(c) Larry Ewing, Simon Budig, Garrett LeSage
Ó 1994 Ç.

Department of Computer Science

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Transformation of XML-documents with Prolog

Haberland R., Bratchikov I.L. (Saint-Petersburg State University)

Transforming XML documents with conventional XML languages, like XSLT, is disadvantageous because there is too lax abstraction on the target language and it is rather difficult to recognize rule-oriented transformations. Prolog as a programming language of declarative paradigm is especially good for implementation of analysis of formal languages. Prolog seems also to be good for term manipulation [PrologWiki], [Seipel], complex schema-transformation and text retrieval.

In this report an appropriate model for XML documents is proposed, a basic transformation language for Prolog was defined and the expressiveness power was compared with XSLT. The implementations were multi paradigmatic.

[PrologWiki] http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prolog_(Programmiersprache) Downloaded on 15.05.2006
[Seipel] Dietmar Seipel. Processing XML Documents in PROLOG. Proc. 17th Workshop on Logic Programming. WLP2002.