(c) Larry Ewing, Simon Budig, Garrett LeSage
Ó 1994 Ç.

Department of Computer Science

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Ontology-Based Robots Self-Organization in Cyber-Physical Systems

Dr. Alexey Kashevnik, senior researcher, SPIIRAS, senior researcher PetrSU

Self-organising systems are characterised by their capacity to spontaneously (without external control) produce a new organisation in case of environmental changes. These systems are particularly robust, since they adapt to changes, and are able to ensure their own survivability. Self-organization of robots requires cyber-physical infrastructure allowing robots to operate in physical world while their interaction has to be organized in cyber world. Cyber-physical systems rely on communication, computation and control infrastructures consisting of several levels for the two worlds with various resources as sensors, actuators, computational resources, services, etc. Cyber world contains ontology-based formalization of physical world objects. Ontological formalization of robot contains information about it requirements and possibilities. Robot requirements represent the information, which the robot needs for its scenario implementation. Robot possibilities is the information that robots can provide in scope of the considered system. An approach for robots self-organization is based on these formalization models and multi-level ontology matching method that provides semantic interoperability for these robots. It provides possibilities to link of the requirements of one robot with the possibilities of another.