AMICT 2012
Annual International Workshop on Advances in Methods of Information and Communication Technology (AMICT'2012)
Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia, Russia
Participation rulesProgram in PDF
Schedule of Cross-Border University Summer School
Program of the Workshop
May 15, The Main Building of PetrSU (aud. 149)
Registartion. 9:00-9:50 (room 215)
Opening. 10:00-10:15
- Rector, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Voronin Anatoly Viktorovich;
- Professor Jussi Kangasharju, Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki;
- Head of the Department of Computer Science, Dr. Yury A. Bogoyavlensky, Petrozavodsk State University.
Session 1
- Chair Prof. Jussi Kangasharju,
- 1. 10:15-11:00
Apprenticeship-based programming education for everyone!
Authors: A. Vihavainen, Dr. M. Luukkainen and Dr. J. Kurhila (University of Helsinki, Finland).
abstract - 11:00-11:25
- Coffee break.
- 2. 11:25-11:55
Guiding master's students in scientific writing
Author: PhLic T. Niklander (University of Helsinki, Finland).
abstract - 3. 11:55-12:15
Regenerative approach for effective bandwidth simulation
Author: Dr. A. Borodina (IAMR KarSC RAS, Petrozavodsk, Russia).
abstract - 4. 12:15-12:35
Proactive Personalized Mobile Mutli-Blogging Service on Smart-M3
Author: I. Galov (Petrozavodsk State University, Russia). - 12:35-13:30
- Lunch.
Session 2
- Chair Prof. Jussi Kangasharju,
- 5. 13:30-14:00
Redescription Mining: Problem, Algorithm and Applications
Authors: E. Galbrun, Dr. P. Miettinen (Helsinki Institute for Information Technology, Finland).
abstract - 6. 14:00-14:20
Counting k-gons in Finite Projective Planes
Author: A. Voropaev (Petrozavodsk State University, Russia).
abstract - 7. 14:20-14:40
SmartSlog knowledge patterns: initial experimental performance evaluation
Authors: P. Vanag, Dr. D. Korzun (Petrozavodsk State University, Russia).
presentation - 14:40-15:05
- Coffee break.
- 15:15
- CBU school continues.
- 18:00
- Banquet
May 16, The Main Building of PetrSU (aud. 221)
Session 3
- Chair PhLic Tiina Niklander.
- 8. 10:00-10:20
Evaluation of the connectivity constant for the number of Hamiltonian circuits on triangular grid graphs
Author: A. Karavaev (Petrozavodsk State University, Russia).
abstract - 9. 10:20-10:40
Alternative estimators of blocking probability in retrial queuing system
Author: R. Nekrasova (IAMR KarSC RAS, Petrozavodsk, Russia).
abstract - 10. 10:40-11:00
Verification of the stability region of the workload process in a single-wavelength optical buffer
Authors: Dr. E. Morozov (IAMR KarSC RAS, Petrozavodsk, Russia), L. Potakhina (Petrozavodsk State University, Russia).
abstract - 11:00-11:25
- Coffee break.
- 11. 11:25-11:45
Comparison results of arithmetic coders in ECG compression algorithms based on wavelet transform
Authors: A. Borodin, Yu. Zavyalova (Petrozavodsk State University, Russia). - 12. 11:45-12:05
Simulation business intelligence problems using the decision support system based on a system dynamic modelling
Authors: I. Semenov (Petrozavodsk State University, Russia).
abstract - 13. 12:05-12:25
Application for Identified Fires Notification
Authors: I. Sofronova, A. Timonin, A. Kalinin, A. Troshkov, A. Borodin, K, Kulakov (Petrozavodsk State University, Russia). - 12:25-12:35
- Closing the Seminar.