(c) Larry Ewing, Simon Budig, Garrett LeSage
Ó 1994 Ç.

Department of Computer Science

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Detection of Links Between Words in The Task of Syntactic-Semantic Analysis of Russian Texts

Dmitry V. Merkuryev (Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia)

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is one of the most actual tasks of modern computer science. Professor V.A.Tuzov's functional model [1] is an adequate solution for natural language formalisation. This theory is a significant step forward in such areas as information search, question-answering systems, machine translation, speech recognition and others. Syntactic-semantic analyser is the unique working system based on this theory [2]. It allows getting syntactic structure of Russian sentences which matches with their semantic one. The analyzer is able to solve word sence disambiguation problem for the most sentences of journal and even literature Russian texts.

Basic principles of Tuzov's theory are briefly discussed in this report. The detection of links between words is one of the most significant operations of the syntactic-semantic analyser. This operation allows getting right semantic alternative of a word in sentence context. Main aspects of links detection are described in the report. Principles of control and agreement relations (by semantic class, gender, case and number), examples of interaction between different parts of speech are elaborated. It is also shown that links detection operation can be optimized.The report involves experimental results of Russian texts handling and examples of analyzed sentences.

  1. Tuzov V.A. Mathematical model of language. Saint-Petersburg State University Publishing House, 1984, p. 176 (in Russian).
  2. Tuzov V.A. Computer semantics of Russian language. Saint-Petersburg State University Publishing House, 2004, p. 400 (in Russian).