstract - 8. 16:55-17:25
GeTS project: Geo2Tag LBS Platform Usage in eTourism
Dr. Kirill Kulakov (Petrozavodsk State University, Russia).
presentation - Chair Prof. Valtteri Niemi.
- 1. 10:00-10:30
Graph Model of an IEEE802.1 Based Network Structure and Its Application
for Enterprise ICTinfrastructure Discovery Modeling Data Flows Hierarchy of an Enterprise Network’s ICT Infrastructure
Anton Andreev (presenter), MSc A. Kolosov, Dr. Iouri Bogoiavlenski (Petrozavodsk State University, Russia).
presentation - 2. 10:30-11:00
Convergence of Discrete Models of TCP Congestion Avoidance.
Dr. Olga Bogoiavlenskaia (Petrozavodsk State University, Russia).
presentation - 3. 11:00-11:30
Laconic Object Query Language Using Features of Object Model
MSc Vyacheslav Dimitrov (Petrozavodsk State University, Russia).
presentation - 11:30-12:00
- Coffee break.
- 4. 12:00-12:30
Design of Semantic Information Broker for Localized Computing Environments in the Internet of Things.
MSc Ivan Galov (presenter), Dr. Aleksandr Lomov, Dr. Dmitry Korzun (Petrozavodsk State University, Russia).
presentation - 5. 12:30-13:00
Enhancing the SmartRoom system with eTourism services.
BSc Sergey Marchenkov, BSc Andrey Vdovenko (presenter), Dr. Dmitry. Korzun (Petrozavodsk State University, Russia).
presentation - 6. 13:00-13:30
Development of a Discussion Service for the SmartRoom System
Andrey Borodulin (presenter), Dr. Dmitry Korzun(Petrozavodsk State University, Russia).
presentation - 13:30-14:30
- Lunch.
- 7. 14:30-15:00
Development of Continuous Heart Function Monitoring Service
Yulia Zavyalova, MSc. Alexander Borodin, Nikolay Lebedev(Petrozavodsk State University, Russia).
presentation - 8. 15:00-15:15
On the Development of Doctor Workplace for CardiaCare Service
Alexey Zakharov, Igor Yamushev, Ilya Vershinin, Andrey Chaplygin, Stepan Salov, Nikolay Lebedev, Yulia Zavyalova, MSc. Alexander Borodin (Petrozavodsk State University, Russia).
presentation - 9. 15:15-15:30
Development of Smartphone Application for Pulmonary Function Testing
Dmitry Baganov, MSc. Alexander Borodin (Petrozavodsk State University, Russia).
presentation - 10. 15:30-15:45
Analysis of TeagerKaiser Energy Operator Pertinence for R Peak Detection in ECG Recordings on a Smartphone
Artem Rudenya, MSc. Alexander Borodin (Petrozavodsk State University, Russia).
presentation - 15:55-16:25
- Coffee break.
- 16:30-16:50
- Round table. Prospects of Future Collaboration.
- 16:50-17:00
- Closing of the seminar.
May 14, The Main Building of PetrSU.
Session 3 (Room 221)
Excursion to Karelian museums