Программа семинара НФИ 2005
17 мая, Урозеро
8:00-8:45. Завтрак (Урозеро)
10:00-10:55. Регистрация
Открытие. 11:00-11:05
Vice-Rector of the University of Petrozavodsk,
Professor Natalia V. Dorshakova;
Department of Computer Science at the University of Helsinki.
Professor Timo Alanko, Dr. hc
Сессия 1.
Chair Professor Timo Alanko, Dr.hc,
Secretary Alexandr V. Borodin.
- 11:10-11:55
On Efficient and TCP/IP-Friendly Link Layers for Wireless WANs
Markku Kojo (University of Helsinki, Finland) - 12:00-12:30
Formalization of UML Statechart Diagrams by Hierarchial Transition Systems
Professor Juha Kortelainen (University of Oulu, Finland) - 12:35-13:20
Design and Implementation of Web Courses
Dr. Teemu Kerola (University of Helsinki, Finland)
13:25-14:05. Обед.
Сессия 2.
Chair Markku Kojo,
Secretary Alexandr V. Borodin.
- 14:10-14:40
Study groups in operating systems course
Dr. Tiina Niklander (University of Helsinki, Finland) - 14:45-15:15
Analytical study of Hi3 infrastructure
Dr. Dmitry G. Korzun (University of Petrozavodsk, Russia) - 15:20-16:05
Bluetooth Network Vulnerability to Disclosure, Integrity and Denial-of-Service Attacks
Keijo Haataja (University of Kuopio, Finland)
16:10-16:25. Кофе.
- 16:30-17:15
Formal and Informal Learning Online
Dr. Jaakko Kurhila (University of Helsinki, Finland) - 17:20-17:45
An Information System for Efficient Estimation of Science Organization Activity
Dr. Andrey A. Korshunov (Moscow State University, Russia) - 17:50-18:15
The Problems of the Formal Languages Theory in the SemiStructured Data Management
Sergey A. Afonin (Moscow State University, Russia)
Стендовые доклады (18:20-18:50)
On justification of quasi-regenerative and A-cycle
approaches to queueing simulation
Alexander V. Belyy, Professor Evsey V. Morozov (Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science, Russia) -
Regenerative Simulation of a Long-Range Dependent Networks
Dmitry V. Bodyonov, Professor Evsey V. Morozov (Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science, Russia) -
Performance Analysis of the 802.11 DCF MAC
Alexandr V. Borodin (University of Petrozavodsk, Russia) -
Simulation of Rare Events with Speed-Up Techniques
Alexandra V. Borodina (Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science, Russia) -
Efficient Data Access in Parallel Systems
Alexandr N. Vodomerov (Moscow State University, Russia) - 16:10-16:30
Building the Document Schemes for SemiStructured Database
Sergey S. Gorelov (Moscow State University, Russia) -
The Support of Automated Business-Processes on the Base of S2S-workflow
Dr. Andrey A. Korshunov (Moscow State University, Russia) -
Characterization of the PetrSU Main Router on
Flow Level
Denis V. Kuharev (University of Petrozavodsk, Russia) -
Complex Model of the User in Adaptive Learning
Environment with Use of XML Technology
Oleg V. Rusanov (University of Petrozavodsk, Russia) -
An alternative approach to TCP performance
Andrey Y. Salo (University of Petrozavodsk, Russia) -
On Optimization Model and Algorithm of Internet Based Systems
Artem V. Zhukov, Dr. Irina V. Aminova, Dr. Vladimir V. Poljakov (University of Petrozavodsk, Russia)
19:00. Банкет
18 мая, Урозеро
9:00-9:40. Завтрак
Сессия 3.
Chair Dr. Yury A. Bogoyavlenskiy,
Secretary Kirill A. Kulakov.
- 10:00-10:45
Applying Formal Concept Analysis to Reverse Engineer Software
Dr. Jukka Viljamaa (University of Helsinki, Finland) - 10:50-11:20
SafeSMS — End-to-end Encryption for SMS Messages
Marko Hassinen (University of Kuopio, Finland)
11:25-11:40. Кофе.
- 11:55-12:40
Trust Management — Concepts and Methodology
Sini Ruohomaa (University of Helsinki, Finland) - 12:45-13:05
On Testing Network Quality of Service Working WithinMPLS Test Network
Vladimir B. Savkin (Moscow State University, Russia) - 13:10-13:35
Models for Inventory Management of Industrial Enterprise in view of Interchangebility of Materials and Variability in Delivery Sizes due to Vehicle Capacities
Dr. Alexandr A. Trofimov (University of Petrozavodsk, Russia)
13:40-14:20. Обед.
Сессия 4.
Chair Professor Juha Kortelainen,
Secretary Kirill A. Kulakov.
- 14:25-14:55
OpenTS as high-performance distributed computing tool
Alexandr N. Vodomerov (Moscow State University, Russia) - 15:00-15:20
Mobile Objects and Distributed References in Open T-system
Ilja M. Konev (Moscow State University, Russia) - 15:25-16:10
Current Trends in Smart Card Research
Olli Vertanen (University of Kuopio, Finland)
16:10-16:40. Кофе, обсуждение и закрытие НФИ 2005.