Публикации семинара НФИ 2000
Document transformation by tree transducers (.pdf, 222 Kb)
Eila Kuikka, Paula Leinonen, Prof. Martti Penttonen
(University of Kuopio, Finland)
Gene Expression - a New Challenge for Data Mining (.pdf, 176 Kb)
Marko Salmenkivi
(University of Helsinki, Finland)
Predictive Software Agents in Pervasive Computing (.pdf, 152 Kb)
Mikko Mäkelä
(University of Helsinki, Finland)
Key Features of the Flow-Based Approach for Analysis of External Channel of a Local Service Provider System (.pdf, 280 Kb)
Dmitry G. Korzoun, Prof. Victor N. Vasiliev, Dr. Yury A. Bogoyavlenskiy
(University of Petrozavodsk, Russia)
The Creation and the Development of the Thematic Web-Site on the Toponymy of the European North of Russia (.pdf, 139 Kb)
Dr. Vladimir T. Vdovitsyn, Dr. Georgy M. Kert, Natalia B. Lugovaya, Julia V. Chuiko
(Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science, Russia)
Availability Planning of the Network Access Server (.pdf, 183 Kb)
Dr. Olga I. Bogoiavlenskaia
(University of Petrozavodsk, Russia)
Grammar-Based Algorithms for Solving Certain Classes of Linear Diophantine Systems in Non-negative Integers (.pdf, 536 Kb)
Dmitry G. Korzoun
(University of Petrozavodsk, Russia)
TCP Performance in the Presence of Congestion and Corruption Losses (.pdf, 384 Kb)
Andrei V. Gurtov
(University of Helsinki, Finland, University of Petrozavodsk, Russia)